Surprises II

written by Sabene


Michael's smile widens. He leaves the horse to drink and graze, and walks over to Nikita, who flips onto her stomach as he nears her. She takes off her sunglasses and puts them to the side and lays her hands, one on top of the other, under her head, which is turned in Michael's direction.

Michael: "Where?"

Nikita: "" Tossing her arm behind her to point to a spot in the middle of her back.

Michael: "Right here?" Pressing on the spot had pointed to and feeling a large knot in the muscle.

Nikita: Half laughing, half in pain. "Ow! Yes, right there!"

Michael: "Sorry."

Nikita: "It's O.K. Just go easy."

Michael slowly circles his fingers over the knot in her back, pressing ever so gently, so he doesn't hurt her again. As the muscle begins to loosen and relax, he moves his hands in larger circles and massages her whole back. Nikita is in heaven. Not only is the massage loosening her muscles, but Michael's gentle touch is sending mild electricity through her body, and warming her like a blanket. Several small moans emanate from the back of her throat as his hands move slowly and gently over her back. Then, a small laugh bubbles out of her as the reality of the situation hits her.

Michael: "What's so funny?" Never stopping his hands.

Nikita: "Nothing really. It's just..." Hesitating.

Michael: "What?"

Nikita: "It's just...this is kind of strange."

Michael: "What do you mean?"

Nikita: "This. I'm laying in the grass, in the middle of a field, in the middle of the woods, in the middle of nowhere, with you massaging my back. Of all people, 'you' are the one massaging my back. I've never seen you like this. It's nice."

Michael: "Seeing me like this is nice, or having your back massaged is nice?"

Nikita: "Having my back massaged by 'you' is nice."

Michael: Smiling widely. "So it only feels good because 'I'm' doing it?"

Nikita: Grinning. "That's what I said."

Michael: "Well then. How about this?"

Michael moves his hands to continue the massage -but under her shirt.

Michael: "How does this feel?"

Nikita: "Michael, what are you doing?"

Michael: "I'm massaging your back. How does it feel?"

Nikita: "Electric."

Michael laughs quietly, pulling her hair off her neck and leaning down to place a soft, lingering kiss on her neck. He hears as well as sees her catch her breath. He continues to trace her neck and jaw line with butterfly kisses. Nikita slowly breathes out one word with barely a sound.

Nikita: "Michael."

Michael rolls her over slowly towards him, up into his arms, and looks into her eyes.

Michael: "May I ask you a question?"

Nikita: "I suppose."

Michael: "May I kiss you?"

Nikita: "Michael, if you're playing games again, so help me..."

Michael: "I promise you, this is not a game. I don't know how to convince you."

Nikita: "You just did."

Michael: "So...may I?"

Nikita simply nods her head yes. Michael slowly lowers his head and covers her lips with his in a slow, gentle kiss. Nikita didn't even notice her right arm wrap around his back and her left hand glide up his chest to tangle her fingers in his hair. He pulls her closer and the kiss slowly deepens, his tongue sliding between her lips to explore her mouth. Nikita notices quiet sounds coming from both of them as the kiss becomes slightly more urgent. Reluctantly, Michael slowly breaks the kiss, leaving them both breathless. Nikita stifles a wimper as their lips part.

Nikita: "What's wrong?"

Michael: "Nothing. We just can't get carried away."

Nikita: "Why not?"

Pulling him back down to claim a passionate kiss. Michael could feel his control slipping away, so again he breaks the kiss.

Nikita: Disappointed. "Michael. Why not? You can't tell me you don't want it."

Michael: "Yes, I do." Michael lets his eyes do a slow perusal of Nikita's body. "I want you more than anything. I just want to take this slow. I don't want to rush things."

Nikita: Smiling. "I think I could handle that. On one condition."

Michael: Mirroring her smile. "What's that?"

Nikita: "Kiss me again."

Michael: "Any time."

He gives her several tender kisses that barely touch her lips, teasing her, pulling back slightly when she leans forward to deepen them. Finally, she tangles her fingers in the back of his hair and pulls him roughly to her, stealing his lips with a passionate kiss, pushing her tongue past his lips to dance with his.

