The Nile Museum

Egyptian history's most famous queen is Nefertiti, renown for the gorgeous portrait sculpture with elegant neck and classic features.1

Wife of the Pharoah Akenaton, she was accorded the status of riding in her own chariot during the ceremonial procession pictured above.

Nefertiti: the Queen in her Chariot
Akenaton was a lover not a fighter, so you won't find war and hunting scenes glorified in his Armana pagentry.

The above scene in the chapel of Merya at Armana shows the Pharoah and his Queen traveling in separate chariots from the palace to the temple.

The Queen is depicted smaller and follows the Pharoah. Like him, she drives her chariot, whip in hand, absent the usual driver.

Behind the Queen a retinue of princes in chariots and footmen follow, suitably much smaller than the Queen and Pharoah proportionate to their status. The drawings restore long lost details.2

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