written by Tammy

Chapter 8


Madeline looked up as Operations sauntered into her office without permission as usual. His expression was grim. He came up behind her and peered over her shoulder at the images on the screen. Flipping the monitor off, she swung the chair around to face him.

Smiling warmly, she inquired "To what do I owe this visit?"

"Philippe is dead," he said, a sharp edge to his reply.

"What?" Madeline's tone was incredulous, her eyes wide. This was an absolute shock. But then it was also a welcome relief. There would be no need to worry about discovery any longer. "Who assassinated him?"

"He did it himself."

"Suicide. Interesting"

"By car crash, body charred beyond recognition."

The chair swung back around so she could stare at the blank screen. "He's loose." The monotone emotionless voice that came from her lips sent a chill up Operations' spine. He had the same reaction when Michael did it.

Nodding, he started to pace going from the desk to the far side of the room and back again. The action annoyed Madeline. She was trying to fathom the possible ramifications of Philippe L'Araigne unwatched and unconfined.

"When?" The question was short and abrupt.

Knowing the storm that was about to break, Operations braced himself. "Four weeks ago."

Madeline sprung out of her chair and slapped her palms to the desk top. She spit out each word at him. "Four weeks ago! What kind of organization are they running? Are we running? L' Araigne is more than dangerous. Especially to Michael. We'll lose him totally."

"Don't you think he would have struck already? Why wait?"

"Why not? There's no rush. Bide his time and attack when he sees the opportunity. Close quarter Michael now."

"No, he can take care of himself. We call him to close quarters, he will demand a reason. What will you tell him then?"

"Agency orders...quarantine...the need to cool down his relationship with Nikita...something. We need to be proactive."

"We will create a problem where one at the moment doesn't exist. We wait and see. It's safer. My call."

"Then it's your clean up." She walked around the desk and strode out of the office. Operations watched her leave and then stood staring at the closed door.


"How bad was it?"

Michael looked up from his plate to find Nikita contemplating him from where she sat at the table. He shrugged, "I've faced worse than Kaspin." He returned his attention to his plate as he wound more pasta onto his fork.

"I didn't mean Kaspin." Nikita reached out across and tapped the table next to his plate. "I meant her."

He watched her finger as he chewed his food. "Very." He put down his fork and propped his chin on his hands. He stared at the wall opposite the table as he considered what to tell her or more, how to tell her. "She knew all my weaknesses. All my ghosts. She used my past against me. Sometimes I forget how much is buried inside of me. I want to forget it because all it does is make me hate myself. Hate myself for the failure I am in life."

She started to speak. "You're not.." He pushed himself away from the table, grabbing his plate. She winced as she heard him loudly toss it into the steel sink in the kitchen. Then she heard the sliding door in the kitchen slam close.

With a sigh, Nikita got up and brought her own plate into the kitchen. She put it down on the counter and went to follow him out onto the deck. As she rounded the corner to the side by the alcove, a chair flew by along with a strangled scream of fury from Michael. He already had a hold of the other one and started to swing it at the side of the cabin. With strength that came from his fury, he swung it blindly at the wall. It connected with a hard thud.

The force of the hit forced him backwards. He started to swing again when Nikita grabbed it and tried to pull it from his grip. He held fast to it challenging her to wrench it from him before he could swing again. She could feel the adrenalin start to pump through her body. She fought the sudden urge to run. His temper badly frightened her. The violence that he had so long keep under tight, meticulous control was now open to display. But she couldn't desert him again. She knew it was up to her to get him through this and back to where he was before.

"Put the chair down, Michael. Let go."

"I asked you to let go! Did you no! I asked you to finish the job they started in Lyons, did you? No! Why do you keep me here? Do you want to keep torturing me, too? Does it give you pleasure? I NEVER ASKED FOR THINGS TO TURN OUT LIKE THIS! I NEVER ASKED FOR ANY OF THIS! FAILURES ARE USELESS! THEY SHOULD BE CUT LOOSE! DISPOSED OF!" He suddenly let go of the chair and threw himself up against the railing. His arms were wrapped around himself in a defense gesture. Misery was plain on his face.