The afternoon flies by quickly, talking, kissing, laughing, rolling in the grass, and just holding each other silently. Now, they are just sitting quietly. Michael is leaning back up against a tree with his arms around Nikita, who is sitting between his legs with her back to him, her arms folded over his and her head resting back on his left shoulder. Michael is randomly placing kisses on her neck and cheek, occasionally lifting his hand to pull her shirt to the side in order to kiss her shoulder. He happens to glance at his watch and his smile starts to fade. Feeling him tense slightly, Nikita turns her head to look up at him and sees a faint look of disappointment on his face.

Nikita: "What's wrong?"

Michael: "It's about four o'clock. We need to start heading back so that we aren't late for dinner. Our reservations are for six-thirty and it's a forty-five minute ride back to the house."

Nikita's smile fades, but not completely.

Nikita: "That's O.K. Just don't ever forget this afternoon."

Michael: "How could I?"

He puts his right hand under her chin and pulls her into a sensual kiss. They mutually end the kiss, breathless.

Michael: "We should go."

Nikita: "Yeah."

They get up and Michael resaddles the horses. They mount and start the slow trip back to the house. Once there, they unsaddle the horses in the barn and walk back to the house, hand in hand, fingers intertwined. When they arrive at the house, they see Lynn on the back porch drinking iced tea.

Lynn: "How was your ride?" Then noticing that they are holding hands, she grins and adds, "Never mind. I see it went rather well."

Nikita and Michael look at each other, then back at Lynn.

Nikita: "It was wonderful."

Lynn's grin broadens and she looks at Michael.

Michael: "Not 'that' kind of wonderful, Lynn."

Lynn chuckles to herself before changing the subject.

Lynn: "What time is dinner?"

Michael: "We have reservations at The Silver Moon for six-thirty."

Lynn: "The Silver Moon! Wow, what's the occasion?"

Michael: "My two favorite women have finally met each other."

Lynn: "Ah. Wait a second. What time did you say the reservations were for?"

Michael: "Six-thirty."

Lynn: "It takes about thirty minutes to get there. That means we only have an hour to get ready! Come on, Nikita."

Nikita gives Michael a quick kiss and runs up the stairs and follows Lynn into the house. Michael smiles as he shakes his head.

Michael: "I said before and I'll say it again. Women."



Michael is sitting in the living room waiting for the girls to come downstairs. He can hear them upstairs rushing around. Finally, he hears footsteps on the stairs so he gets up and turns around. It's Lynn. She's in a sparkling gold dress. One three inch wide shoulder strap loops over her left shoulder. The other shoulder and her arms are bare, and the dress goes down to her ankles and she is wearing a pair of matching gold shoes. A gold choaker and watch, and a pair of gold stud earrings complete her look.

Michael: Smiling approvingly. "Very nice, Lynn."

Lynn: "Thank you. You look fabulous."

Michael is wearing black dress shoes, very light gray pants, a matching jacket, a dark green silk dress shirt, and no tie.

Michael: "Thank you. Where's Nikita?"

Lynn: "Almost ready. She looks absolutely incredible, Michael. Wait until you see her."

As if on cue, Nikita walks down the stairs. As promised, her dress is blue -light blue satin. It's completely form fitting, with a slit on the left side up to mid thigh. Matching heels add two inches to her height. The top is basic, yet elegant. With a U-shaped neck line in the back, extending to her lower back, and in the front coming down low enough to show just enough cleavage. Her arms are bare, with the exception of a diamond studded watch on her left wrist, and a diamond tennis bracelet on her right. A simple silver chain holds a single silver charm -a dolphin. Her hair is up in a french twist with several small ringlets falling around her face. Michael's mouth involuntarily drops open upon seeing her. Lynn, watching Michael's reaction, playfully puts two of her fingers under his chin and closes his mouth as she laughs to herself. Michael smiles in slight embarrassment, with a quick glance at Lynn, before returning his gaze to Nikita, who has stopped four feet in front of him.

Michael: "You look...angelic, Nikita."

Nikita: Feeling her face begin to flush. "And you look gorgeous, Michael. As always. I love the suit."

Michael: "Are you both ready?"

Both Ladies: "Yes."

Michael: "Then, shall we go?" Motioning to the door. They walk out the door to see a white stretch limo waiting for them, and the chauffeur opens the door from them as they approach.

