July 16, 2007
Well, here I am waiting.... it always feels like I'm waiting... Waiting for the next ultrasound, waiting to feel baby move again, waiting for some reassurance that everything is going along okay.
I fell a couple of months ago and my tailbone still has not healed. Nights I cannot sleep because I cannot get comfortable and mornings when I wake up I am in extreme pain because of my back and can hardly move because of it. :-(
Looking forward to Wednesday as that is when my next ultrasound is. Hoping for good news. The last one we found a cyst on my left ovarie. :-( Hopefully it has stayed small and will not need surgery. Also my blood pressure is being monitored. No wonder with the job I work and the stress I receive on a daily basis from multitues of people.
I am anxiously awaiting baby. I cannot wait to meet him/her.
Have had one dream in which it was a boy (my first baby dream) but have had three since where it was a little girl...hopefully we find out Wednesday. I need to give this little character a name! :-) (Other than Squishy)
I have been very angry lately and very unsure of what I want.... not sure about anything other than moving home and having this child. It's kind of scary but at the same time I feel brave.
A boy's name has been picked out....changed my mind on the girls name....
All the Old Wives Tales are pointing to it being a girl but, we'll see. As long as it is healthy I really don't have a preference.
It's the year of the Golden Pig in Chinese Astrology...means any children being born this year will have good fortune! :-)
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