Nikita staggered back with the chair and set it down. She tried to approach him and hold him put he shoved her way.

"Don't touch me! You love me?! Then back off before I get you killed! It happens to everything I touch! Everything I love! Stop loving me! I'm not worth it. I'm dead inside. I've got no heart and I've got no soul!" He stalked away from her. Nikita followed not willing to let him be alone while in this state. He stormed down the stairs and started to the water. She caught up with him. He ignored her at first. Then as if reconsidering his decision, he stopped and turned on her.

"She put me through hell, o.k.? Things I had buried because of the pain they made me feel. Laid out in front of my eyes to see as if they were all happening again. Do you have any idea the way I feel when I think about what I did to my parents? When I think about what may have happened to my sister? What Simone must have gone through?" His voice started to crack and she noticed that he had started to shake. "When I think of the terror my little boy must have experienced? I don't even know what really happened to him!! Every one of them, I loved them and where are they now?" Nikita remained silent. She was afraid he would take whatever she said in the wrong way. She flinched as he hurled more words at her.

"And what I've put you through. The lies, the tricks, I've put so much before you. But you keep coming back. Like a stray cat. Like I'm something you can't live without. Am I a security blanket to you? Or do you just like to feel the pain I throw your way because you it makes you feel good? Do you think love is suppose to be like what we have going here? Have I warped your view that much?

"Damn it! Don't you have the guts to answer me? Even though you know I've killed them all you're still willing to be even near me! Are you stupid or just ignoring your own instinct for survival? What keeps you here?"

"I made a commitment to you. I'm..."

"Oh that sounds good! Keep the cliches coming. I just enjoy them so much."


"The truth hurts huh? How long till you betray me again? What will cause you to leave me again? Tell me, because I need to know. I need to know what will make you leave me! Isn't this enough to make you run?!"

Nikita grabbed him at this point by the front of the shirt. He tried to shove her away but she refused to let him. "Damn you! Stop it! I never betrayed you! NEVER! I told you I'm not running. Not anymore. I'm going to love you and protect you just like you've protected me! So get over it! You are not going to get rid of me with a little fit like this. Yes I hate how you're acting right now! But it's not going to push me away. I'm not afraid of dying either. I'm here for the duration! Deal with it!" She shoved him away and noticed that the fight had suddenly gone out of him. She reached out to touch him. He brought up his hand to stop her but instead linked fingers with her and brought them to his lips.

"I'm sorry. I'm having a lot of trouble dealing with myself. With my past actions and my memories. I don't want to lose you." His voice cracked with emotion, "Please, mon coeur, help me. Heal me."

"Just let me be with you then. Don't push me away."

He looked at her. His eyes filled with pain, regret and biting memories.

"I'll try," was all he said.

"Michael, you've sacrificed so much for me. I need to return that to you. I owe you that because of everything. But most of all because I love you and that means no matter what I'm here. Take what you need from me. Just let me inside." She stepped closer and pulled her hand away at the same time. She wrapped her arms around him in a fierce hug which he returned. They stood there in their embrace. Each drawing the strength they needed from the other.

Nikita broke the silence, "Martina and I had several very long talks. Some was about you. She gave me the strength to come back here. She told me that forgiving is healing. Michael, forgive yourself. If not for yourself, then for me. This dark eaten up version you have of yourself is wrong. It's not true.

"You're not a shadow. Not a failure. Not a machine. You exist just like another man. You are real. You feel. It hurts like hell and you pull away from it but you still do it. I feel you. I feel what's really inside of you. Not what you try and say is inside of you. You have both a heart and a soul. I know this because I can see them in your eyes, hear them in your words, feel them in your touch. You're emotionally bruised and battered. Some of it is even your own doing. The real you is afraid to be seen, afraid to come out. I can't say that you'll never be hurt again. God, I hope never like that again.

"But if you don't use them, they wither and die. Then you really do become a shadow. You will cease to exist. I refuse to see that happen. I will die trying to keep it from happening. Do you hear me? Do you understand me?"

He nodded. "O.K. teach me how to live again."

