Mah Homies
We are family... and I got all my sis - ahem, I mean everyone - with me... The girls and the boys and all the ones in between.... all caught on cam and frozen for all eternity. Nyah haha.
Illi and Chucky at my 18th bday party. Wasn't that justtttt funn..... we pigged out and then toddled off to dance our collective asses off! Hehe.
Okay, the way this was scanned just STINKS. But it's the only pic I've got where George and Arvy are together - so there they both are, my sexy sistahs right after our high school graduation. Don't they just look fab?  (^_^)
George and me at Padi's Point, having a litle iced tea and watching some rock-n-roll at the Slammin Summer Stomp.
Here's Arvy trying to beat Illi up some summers ago. Snigger. Those were the days... when brandishing clubs were du jour.
Chucky and me at a skywalk in Cebu. He just loves flashing the peace sign...
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