Siddons Family Journal
Current happenings in our lives!!
Entry for December 31, 2008

Hello Everyone~

I hope this finds you all well, happy, and healthy.  We have been very, very if you cannot tell by my 4 month blogging hiatus!!! 

One of my top New Year's resolutions is to do much better, because frankly playing catch up really stinks!

I have been vigorously working on several album projects.  I honestly would have posted earlier but I have been having issues with the album software I use.  I hopefully have everything worked out.  I keep telling Derek that I just really need a new computer!

Well, the kids continue to well.  Ayden is doing great at potty training.  We fell off the wagon for a small while but he has been debuting transformer undies of the big people fashion without accidents!!  Yay!  Brett is still our clown.  Sky is still the resident princess.  Not much new or not much has changed, just overwhelmingly busy with life of two working parents and busy kids!  Dance, soccer, and girl scouts really takes a lot!

We hope the New Year is truly blessed for all of you!  Check back soon, I promise I will have the Albums completely updated by Friday, January 2nd!

Love: The Siddons

2008-12-31 16:09:45 GMT

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