Chapter 9


Perry Bauer waited impatiently for the intercom to make its announcement. He looked up at the clock on the wall. 45 minutes late! Request a meeting and then be late! What a way to start an association!

He walked over to the bar and poured himself a shot of whiskey. He downed it and wiped his mouth. The door opened and he turned in response to it. In strode a rather tall man, about 6'2". His hair was completely white and he wore it parted in the middle, short on top and long in the back. His eyes such a dark brown that Bauer thought they were black. His skin was deeply tanned and he was dressed totally in black. Feathery white lines covered his face and throat, made all that more intense by his tan and choice of clothing color.

He looked Bauer up and down, cooly and calmly. "You are Perry Bauer?" His voice was vaguely accented, not a European country but he couldn't place it either.

Bauer answered, "Yeah and you would be?"

A cold smile curved the man's lips. "Philippe L' Araigne."


"Perhaps if I used just my first name it would be easier you. Call me Phil."

"Ah, Phil? Yeah. So what can I do for you?"

Philippe sat down on an upholstered chair, he was tapping an envelope against his shin. "What kind of dealings have you had with a group called 'Section One'? How well do you know them?"

Bauer poured another shot, proffering the bottle to the other man. He shook his head. Bauer downed the shot and set down the glass. He threw himself on the couch, stretching his legs out in front of him. "Yeah I've dealt with them. Been back stabbed by them too. Haven't done anything with them since. Would love to though. Got a little score to settle with two of them."

Philippe tossed the envelope at him. Bauer caught it and opened it. He pulled out two photos. Philippe immediately saw the recognition in his eyes. He smiled again.

"By your expression, I think that you know that young man and the young woman as well."

"Yeah. Peter and Sage...well their 'real' names are Michael and Nikita. Section One's top operatives. The two who set me up and put a big hole in my reputation."

"Yes, Sinh Yiu was rather upset about that mess. He lost a lot of face within his part of the organization. It took me a while to get him back up to speed. I imagine you were also very..."

"You CAN'T imagine. It took a long time to cover up that hole. To think I was taken in by two kids who were barely wet behind the ears. Someday I'd like to teach them how a professional plays the game."

Philippe stood up and walked across the beige and blue oriental carpet to look out the window. The pastoral scene out the window was comforting. His plan would continue seamlessly just as it had been so far. I'm close to you my angel. Can you feel me coming for you yet?

"Mr. Bauer, I take it then that one, you know them and two, you don't mind playing in the grey area. Isn't it amazing that so much in the world is a mixture of the white of good and the black of evil?"

"I guess" mumbled Bauer. He glared at a spot in the rug. He had tried to put the incident out of his mind. But when he got down, it was always there.

"You know I'd love to come face to face with the two of them again. I'll tell you one thing, bud, she was hot. Hero boy wasn't bad either. No, he was damn nice too. I almost had a chance to try her on for size but he was a little too selfish. He had it so bad for her I could almost taste it. Still can. Their little performance kept me going for weeks. I must say..."

L'Araigne tried to keep the disgust from his face. Bauer was a pig. But he was a skillful pig who could get him what he wanted. Let him do the dirty work while I stay in the shadows.

"Pardon me for interrupting an obviously enjoyable memory that you hold of them. But let me make my proposal. Procure them for me. You may keep the girl and the valuable information which she possesses. Just let me have him."

Bauer snorted. "Got plans for him, Phil?"

Philippe turned and looked at without a flicker of emotion anywhere on his face. "We have some things from our past that need to be taken care of before too much more time passes. Do I have your cooperation?"

It was Bauer's turn to stand and he walked over to Philippe and stood in front of him. His arms folded across his chest. "I haven't heard anything about money just the "valuable information" that Nikita is suppose to have."

"Have you heard of 'The Directory" in your dealings with Section One?" Bauer nodded yes and he went on. "There are two forms of that. One which has been missing for quite some time now is the one that lists all their operatives world wide. Though they have developed another. The second one lists all of their deep cover, long term operatives. Release of the information from that could not only topple or cripple MANY of the world's modern governments but make the possessor of such a thing a very wealthy man if he sold it piecemeal."