Lynn: "A limo!? Wow, Michael, you really went all out!"

Nikita simply looks at Michael and smiles, reaching out to take his left hand in her right, lacing their fingers.

Michael: "Ladies first." Motioning for Lynn to enter, then Nikita, still holding his hand. Once all three are inside, the chauffeur closes the door, walks around to get in, and pulls out of the driveway heading the restaurant. Lynn sits with her back to the driver and Michael and Nikita sit facing her, still holding hands.

Nikita: "So, Lynn, how did Michael describe me to you?"

Lynn looks at Michael to see his reaction to the question in order to figure out whether or not she should answer it. Michael notices her questioning look and nods in approval.

Lynn: "When I first asked him to describe you, he only used one word."

Nikita: "What word was that?"

Lynn: "Aphrodite."

A look of mild confusion passes over Nikita's face.

Nikita: "O.K. I know she was a Greek goddess, but which one?"

Michael: "Love and Beauty."

Nikita smiles and leans up against him. He smiles in return, puts his arm around her shoulders, and softly kisses her temple. Lynn smiles warmly at their happiness.

Lynn: "You two are going to have to tell me what happened today."

Michael: "I stopped lying to her...and to myself."

The rest of the ride is made in content silence. When they arrive at the restaurant, the chauffeur walks around and opens the door. Michael exits first and Nikita follows next since Michael has yet to release her hand. He turns and extends his right hand to Lynn to help her out of the car. Michael escorts Lynn on his right side and leaves his fingers interlaced with Nikita's on his left. The restaurant's two doormen open the large double doors for them as they approach, and they enter the beautiful hall as gentle music fills the air. Lynn drops her hand from Michael's arm as they near the desk.

Maitre D': "Monsieur DeMonte. It is a pleasure to see you and your lovely sister again." He kisses Lynn's hand. "And who is this beauty?" He holds his hand out to Nikita to put hers in.

Michael: "This is my girlfriend, Nikita."

Nikita couldn't help but smile. Michael had introduced her as his 'girlfriend!' Nikita gives her hand to the Maitre d' who kisses it politely, and releases it.

Maitre D': "It's pleasure to meet you Nikita. My name is Julien."

Nikita: "It's nice to meet you, Julien."

Maitre D': "Your table is ready. Right this way, please."

Michael gestures Lynn in front of him and the three of them walk to the table, Michael and Nikita still holding hands. The Maitre d' leads them to a square table towards he back wall and pulls out a chair for Lynn, and Michael does so for Nikita. The ladies sit facing each other and Michael sits between them, back to the wall, and facing the door out of habit. Nikita to his right and Lynn to his left.

Julien: Handing them menus. "Would you care to see the wine list?"

Michael: "That won't be necessary. We'll have a bottle of the '59 Lafite Rothschild."

Julien: "Monsieur, are you aware..."

Michael: "Yes, I am."

Julien: "Tres bien, monsieur."

Julien leaves to get the wine.

Nikita: "What was he talking about? Are you aware of what?"

Michael: "Nothing."

Nikita: "Michael, please don't lie to me."

Michael: "It's not important."

Nikita: "Then why won't you tell me?"

Michael: "He was talking about the cost."

Lynn: "How much is it?"

Michael: "You don't want to know."

Lynn: "Yes, I do."

Nikita: "Come on Michael. It can't be that much."

Michael: "Five hundred dollars a bottle."

Nikita: "What!"

Michael: "I told you that you didn't want to know. Before you judge, wait until you try it. Trust me, it's worth every penny."

Julien returns with the wine and pours a sip into one glass, and offers it to Michael to taste. Michael takes the glass and looks at the colors the light makes as it bounces around in the red liquid, then he swallows the sip. He pauses for a second then smiles.

Michael: "Excellente."

Julien smiles and fills the glasses, then sets the bottle down on the table next to Michael.

Michael: "Merci."

Julien: "Will you be needing a few minutes before ordering?"

Michael: "S'il vous plait."

Julien: "Tres bien. Enjoy the wine."

Julien nods politely to the ladies and then leaves.

Michael: Picking up his glass. "Shall we toast?"

Lynn and Nikita pick up their glasses as well.

Lynn: "To what?"

Michael: " relationships." He glances first at Lynn and then briefly locks eyes with Nikita.

