Chapter 2: The Concert

The day of the concert arrived.  First we went to a Beatles museum called "The Beatles Story", and to Sandy's surprise I actually wanted to listen to the Beatles' music.  Sandy had all of her Beatles CD's with her and she let me listen to them. 

Strangely I felt I had heard them before; I even began to sing along to one. Sandy caught me doing this.

"I thought you never listened to the Beatles! How do you know that song?" she asked incredulously.

"I don't know, maybe I heard it on a commercial or something" I replied, my face flushing with embarrassment.

"But that song is "I've Just Seen A Face", even I have never heard it except for on that record!" She peered at me closely. "They don't even play it on the radio" she added in an almost accusatory tone.

"Well I don't really know then," I said. What I couldn't tell her was that I knew the words to almost all of the songs; I couldn't even explain that to myself, and frankly it was beginning to worry me.  To my relief, Sandy backed down and apologized.

"Ok", she said, "I'm sorry for the 3rd degree.  We better get ready for the concert.  What should I wear?  Something sexy for Sir Paul?"

"Yeah, he's only old enough to be your father, maybe even your grandfather!" I replied with a snort of laughter. Sandy's cheeks flamed.

"Well I don't care, he's still as sexy as hell" she exclaimed.

I had to agree with her, remembering that wink Paul had given me in my "hallucination".  Was I going crazy?  How did I know exactly how Paul McCartney looked when he was young?  I had never looked at pictures of him when he was young.  Sandy had them posted all over her walls, and I avoided going in there because those pictures made me uncomfortable; besides how did I know the words to songs I was almost positive I had never heard until that day?

Somehow I knew that the concert would answer some of my questions, so I began to get ready.  I decided to wear my 60's navy blue wrap around dress. I had found it in my favorite vintage store two days before I left for my trip.  It was conservative but not too conservative; it showed a little cleavage up top, but the skirt went to my knees.  The skirt was just big enough to be swingy and I loved to twirl around in it.  I had been saving the dress to wear if we went to see a play, but it felt right to wear it to the concert.

When Sandy and I had finished getting ready we set off for the Cavern.  When we got there we had to wait in a line to get in.  While we were waiting a man came by, and asked us if we wanted to fill out a prize ticket.  It seems that if you won, you and whomever you were with would get to meet Paul McCartney after the show.  Of course, we each filled one out.

Sandy was excited, hoping that her ticket would be the one drawn.  The man said that if we won, someone would come get us shortly before the concert was over.  I was nervous; if we won I would meet the man that I had seen in a hallucination the day before.  But, deep down I knew that we would win.  Everything was pulling me in the direction of Sir Paul McCartney.

The opening band started to play shortly after we got our seats, but I could not concentrate on them. I couldn't have told you if the lead singer was a man or woman.  Finally the band finished up and got off stage.

We sat for ten minutes waiting for Paul to come out.  It seemed like ages to me.  Then people started clapping and shouting, and I focused my attention on the man that had come out on stage.  As soon as his face came into view, he was changed into a much younger man.  This time my "hallucination" only lasted a couple seconds.  Almost as soon as I saw the young Paul the older Paul was back.

I was amazed at what a good performer he was.  It made me wonder what my problem had been all these years.  Why had I not given this music a chance before?

I was pondering this, when a man approached Sandy and I.  He told us that I had won the prize and that we should follow him. We did as we were told and were brought backstage.  We were told that we could watch the rest of the show from backstage, but as soon as it was over we were to go into a room backstage, where we would wait for Paul to get changed and such, and then he would come and meet us.

When the concert ended we did exactly that.  About twenty minutes later there was a knock on the door and a blond woman came in.

"Mr. McCartney will be here a minute.  But first I need to tell you about a few rules.  You have ten minutes in which to talk to him.  You may ask him any questions and ask him to sign something.  However please keep it at that," she said.

"So that means no attacking him," said Sandy.

The lady smiled and said, "That's correct.  He doesn't need any crazy fans. So, you will behave ladies?"  We both nodded.

Sandy was about to ask her another question when we heard talking outside the door.

"So where are these girls I am to meet?" asked a voice that was unmistakably Paul McCartney's. Not two seconds later Paul was in the room.

He didn't notice me at first because the door was partially blocking me.  So he went to Sandy first.

"Hi.  I'm Paul.  What's your name?" he asked Sandy.

"Sandy" she replied shyly.  This was a shock to me, considering she was never shy.

"Nice to meet you, Sandy.  Where is your friend?  I was told there were two of you," He added in a puzzled tone.

No sooner were the words out of his mouth than I stepped from my hiding place.
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
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