This bird is from Australia and New South Wales. It is also known as the Cherry Astrild. The cherry finch is not weak and acclimates itself easily. It is compatible with its own kind and with other species. Their song consists of hardly audible sounds which are followed by a few flute-like calls.

The breeding of these birds  is not difficult, especially in aviarys. They will nest in boxes as well as build their own free standing cone shaped nest and they lay 3-5 eggs and incubate them for 12 days.

The cherry finch needs sprouted spray millet, egg food, ant pupae, and flour worms. They also need traditional food like millet and canary seed.

Sexing them is fairly easy. The cocks plumage is dark crimson red on the brow and front, the crop is black, the upper head is dark brown, his upperside is brown. He also has white diagonal striping on the rump, chin. The upper part of the throat is black, the side of the head is white with partial brown diagonal stripes. The underside is also white with the striping. The hen does not have the black chin and throat spots (now if you can only remember all of that!!).
Cherry Finch
Male on right female on left. Note the black markings on the male.
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