"You're very right. But what makes you think she hasn't already turned that info over to them."

Philippe smiled, "She doesn't know she has it. No one now but you and I do. Obtain Michael and Nikita for me. I will take him and that will leave you with the object of your fantasies and information to make you just about the most powerful man in the world. Do we have an agreement?"

"Why don't you want the info yourself?"

"That is not the kind of power I am interested in or want. My desire is something on another plane of being, Mr Bauer. The details of which would only bore you. So my good man, do you agree to my proposal?"

Bauer stuck out his hand. He was in. "Let's shake on it Phil. Nice to be doing business." They both smiled at each other. Neither trusted the other but together each would get what they wanted.

Chapter 10


Michael walked into Section One feeling more at ease with himself than he had in weeks. A weight had been lifted off him by Nikita's return and the time they had spent together. They had talked deep into the night. About his childhood, his parents and sister, his time within Red Cell. Every time he had made the move towards her past, she had skillfully steered him away. The last attempt he made, he been like a dog with a bone. He refused to let her get him off the subject. She had started kissing him then and they wound up making love instead. She had left then to return to her apartment "to make things look normal" when she showed up at the Section.

He had not been able to sleep after she left, the cabin had seemed dull and empty. He had taken his time coming here though. He wanted to make sure that they would not arrive at the same time. He went right to Systems to check up on things. And even though it was only 7:15, Birkhoff was already hard at work.

He offered Michael a gruff "Good morning" and immediately went back to his work. Michael took a proffered mug of coffee from Birkhoff's assistant, Caroline who mouthed at him "real bad mood this morning." He had lifted his eyebrows in question and she only shrugged back in answer. He decided to take on the bear.

"What's wrong this morning, Birkhoff?" Michael asked as he sat down in a chair next to the younger man.

Birkhoff regarded him over the top of his glasses and started to say "Nothing for yo.." He stopped in mid-sentence as two figures approaching caught his attention. Michael followed his gaze and found Madeline coming towards them with Nikita. "Nikita!" Birkhoff said excitedly as he got up.

Nikita greeted him with a warm smile and said "Hi Seymour."

He wrinkled his nose in distaste. He was not overly fond of his first name.

"Glad you're back. Safe and in one piece. We missed you around here."

"It's good to be back." She turned her eyes to Michael. They regarded each other coolly, hiding the knowledge of the events of the past two days from everyone else. "Hello, Michael"

"Hello, Nikita. It is good to have you back. I am sorry about Martina."

"Thank you. Perhaps I might be able to shed some light on the situation."

Madeline spoke up then. "We can discuss that later. Right now Operations would like to see the two of you in his office." She stepped aside and put out her arm. "Michael, Nikita."

After a brief glance at each other again, they solemnly followed Madeline's directive. Birkhoff waited until all three had turned their backs to Systems to look over at Caroline. They both shrugged. Birkhoff knew she had been back at least a day if not more. And he had a pretty good idea where she had been too. Michael was just too settled. He was almost happy. Problems were resolved at the moment. For how long was anybody's guess when it came to Michael and Nikita.


Michael and Nikita stood side by side as Operations coldly looked over the two of them.

"I'm not going to mince words here. I have a very bad taste in my mouth over the arrangement that you two have together. It make me very uncomfortable and as you know I don't like to be uncomfortable. However against my better judgement, I will allow it to continue."

Nikita started to speak, "Allo..."

Operations didn't let her finish. Inwardly Michael flinch at Operations harsh tone. "You will just listen Nikita! Keep your mouth shut!"

She looked at him with wide eyes but a closed mouth.

"Due to the amount of time you two have spent as partners in the field, the line that should be between the two of you have become rather blurred. From what has been shoved down my throat, you have some kind of connection to each other of which this relationship is an extension.

"I don't want to delve into what form it is at the moment. Suffice to say that it works for us in our current mode of operations. I do warn you both and this is not a threat but a promise. If it is no longer works for us or I sense that the relationship is being put before the well being of the Section; one of you will be gone. It's as simple as that. Questions from either of you? Good, I'm going to breakfast."

