NIKKI REED ONLINE - - - coming soon!!!

  .:: Welcome ::.

Welcome to Nikki Reed Online, your number one source for Nikki Reed. Here you will find information and facts, pictures, quotes, biography, fan interaction and much more! Please enjoy your visit and come back soon!

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  11.08.04: New Layout, Quick update

Hey everyone! I've made a new layout but it's still kinda of under construction. I will fix it when I get home but right now it's best viewed with a 1024x768 screen resolution. I'm on holiday right now and that's the screen resolution that they have but when I get home I have an 800x600. I'll be back on Friday so I'll update then, but there isn't a ton to update. Again, I apologize for the shitty layout and how it may look on your browser and I hope everyone has a nice summer vacation!

 17.07.04: New Layout, New Stuff!

Hi guys! Here's the new layout I promised. Also I added loads of new sections, new facts, more pictures to the gallery and much more! Browse around and enjoy!

 15.07.04: Quick Update!

Hi guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while but I'm really busy, it's insane! I'll try to update on the weekend if I can. I'm working on the new layout and the gallery and I'm also hoping to switch to a bigger host for more space! Have fun, I'll try to update soon!

 8.07.04: New Stuff!

Hey guys! I've added 1 new affiliate with an awesome Nikki Gallery, also I'm working on a bigger gallery and a new layout! I just had surgery so I need a little R&R.

 26.06.04: Gallery!

Hey guys! I've opened up the gallery, view it under media! I'm so happy about all the attention the site is getting! Keep it up!

 26.06.04: Grand Opening!

I am so bad :P! This is my 8th or 9th site! I just can't stop making them! Anywayz, there was a reason for this one though! I saw Nikki in Thirteen just the other day and I was amazed at her first performance and the fact that she wrote the screenplay helped too! She has amazing talent and there aren't that many sites about her!
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