It is here that I intend to provide you with a resource for all the books I've read relating to Wicca and Paganism that I found useful.  Each book entry will include a brief summery and comment on the book, a rating, and a link to find it on  Please be patient with the updates.  If there are any books you would like the recommend that you feel deeply about.  Feel free to e-mail me a review and it may be posted here (please include title, author, review, and rating)
0 Spinning Pentacles = Don't even bother.  The review is barely worth the time to read.
If you're into that sort of thing (cough freak cough). Collectors of crappy books might like it.
Not bad. Some valuable info. Hit the bargain tables and Half-priced stores first.
Fairly well written and relevant. Worth the price but you may only read it once.
Excellent read! Lots of use kinda book.
An absolute must have! Buy this book as soon as you can and get ready for a life changing experience!
Full Contact Magick by Kerr Cuhulain
Disclaimer: These reviews are merely my own opinions and do not reflect the opinions of any other mammal on the planet earth. Take them or leave them as you will.
Wicca/Spirituality Page

Last Updated: 7/17/03
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