He strode out of the office taking Madeline with him. Michael turned so that his back was to the glass and looked at Nikita. She offered him a small smile.

"I feel a little like I just put my head in and out of a lion's mouth," she said softly

Michael's eyes softened a little in response to her own smile and words.

"We still need to be careful." They both said at the same time. This time he smiled too and put out his hand.

"We can be seen from down below. We should shake hands as if we are reaching an accord. Make it look like we were receiving a "work together or else" lecture."

"Good idea." Nikita extend hers and placed it in Michael's. He looked down at their joined hands and then up as he felt her rub her thumb on his. Their eyes locked and he saw her feelings revealed for a split second before she covered them up. He broke the gaze before he broke into a smile or worse.

Perhaps things were going to be alright after all. Suddenly he felt Nikita's arm and hand tense. He turned to see what she was watching so intently in the open space beneath them.

And he got one heck of a surprise. Perry Bauer was warmly greeting Operations and Madeline. Beside him, he could hear Nikita hiss, "What's that bastard doing here?" He had no idea and answered her question with silence as they both watched Bauer with Operations and Madeline below.

Michael could feel the tension radiating from Nikita. The fear from your first few missions never left you. And he could sense that in her now. Their lives as well as those of many others had been endangered by the man below them. Bauer had been one of those that played both sides of the fence. He worked either side of the fence. Playing both on the side of right and then on wrong. Something that Nikita was still not entirely comfortable with even though she did the same. He looked back over his shoulder at her. Her face was like stone but her eyes were burning with blue fire.

"Nikita, we don't know what's going on. Let it go until we do." He got no response from her. He turned and grabbed her chin, forcing her gaze up to his. "Focus on me now! Let it go until we know all the facts!"

She narrowed her eyes as she looked into his. Her jaw was set and he could feel her defiance bubbling up. Michael purposely cleared his own expression while keeping his eyes focused on hers. "You can do it." he said to her in a slow even tone. "Let it go." She brushed his hand away and turned from him but not before he caught sight of her expression. It was as empty as his own. He followed her from the room.

Neither had noticed the attention that Perry had paid to them. He was glad to see that they were both still alive as well as together it seemed. The blue knit dress she had been wearing only tantalized him more. It fit her as he wished he could have the opportunity to do. Everything looked just right. He watched the way the man with her had touched her.

Though his back was the glass, Bauer knew it was Michael. He well remembered the operative's physique, hard to forget actually. To Bauer it seemed possessive the way Michael had forced her attention back to himself. Almost as if he was jealous of the attention that Nikita was paying to him instead of to Michael. Bauer turned his own attention back to Madeline and Operations, flashing his smile.

"Pardon me, Madeline, you were saying?"

Nikita followed Michael down to Systems. She stayed several paces behind him, letting him shield her from Bauer. He disgusted her and she didn't want anything to do with him. She could tell by Michael's body language that he was not thrilled with Bauer's sudden appearance either. Her skin still crawled with the memories of the last time she had seen him and what he had wanted from her and then when that didn't happen what he had wanted from her and Michael. She fingered the ring on her hand. She remembered her feelings and impressions from that mission and they greatly unsettled her. It had sent her on a parallel road to the main one of her life that she was only now understanding the twists and turns to.

Michael was not anymore at ease than Nikita was. He harboured distrust for Bauer combined with a large amount of loathing. The bastard had made no secret of his desire for Nikita and he didn't care how it was fulfilled. Michael had also noticed the glances Bauer had thrown his way. He ignored the discomfort they gave him. He could deal with Bauer's come on if he had to, Nikita on the other hand worried him. He knew she would only get so far before either blowing up or breaking down. Neither scenario pleased him.

He remembered their encounter with Bauer and what had almost happened. It was there Nikita and he had both realized their mutual attraction. He had realized its danger too. He had been distracted by what was being forced to be shown between the two of them. He had felt both relief and unbelievable frustration when the explosive went off and he was able to exit that room. But when he had come back into the room and saw Bauer with the gun aimed at Nikita, he had almost lost control. If it hadn't been for the bomb and their need to find it, Bauer would have been dead. Damn the consequences he would have faced back at the Section.