Nikita: "To new relationships."

They clink glasses and sip the wine.

Lynn: "Mmm. It's very good."

Nikita: "It is. Then again, it had better be for five hundred dollars a bottle."

Michael: "Worth it? And don't forget, it is a '59. Part of that price is because there isn't exactly a abundant supply of it anymore."

Nikita: "O.K. I'll admit it, it's worth it."

Michael: "Good. Lynn?"

Lynn: "I agree."

Michael: "Good. Now, what would the two of you like to eat?"

Lynn: "I think I'm going to have a filet mignon."

Nikita: "Ooo, that sounds good. I think I'll have the same."

Julien returns to the table.

Julien: "Are you ready to order?"

Michael: "Yes, I believe we are. Both of the ladies have decided on filet mignon, and I will have a London broil.

Julien takes the rest of the order and leaves.

Nikita: "This place is beautiful, Michael. You have excellent taste."

Michael: "Thank you. I'm glad you approve."

Dinner goes smoothly and Julien returns to retrieve the plates and bring the dessert menus. Before he returns to take the dessert orders, Nikita excuses herself to use the restroom.

Lynn: "I have a question for you Michael."

Michael: "Lynnette, I'm not going to tell you what you missed this afternoon. You know that."

Lynn: "Yes, I know." Pause. "Not even a little hint?"

Michael: Smiling. "More than nothing, less than everything. We want to take things slow. All right? Now will you leave it alone?"

Lynn: "You! Take it slow? I don't think so, Michael. I've seen the way you look at each other."

Michael: "No, honestly. We are going to take this slow."

Lynn: "Yeah right. Fifty dollars."

Michael: "What?"

Lynn: "Fifty dollars. It means nothing to either of us, but I bet you that fifty bucks that you won't last one week. If after that one week, you can 'honestly' tell me that the two of you have not made love, then I will give you fifty dollars. If not, then you owe me. Deal?"

Michael: "Lynn, I'm not going to make bets on my love life."

Lynn: "Why? 'Cause you know you'll lose?"

Michael: "I'm not going to lose."

Lynn: "Then why not make the bet. If you're not going to lose, then you're guaranteed to be fifty dollars richer in one week."

Michael: "Fine. You're on."

Lynn: "Good. That's that. Now, what's wrong with you now?"

Michael: "What do you mean?"

Lynn: "Are you going to dance with her? Or are you just going to waste this beautiful music and large dance floor?"

Michael smiles.

Michael: "I came here with 'both' of you, not just her. I'm not..."

Lynn: "Oh, don't you dare say you don't want to leave me alone at the table, because I don't care and you know it. I heard how you introduced her to Julien. You called her your girlfriend. Don't think that I didn't notice, or that she didn't notice. If we leave here -no, if dessert gets here -and you haven't danced with her, I'm going to be 'very' disappointed in you."

Nikita returns to the table and Michael gets up pulls the chair out for her then returns to his seat.

Nikita: "So, did I miss anything important?"

Lynn: "Not really. Just idil conversation really."

As if on cue, a beautiful slow song started playing. Lynn and Michael just look at each other, and Michael knows what Lynn is thinking. When Michael just looks away, Lynn kicks his leg under the table. Surprisingly, Nikita is oblivious to the exchange. Taking the hint, Michael smiles and stands up and stands next to Nikita, extending his hand to her.

Michael: "Would you like to dance, Nikita?"

Nikita looks at Lynn thinking the same thing that Michael had been. She didn't want to leave her sitting alone at the table. Lynn catches the look and just gives her a sly grin and nods her head.

Nikita: "Sure."

Nikita takes Michael's hand and he leads her out to the center of the dance floor. Michael pulls Nikita gently into his arms in classic dance position as they slowly start to turn around each other. Lynn watches as they seem to melt into each other. At first it's just their eyes. They each seem to be drowning in the others eyes. Then Michael's left hand slowly drops lower until he turns it to hold Nikita's hand against his chest. As Lynn continues to watch, Nikita's right hand slides up Michael's chest, around his neck and up into his hair as his left hand traces a line down her arm, her side, and around to her back, pulling her even closer. Lynn couldn't help but laugh to herself. She couldn't tell who was being more affected. It appeared that Michael had started out seducing Nikita and now Lynn is sure that Michael is the one being seduced.

