Learning French

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Langue francaise

100 French Lessonns

French On Line

Lessons Dicyionary

Lessons, Dicyionary Narod.ru

French-Russian Books on Line

Free Russian-French Lessons


French language guide.com

Numbers, vowels, colors, directions, professions, body parts and more

Learn French Yourself (russian)


French Assimile.


C'est au sommet de Cotonou, en d�cembre 1995, que fut rendue publique la naissance du Dictionnaire Universel Afrique, issu des efforts combin�s de l'AUPELF-UREF (Agence francophone pour l'enseignement sup�rieur et la recherche) et des �ditions Hachette.
English to French Dictionary
English to French Dictionary

WWW Sites

French Yahoo
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws