An Ode to the One I Love

An Ode to the One I Love

Sitting here, I recall everything that I once had. Your smile was as bright and warm as the summer sun. Our talks always made me feel as if the world was standing still. The time would pass quickly because we were able to connect as one. I recall looking up at you, and wishing that moment would never end. When we were not together, my heart ached and yearned for the sound of your voice.

Your strong arms, that way from manual labor, holding me was the greatest sensation that I have ever felt. When I was in need, you were there, as a shoulder to cry on, or someone just to listen.

Your maturity and knowledge terrified me, because I was immature and not ready to interpret my feelings. Being young, I did not realize how much I would regret my mistake. If I could change one thing in my life, it would be loosing you. Communication was the basis to our relationship, but I know that I will never be fortunate enough to find that true happiness again. Oh how I yearn to find someone who will treat me like a queen again. I will continue to seek the qualities that you possess. I now realize my mistakes, and would to anything to get into a time machine, to go back and change the past�
� But I cannot.


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