Michael traces random patterns on Nikita's back with his fingers while Nikita combs her fingers through his hair with one hand and traces the outline of his jaw with the other. Michael's left hand then glides up Nikita's back to her neck, pulling her head up next to his, breaking eye contact.

Again, Lynn had to laugh. Nikita and her brother are now dancing cheek to cheek and they couldn't get any closer if they tried. Well, at least not in public. Michael closes is eyes and holds Nikita tighter.

Nikita: Smiling into his neck, and laughing slightly. "Are you 'trying' to crush me?"

Michael: "Sorry."

He loosens his hold a little. Nikita pulls back to look at him.

Nikita: "I didn't say you had to let go."

Michael: "I didn't, and I don't intend to."

Nikita: "Good."

She rests her head on his shoulder. Michael runs his fingers through Nikita's hair, looks into her eyes, smiles and thoughtfully shakes his head.

Nikita: "What?"

Michael: "How do you do this to me?"

Nikita: "How do I do what to you?"

Michael: "This." Briefly squeezing her in his arms. "How do you always seem to...somehow...take each and every one of my defenses, and smash them into oblivion? How do you always get through them, no matter what I do?"

Nikita: "Talent. Come 'ere."

Nikita curls her fingers in Michael's soft hair and pulls him into a deep, long kiss. He holds her tighter and returns the kiss without hesitation. Nikita slowly, and gently breaks the kiss and looks at Michael's face. His eyes are still closed and he doesn't open them as he pulls her closer still, and puts his hand on the back of her head, urging her to rest her head on his shoulder. She does so and closes her eyes. They continue to dance like this until the song is over. When the music stops, Nikita pulls her head back slightly, and Michael reacts by pulling her closer.

Michael: "I don't want to let go. I don't ever want to let you go."

Nikita: "Good. I don't want you to. However, we should go back to your sister at the table eventually."

Michael finally opens his eyes and looks into hers.

Michael: "I know. Come on."

They slowly release each other and walk back to the table holding hands, fingers intertwined. As they reach the table, they both see Lynn grinning.

Lynn: "You two have 'got' to tell me what I missed earlier today. Anyway, dessert just arrived."

Michael and Nikita take their seats, trading hands so they can continue holding hands. The three of them eat their desserts in relative quiet. Michael and Nikita release the others hand long enough to eat. Then Michael immediately reclaims Nikita's hand. The three of them finish dessert and Julien brings the check and gives it to Michael.

Lynn: "Are we ready to leave?"

Michael: "Not quite. I have one more thing I have to do first."

Lynn and Nikita exchange puzzled looks as Michael stands, kisses Nikita's hand and releases it. He looks at Lynn and holds out his left hand to her.

Michael: "You didn't really think I was going to let 'you' leave without dancing. Did you?" He smiles.

Lynn laughed quietly and takes Michael's hand, and Michael looks over at Nikita to see her pleasantly smiling.

Michael: "We'll be right back."

Nikita: "I'll be here."

Michael leads Lynn out to the dance floor, and he spins her gently into his arms and holds her at the respectable distance one would normally dance at with a family member.

Michael: "So?"

Lynn: "So...what? What do you mean?"

Michael: "So what do you think of her?"

Lynn: "What do 'you' think of her, Michael? It doesn't matter what I think."

Michael: "It matters to me, and I would like to know; honestly, what you think of Nikita."

Lynn: "I like her. A lot. It's been a long time since I've seen you so happy, and I think it's because of her."

Michael: "It is because of her, but that's not what I asked you. I asked you 'What you think of her'. Not 'What do you think of the effect she has on me.'"

Lynn: "I told you. I said I like her a lot. The effect she has on you is only 'part' of the reason. A big part, but only part. If she makes you happy, then it really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, says, or does. They aren't going to be able to change that fact. If she truly makes you happy, as I can tell she does, then don't ever let her go, and make sure she knows how you feel about her. Don't make her guess. No woman deserves to be led on blindly, especially if you truly love her. Do you?"

Michael: "I don't know."

Lynn: "You don't know? What do you mean?"