Michael stopped just short of the trio at the edge of Systems. He could sense Nikita's eyes over his shoulders as she watched them too. Madeline acknowledged their presence by turning towards them. Nikita noticed the split second of warning in her expression before one of her trademark smiles replaced it. Operations followed Madeline's lead by looking over at Michael and Nikita.

Operations held out his arm in a beckoning gesture to Michael, who stepped forward while trying to determine the role he was going to play here. Madeline watched his face and eyes for a clue as to what was going on behind his blank expression. There was none. He had mastered himself again, his mask exactly where it needed to be ready to be molded to the situation. She noticed Nikita held back. Her expression almost mirrored Michael's. Madeline knew that Nikita was playing the role of observer right now and was positive that as soon as she could, those observations would be shared with Michael.

"Perry, I think you'll remember Michael from your encounter last year. I think you'll recall him as 'Peter'."

Bauer turned an easy smile on Michael, appreciation in his eyes. "Yeah Oscar you don't forget somebody like him." He immediately shifted his eyes over Michael's shoulder to Nikita. She didn't react, merely looked at him. Bauer moved towards her,

"And you certainly don't forget a dish like Sage either." He reached down and grabbed her hand. He lifted it to his lips, turned it palm up and kissed it wetly. Slowly he slide his tongue up the middle of it to a finger which he slipped into to the bottom and then just as slowly slide back out. "Hello gorgeous."

Madeline had been watching Michael out of the corner of her eye as the exchange began. He didn't move, but she could see the rage flicker in his eyes and the way he rubbed the fingers of his right hand together. She knew he wanted to grab Bauer away from Nikita but he kept his distance. Nikita could handle herself.

Nikita held down the bile in her throat. Her skin felt like it was trying to crawl off her body. She yanked her hand away from him and wiped it in disgust on her dress. She leveled her eyes on Bauer. Careful to keep them expressionless she said calmly, "Thank you for your assistance but I've already washed my hands this morning. If I missed something, I'll get it later, Rover."

Madeline had to turn her face away at the remark. Nikita had a way with wording insults that was superb. Operations' face almost fell. He didn't mind Nikita telling Bauer to back off but the method was downright insulting. Bauer however was enjoying the putdown. He broke into a hearty laugh and clapped Michael on the shoulder.

"Yeah, Mikey, Sage still does great things with that mouth of hers. Doesn't she, boy?" He arched an eyebrow at Michael.

"Her name is Nikita." Michael's tone was low and almost instructional.

Operations could see that things were becoming unhinged so he drew Bauer's attention back to himself. "Perry, you said you had some information I might find interesting..."

Bauer nodded as focused on Operations again. "Yes I do. It's about L-virus." He rubbed his chin while he looked over Michael and Nikita again. "You two might be interested in it too. Mind if they sit in on it Oscar?

With a smile frozen on his face, Operations said, "Of course not Perry. Shall we go back up to my office?" He motioned to his loft with his hand.

Madeline moved first. She got next to Nikita and pushed the younger woman ahead of her. Michael fell in line behind Madeline. Bauer smiled and joined the procession. As they passed Systems, Operations signaled Birkhoff. He made a circular motion with his finger in the air. Birkhoff nodded. The boss' instructions were clear to him. Tape the meeting.

They filed into Operations' office rather quietly. Michael's curiosity had been stirred. Info on L-virus especially was interesting now in light of Christine's findings on the box Kaspin had used on the water pipe. He leaned against the railing that ran along the glass and watched Bauer enter the room with Operations. He looked to the floor to hide his glance to Nikita. She had leaned into a corner, keeping her own eyes to the floor.

Nikita knew Michael was looking her way. She lifted her head and shook her hair backwards. Acting as if she was uncomfortable in the corner, she moved over closer to him. She leaned against the railing also and then folded her arms across her chest. All eyes fixed on Bauer as he begun to tell them his information. His story boiled down to coming upon the information in the process of procuring some canisters of another DX nerve gas for a small concern in Tripoli. They had not been able to afford his entire fee so they had bartered part of it with the information. Bauer paced the room as he spun out his tale.

