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I've added a blend challenge to the site for all you blend makers out there.
To enter a blend, please follow the rules below :::
1) You may either use the pictures that I post up or find some of your choice. The pictures I have posted will appear as thumbnails, but you can click on them to view the actual size. You can use as many pictures as you like, but you must use at least two.
2) Your image must be no bigger than 350x300. On the entries area, I will make them a thumbnail that people can click on to see the full size.
3) The formats for your blend(s) must be .gif, .jpg, or .png. And, please try to make the file size under 250k.
4) You can add quotes of sayings to the image, but please no profanity.
5) When you enter, please put your name in the file. (example: nikki.jpg) And you will need some sort of storage place to put your image. (eg.
6) There will be five award winners. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Superb, & Awesome. If there isn't between three to five entries, then I will wait for 1 week after the deadline and then you will have to try again.
All blend makers will get noticed on the site, even if they don't receive an award.
You will all be notfied when so.
If you have any questions or need help, please contact me at
[email protected]


Blend the way YOU want to blend.  Don't feel like you have to follow current blending trends!  Originality and creativity are the keys to making a great blend, not following what everyone else is doing. Feel free to use lots of brushes, tubes, patterns, colorization, etc.
If you are satisfied with your blend, more than likely, I will be too! :)
Don't panic!  If you can't think of how to you want your blend to look like, work on something else, then come back to your graphic later.  Making a blend should be fun for you, not a chore given.
Above all else, have lots of fun!

Aren't sure on what a blend is? Click on the picture below to see my example.
Please use any of the following pictures for your blend below. Or you can find some of your choice.
Deadline :: will make a deadline when I get some submissions.
Current blend challenge::: The Notebook
Please use the form below to apply!
Make sure you fill out the form completely.



URL of your blend?

Anything else?

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