Michael: "I'm not sure what love is anymore, or if I could ever trust myself enough to love again. I know I care about her more than anything in the world, but is that love? Or is love something deeper and more complicated? I just don't know anymore. I used to know. Well, I thought I knew. I'm not even sure if I 'ever' knew what love is. I loved Simone, at least I think I did. But with Nikita it's...I don't know how to explain's...stronger. Does that mean I love her more than I loved Simone? Does it mean I never really loved Simone at all?" His next thought makes him start to laugh. "Or does it just mean that I've finally crossed one to many wires in my head, and I've gone completely insane."

Lynn softly laughs with him.

Lynn: "Well, lets see. Love is different for every person, every time it happens. So there 'is' no loving one person more than another, just differently. I know you loved Simone, so don't question yourself in regards to her. And, I'm not a psychologist, but I think I can safely say that you are not insane. Not completely anyway. You're just confused. You need to sit down for a while and do some soul searching without letting your head get in the way of what your heart is thinking. You do have emotions, you know. You just have to stop burying them so deeply that you can't find them anymore. Anyway, back to your first question. I like her. She's nice."

Michael smiles, cups her face in his hands and puts his forehead on hers for a few seconds before kissing both her cheeks, and then looking at her.

Michael: "Thank you. I needed to hear that."

The song ends, they return to the table, Michael pays the check -refusing to tell the ladies what the total was- and the three of them collect their things and leave. The limo is waiting for them, they get in, and head back to Lynn's.



Nikita and Michael have dressed back into the clothes they wore earlier in the day and Lynn has dressed into casual clothes as well. The three of them are sitting in the living room watching Talk Soup. Lynn is curled up in the chair Michael had been in earlier. Michael is sitting on the sofa with his back against the arm, his left knee bent up and leaning against the back of the sofa, his right foot on the floor, and his arms around Nikita, who is sitting in front of him with her legs stretched out on the sofa and crossed at the ankles. Michael's right hand is on top of Nikita's, with his fingers threaded through hers. His left arm laying lazily on her bare midrift, tracing random patters with his fingers. Nikita's left hand is resting on Michael's bent knee. Lynn and Nikita are laughing hysterically. Michael was laughing as well but more at Lynn and Nikita than at the show.

Michael: "Ladies, this isn't that funny."

Nikita: "What do you mean this isn't funny!? This is great."

Michael: "I didn't say it isn't funny. I said it's not 'that' funny. I mean look at you. The two of you have tears running down your faces 'cause you're laughing so hard."

Nikita: "It's funny!!"

Michael: Laughing. "Yes, it is, but...never mind."

As the show ends, Nikita and Lynn are still wiping tears off their faces.

Lynn: "Well, unlike the two of you, I had a busy day. So, I'm going to head off to bed. Good night."

Nikita: "Good night."

Michael: "See you in the morning."

When Lynn is upstairs, Michael gives Nikita a kiss on the cheek.

Michael: "What now? Want to watch a movie?"

Nikita: "Sure. What do you want to watch?"

Michael: "I don't know. What do you feel like watching?"

Nikita: "I asked you first."

Michael: "So, I asked you second."

Nikita: "O.K. What 'kind' of movie do you want to see? Comedy, Action, Romance, Drama?"

Michael: "How about...a Romantic Comedy?"

Nikita: "Ooo, getting complicated huh? O.K. Let's see what she's got."

Nikita starts to get up, and Michael tightens his grip on her.

Nikita: "If you want me to pick a movie, then you are going to have to let go for a minute."

Michael slowly, reluctantly lets go, and Nikita gets up. She looks at the movies Lynn has lined up in the cabinet and sees one that fits the category. One Fine Day. She pulls it out and shows it to Michael.

Nikita: "How about this?"

Michael: "Lynn says it's good. I've never seen it."

Nikita: "Good. Neither have I."

She pops the tape into the VCR and turns back around to Michael, who has now stretched out on his side on the couch.

Michael: "Come here."

Nikita walks over and lays out on the couch in front of Michael, and he puts his arms around her as the movie starts. Within moments, Michael hears Nikita's breathing grow slow and even and he realizes that she has fallen asleep. He smiles, softly kisses her temple, picks up the remote and turns off the movie, TV and VCR. He pulls the blanket off the back of the couch and covers them with it, then reaches up and turn off the lamp above his head, plunging the room into darkness.