Bauer was enjoying playing his role here. He liked having everyone's undivided attention. Especially Nikita's. He ambled over next to her at one point and put his arm around her shoulders. Casually he rubbed a finger along the side of her neck. He felt a small tremour in her body and almost broke into a smile and lost the place in his story. He was having an effect on her. He reveled in the knowledge of it.

Nikita thought she was going to physically ill. Again her skin crawled where he touched her. In disgust she pushed his arm away and moved over to the other side of Michael. She cast a glance over at Madeline, who inclined her head slightly and lowered her eyes. Nikita knew she would get no help from her. She didn't bother to look at Michael. She knew he felt had to maintain his distance. Next she looked over at Operations. He ignored her.

Suddenly she knew Bauer was next to her again. This time his arm was around her waist. His fingers digging in the material of her dress. What was he doing? Then she felt him hook his thumb on the waist band of her...That was it. She cast a swift look at Michael. He didn't say yes. He didn't say no and that was all she needed. She grabbed Bauer's hand and locked his thumb.

Bauer found himself in the space of a breath kissing the glass instead of holding Nikita. Then he heard her hiss in his ear.

"Touch me one more time and I will break one by one in two places each and every one of your fingers." She shoved his backwards twisted arm higher up his back. "Do I make myself understood?"

He was enjoying this too much to feel a lot of the pain. All he was aware of was her body up against his. Then he discovered he had made a mistake. He should have answered her. With her free hand she grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled backwards on it as she shoved his arm even higher.

"I didn't hear your answer!"

"I would probably give her one Bauer. Another two inches I guess and she will break your arm as well as dislocate your shoulder." Michael had spoken softly. Nikita responded by pushing up on his arm a little more and pulling his hair harder. Bauer gave a little sound of pain.

"Call her off, Mikey. She's really hurting me." Bauer had expected Operations or at least Madeline to intercede on his behalf but that had not materialized. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Michael shake his head.

"I didn't call her on."

"All right doll. You win, hands off!"

Nikita didn't let go. She had made her point but the 'Mikey' had to stop too. "And his name is Michael and mine is Nikita. Use them!" She shoved him forward so his face hit the glass as she let go. She looked around the room. "I'm outta here." She stalked out.

Bauer let out a laugh. "Boy, does she get hot!" He threw an arm around Michael's shoulders while rubbing the back of his head where Nikita had grabbed his hair. "She must be a bitch to work with. But hot to play with. Right, Michael?"

Michael shifted uncomfortably under Bauer's arm. He wanted nothing more at the moment then to punch the man in the face but he restrained himself. In the place they were now it would gain him nothing, if they were alone well; so he instead said, "We work well together. I am glad when we get to work as partners."

Operations cleared his throat and arched an eyebrow at Bauer. "As you were telling us..."

Chapter 11


The cold water felt good to swallow; almost as much as it had punching the bag. Nikita tilted her head back against the wall where she sat and watched Simon through lowered lids. He muttered quietly to himself, a curse here and there as he worked to reattach the bag to its wire. With a satisfied grunt she heard him smack it with one of his fists. She fully opened one eye and flashed him a big smile.

"My hero! Thank you!"

"Ah hum." He said in his deep voice. "Leave it one piece this time, princess, O.K.?"

"She'll try." Nikita opened her eyes to stare up at Michael who stood leaning against the wall looking down at her. She rolled her eyes at him and closed them again, leveling her head back against the wall.

"Good. In the meantime considering your name was used in vain during the beating of this bag I will leave. Hope you stay in one piece, bud."

"Thank you. And for the warning too." Michael watched Simon leave and then looked back down at Nikita. She still had her eyes closed and was taking another long drink from the bottle of water in her hand. "So why am I in trouble?"

"Is he gone? And do you have to ask?"

"Yes." He paused, replaying events in his head. "Not helping?"

