grayline tour stories
Sunday July 15, 2001  Back to Fredericton, New Brunswick
  Saturday was over and we were starting our way back towards Ontario.  This Sunday morning Pete and I were up early so we headed to Subway for breakfast.  This was my first Subway breakfast experience and it was actually really good.  We got back to the Slump household and Randy and Darren were up and ready to rock.  We had a long drive ahead of us so we hit the road just after the Terror Twins had their morning fix of a Tim Hortons extra large triple triple and a large double double.  Goodbye Halifax!!
   Part way into our drive we decided to give Pete a break from the wheel.  This is rare since it is nerve racking for both Pete and whomever takes the wheel.  Pete is a self proclaimed back seat driver and if it's his van you're driving he doesn't give a fuck if it bothers you.  When on the other end, it is best compared to your drivers test, with Satan as the evaluator.  I would be lucky enough to get to drive.  The one thing that was different about this day was something strange happened to Pete.  He put in a Dead Kennedys CD and then snapped.  He started singing and then got out of his seat.  He was now screaming the words in my face and blocking my view of the road!  He dove onto Randy and Darren in the back seat and started rolling all over them trying to start a pit.  We all were just howling as Pete was quickly going crazy in front of our eyes.  It had to be really entertaining because it was inspiring enough to bring out the goose in Randy.  When he starts laughing really hard this sound like a goose being pelted with rocks starts coming out of his mouth.  It was very entertaining all around except for the fact that I was still trying to drive here.
   We made a pit stop at a roadside market just outside of Fredericton where the mascot was this giant potato.  I was able to get some healthy snacks here as the boys took some interesting pictures with the potato.  My mind was on our performance for the evening because it was very unique to say the least.  We were going to play live to air and internet on the college radio station. 
   We pulled into the school and loaded all of our stuff up to the station.  There was another show happening so we quietly set our stuff up into studio 'D'.  The show running when we got there was really cool and they played a lot of good punk stuff.  The next show however was an East Indian show and the 2 hosts complained about us the whole time.  Nick and Gumby arrived, and they were the guys who set us up to do the live to air show.  We got all the stuff piled in to our tiny room and had a lot of time to sit and wait.  In the Exclaim! magazine there was a great article about the whole DK Jello vs East Bay Ray fiasco.  It was kinda funny since the 4 of us all sat and read the article making little comments about the whole deal.  Boredom must have taken Randy over because he got up and started walkeding towards me.  He pulled out his testicles, squeezed them in his palm and told me to lick his hairy brain!!  I think we were starting to spend a little too much time together. 
   When the Green Dyed Fingernails show started, Randy and Pete went into the on air booth and did an interview since there was not room for all 4 of us.  Darren decided to show them his cock and balls through the glass particion while the said interview was in progress.  This seemed to amuse Pete and Randy but the interviewers Nick and Gumby were a bit shocked to say the least.  It was time to deliverthe goods, so we headed into studio 'D'  and performed an action packed set for whomever was out there listening.  We all got really hot and sweaty in there, especially Randy who had sweat just dripping from his chin and nose.  We were pumping the disc and the new AMP Records compilation tribute to Joey Ramone.  We decided to play "Missing You", the song we recorded for it, but we never bothered to refresh ourselves before the show.  We hadn't played it in months and when it was time can you say... uh, ball of noise?  When the first chorus hit, we all basically went into a panic because it sounded like an airplane taking off.  We got it together by the last chorus, but that tune was rough.  The rest of the set sounded great though and they gave us a burned CD-R copy of it.  A few of the guys we met from our show at The Capital earlier on Tuesday showed up and hung out with us for a bit, while we packed our stuff up.  Darren went to pick up Randy's guitar case and BANG  BOUNCE SPAT!  His prized Gibson SG fell right out onto the hard floor face down.  Randy just grabbed his head and walked away.  Darren felt horrible but upon Randy's return asked him why he didn't shut the locks on the case.  It could have been really bad but luckily the guitar survived with a few minor casualties.  To get the full feeling of this, picture your baby falling face first onto a hard floor.  That is what Randy felt like I'm sure!
  Gumby was nice enough to let us crash at his place that night.  I took my shower and headed out to the van.  Pete had already set up the back speakers and we listened to our set 2 or three times over.  It actually sounded good, with the exception of a little cracking noise.  Check out some of the sound right
HERE on this site to hear the magic for yourself.  If you like it, you'll love Grayline's 'Incinerator' CD that you can order right from the Grayine website.  ORDER NOW!!!  ONLY $12 including shipping!!!
I'm sorry, it's in my blood to sell.
This was going to be one of my highlights of the tour.  When I was trying to book this thing, the opportunity to do the radio show came up and I couldn't pass that over.  We did it just like a live show with lot's of talking and introductions between the songs and we thought it went over well.. um, except for 'Missing You'.  We won't talk about that one though...  We don't know how many people heard it, but it was definitely something that we all enjoyed and we got copies of the show to listen to and we thought it turned out really good.  We listened to it like 50 times in the van during the rest of the tour.

CHSR at campus SUB
getting soundds in the studio
more studio...
over and done
getting the fuck out
Check out excerpts
from the radio show!!
Click Here!!!
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