

. Home  Lesson  Vocabulary

     Choose the correct answer.


  1.   What was the merchant’s nationality?

a.       Portuguese.

b.      Chinese.

c.       Indian.

d.      Japanese.

  2.    How did the merchant travel to Thailand ?

a.   By car.

b.   By train.

c.   By junk.

d.   By boat.


  Why did the merchant travel to Thailand ?

a.     Because he wanted to visit interesting places in Thailand .

b.     Because Thailand was his hometown.

c.     Because he traded along the coast of Thailand.

d.      Because his wife lived in Thailand.


4.    Why did the merchant’s pets escape from the junk?

a.     Because they were ill.

b.     Because they were bored.

c.     Because they wanted to find their food on the land.

d.     Because they were homesick.


  5.    How did the cat and the dog escape from the junk?

a.     They swam across the river.

b.     They hid on another junk.

c.     They walked on the surface of the sea.

d.     They walked across the bridge.


  6.    What is the area that the magic crystal sank called?

a.     Hadsai Kaew.

b.     Had Rampueng.

c.     Koh Maew.

d.     Hin Ta. 



Put a check ( / ) in front of each sentence that is true and a cross (X) if it is not according to the story.

...........a.  The merchant travelled to Thailand for the first time.

...........b.  The magic crystal dropped from the rat’s mouth because 

             the cat wanted to hurt him.

...........c.   The area where the cat drowned is called Koh Noo.

...........d.   In the story, the cat was a faithful animal.


Home  Lesson  Vocabulary 

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