Michael: "Sweet dreams, ma chere."

Lynn stretched in her bed as she woke up. She rolls over and looks at the clock.

Lynn: "Only nine thirty. I wonder if Mikey and his girlfriend are up yet. I bet Michael has already lost our bet."

Lynn laughs slightly and shakes her head as she lazily climbs out of bed. She makes the bed, takes a shower and gets dressed. Lynn walks out into the hall and notices that both Nikita's and Michael's doors are open. She peaks into both of them and sees that they aren't there. The beds haven't even been slept in.

Lynn: "What the...?" Then realization floods over her face. "The couch. They were on the couch when I came up here."

Lynn quietly made her way downstairs. Sure enough, there they were. Michael looks at her as she comes into the room, and then puts a finger to his lips for her to be quiet. They keep their voices to a whisper.

Michael: "She's still asleep."

Lynn: "You two slept down here all night?"

Michael: "We were watching a movie and she fell asleep. I couldn't get up without waking her, so I just turned off the movie and the light and went to sleep."

Lynn smiles and shakes her head. Michael looks at her semi-confused.

Michael: "What's so funny?"

Lynn: "You. Well, the two of you. I mean, look at you. You two look adorable together. She is sound asleep in your arms, and you seem perfectly content to let her stay there forever if she wants to."

Michael: "I am content."

He looks down at the angel he is holding in his arms and smiles, gently pulling her hair out of her face and placing a soft kiss on her temple. Lynn smiles again as she watches him. Then he looks at her like he had suddenly remembered that she was standing there.

Michael: "Do you have anything planned for today?"

Lynn: "No, why? Do you?"

Michael: "No."

Lynn: "Good. Then if you don't mind, I would prefer to just spend the day lounging around and talking."

Michael: "It's fine with me, and I doubt Nikita will mind. She could use the rest."

Lynn: "I can see that."

Lynn and Michael both smile.

Lynn: "Would you like breakfast?"

Michael: "Not yet. I'll make it. I can't eat it until she wakes up anyway, and I have no idea when that will be."

Lynn: Laughing. "O.K."

Lynn went into the kitchen to make her breakfast. Michael simply watches Nikita sleep, gently combing her hair with his fingers and occasionally placing soft, light kisses on her cheek and neck. Lynn glances into the living room.

Michael is looking at Nikita and smiling. She sees the look in his eyes. She has seen it before, when he had looked at Simone. Lynn smiles and can only hope that Michael won't let his loss of Simone keep him from accepting Nikita into his heart. Michael knows that Lynn is watching him, and is about to respond to it when Nikita shifts groggily in his arms, drawing his attention from Lynn. Nikita turns toward him onto her back, places her hand on his chest and opens her eyes slowly.

Nikita: "I fell asleep."

Michael: "I noticed. Did you sleep well?"

Nikita: "Of course I did. Look where I was sleeping." -Looking into his eyes and curling her fingers into his hair.

Michael leans down and covers her lips with an intoxicating kiss. When the kiss breaks, Nikita rolls towards him and leans her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

Nikita: "Mmmm. I could stay like this forever."

Michael: "Good, 'cause I don't intend to let go anytime soon."

He holds her tighter as she slides her right hand under his arm and around to his back. Her other hand resting on his chest, Nikita drifts back to sleep in the comfort and warmth of Michael's embrace. Michael's smile widens, he kisses the top of her head and watches her sleep.

An hour later, Nikita reopens her eyes. Michael has turned on the TV with the remote, and is watching the news. She moves slightly and he immediately looks at her.

Michael: "Good morning...again."

Nikita: "Good morning. What time is it?"

Michael: "About eleven o'clock."

Nikita: "Where is Lynn?"

Michael: "Out by the pool. She had a busy day yesterday, and would like to spend the day just talking. Is that okay with you?"

Nikita: "Sure. I could use a day of rest anyway."

Michael: "I kind of figured that."

Nikita: "We really should get up you know."

Michael: "I know, but that means I have to let go."

Nikita slowly wiggles out of his arms, despite small protests from Michael. She stands up and lazily stretches, and Michael does the same, then wraps his arms around Nikita's waste facing her. Nikita puts her arms around Michael's neck and kisses him. She breaks the kiss and looks into his eyes. Seeing love there, she smiles and gives him a quick kiss.

Nikita: "Lets go swimming."

Nikita pulls out of his arms, takes his hand, pulls him up the stairs, gives him another quick kiss before releasing his hand and heading for her room.

Nikita: "Three minutes."

Then she ducks into her room and closes the door. Michael smiles and goes into his room to change. Once changed, Michael exits his room, and is surprised to see that Nikita is already waiting for him. He feels a slight pang of disappointment to see that she is wearing a plain t-shirt over her bikini, but it disappears as quickly as it had appeared as it registers that the t-shirt is white.

Michael: "Ready?"

Nikita: "Yup."

Michael: "Just let me grab us some towels."

Michael walks into the bathroom to get the towels and Nikita just watches him biting her bottom lip. All he is wearing is a pair of blue shorts, leaving his well toned muscles are exposed for her to devour the sight of. He comes back out slinging one towel over his shoulder and hands her the other.

Michael: "Let's go."

They walk out into the sunlight and Nikita pulls her sunglasses down from the top of her head, covering her eyes. Lynn calls to them from in the pool.

Lynn: "Good morning! I was wondering when the two of you were going to come out here."

Nikita: "I fell back to sleep."

Lynn: "Come on in. The water is great!"

Michael: "Would either of you like something to drink before I get in?"

Lynn: "Lemonade would be great."

Nikita: "That sounds good. I'll go with you."

Michael: "I think I can handle two lemonades by myself. I won't be long. Relax and have some fun. You could use it."

Nikita: "And you can't?"

Michael: "I'll be right back."

Michael gives Nikita a kiss and goes into the house to get the drinks. Nikita walks over to one of the lounge chairs and lays her towel out on it, then walks over to the water and drips her toes in, testing it.

Nikita: "Mmm, it's warm."

Lynn: "Isn't it great?"

Nikita walks back over to her chair, tosses her shirt on it walks up onto the diving board, and dives in.

Nikita: "This is great. It's just what I needed. Listen Lynn, I know you don't get to see Michael very often and I wanted to thank you for letting me tag along this weekend."

Lynn: "You're not tagging along. I wanted you to come. Michael kind of hinted at it, you know, wanting to ask, but not sure how I would react. He had already told me what little I could pry out of him about you. I mean, I assume you know how he is about volunteering information. Well, I jumped at the chance to meet you. I couldn't wait to meet the woman who had somehow managed to drag Michael, kicking and screaming, out of the funk that he had dug himself into after Simone died. I don't know what you did, or how or why you did it, but you've brought him back to life, Nikita. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart for that. I haven't seen him this happy in a long time, too long. You are welcome here anytime, and if you ever need someone to talk to, just call me, I'll make the time.

Nikita: "Thank you. I don't think you can know how much that means to me."

From just inside the house, Michael smiles, having heard the whole conversation. Then he walks out with two glasses of lemonade in his hands. He sets two on the side of the pool and walks back into the house. He returns wearing sunglasses and carrying a third glass of lemonade, a book and his towel. He walks over to the chair next to Nikita's. He sets down his glass and sits down, puts his feet up, puts the towel behind his head like a pillow, and opens his book.

Nikita: "What do you think you are doing?"

Michael: "Relaxing."

Nikita: "Not up there you're not. Get in here!"

Michael: "I will in a little while. We have all day Nikita. Don't rush me, I'll get in."

Nikita: "All right. What are you reading?"

Michael smiles broadly and looks up from the book.

Nikita: "What? You that's a funny question?"

Michael: "No. You just have perfect timing. I was reading those same words, at the same time that you said them. Well, not the exact words, but the meaning was the same. One of the characters is being asked what he is reading."

Nikita: "So what are you reading?"

Michael: "'Words, words, words.'"

Lynn laughs, and Michael smiles again.

Nikita: "O.K. I missed something. Obviously you are reading words, but what are they saying.

Lynn laughs again and Michael chuckles slightly.

Lynn: "That's the next line in what Michael is reading."

Nikita: To Lynn. "You know what it is?"

Lynn: "I figured it out as soon as he quoted it. 'Words, words, words.' Hamlet, act two, scene two."

Michael: "Very good Lynnette."


End of part two...

written by Sabene

Continue on to Surprises, part three

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