"Oh, he has a clue!" She stretched her back and opened her eyes again. She saw the mocking smile on his face. He was really annoying her.

With an exasperated sigh, she stood up and went back to the bag. Bending over to grab her gloves, she tossed the bottle full force at him. He caught it easily and put it on the floor. She continued to glare at him while adjusting the gloves.

She let her eyes travel up and down his body. He had also changed into workout clothes. He had close fitting deep navy blue pants and a form fitting white tank cotton top. It looked good on him, a little too good. She quickly looked away, biting her lower lip. She had to wonder if he was deliberately teasing her...well of course he is. He's playing the little answer a question with a question game, isn't he?

Michael walked over to the bag and held it as she punched at it. Some time passed in silence. He kept his eyes on her, trying to figure out what would be the right thing to say. He decided that neutral would be best because she still wouldn't meet his eyes.

"What were you talking to Madeline about so early this morning?"

"New responsibilities."


"I'll be doing some of the training and taking on some of your reports you've been working on. Operations wants to lighten up on your workload a little. He figures since I was doing similar work with Martina, there's no reason why I shouldn't continue it here."


"Is there a problem with that?" She punched the bag hard, he easily absorbed the impact.

"No, but enjoy the paperwork," he said as he shrugged.

"I would have appreciated a hand with him." She hit the bag even harder. He didn't appear to notice.

"And appeared weak in front of him?" Michael suggested as he adjusted his hold on the bag. Nikita lowered her hands and stared at him.

"Don't give me that bull shit! He was going too far and you know it!" This time she kicked the bag. Michael staggered back a bit, not having been entirely prepared for her move. Suddenly her hand snapped forward along the outside of the bag. Only Michael's quick instincts and reflexes saved his nose. He caught her wrist and held it against the bag. As he was about to comment on Bauer again, he found himself on his back looking up at the ceiling. He felt her straddle his waist and place her gloved hands right in front of where his kidneys were.

He shifted his head to look down his body and met her angry eyes. Maybe he should have said something to Bauer. But he had been positive that she could and as she usually did, want to handle it herself. Yes, the man had been way too forward with her and yes, it had made him angry to see Bauer's actions. But just because they had managed to reach a plateau in their relationship, he was not going to change the way he treated her. It would be noticed and commented upon.

Besides, she would wind up throwing it back in his face during an argument. He would not kid himself on that point either. They still had a lot of differences between them and saying how they felt about each other was not going to gloss them over or make them go away. Right now they were in a transitional phase, adjusting to the feel of their relationship. Even more than they had their first time together. They'd made a commitment and he was absolutely sure neither of them wanted to jeopardize it.

He watched her carefully. For the first time in a long while, he was unsure what she was going to do. Her expression was totally unreadable. He rested his hands on her hips, ready to defend himself if he had to. He knew she was upset with him but the question was, how far she would take it. Then just as abruptly as she had tossed him on his back, she smiled. Gently she cuffed him on the chin, a look of triumphant in her eyes.

"Gotcha!" Nikita felt imminently self-satisfied. He hadn't expected her move and had easily ended up on his back. He had be unable as well to figure out what she was up to. He made her feel like she had accomplished something by duping him. Besides, she liked the feel of him under her and his hands on her hips. She acknowledged the splattering of applause from others present in the room, taking her eyes for his face for a split second.

That small distraction was all Michael needed. Nikita's head hit the mat with a definitive 'whap'. She winced as she hit, closing her eyes in response to the impact. Never take your eyes off your opponent she thought, silently admitting her mistake. Now their positions were completely reversed. She hoped he would be as nice to her as she had been to him. She opened her eyes to look up at him, only his face was a lot closer than she had anticipated.

He had her wrists pinned to the mat, level with her shoulders. There was no discernable expression on his face or look in his eyes. Belligerently she said to herself, Go ahead smirk you s.o.b.! I know you want to! She arched an eyebrow at him, waiting for a comment as she heard several snickers around the room now.

Michael leaned closer, pressing his hips into hers and thus deeper into the mat. Softly he whispered, "And I've got you." His accent was thick as he emphasized each word. She was glad he was close to her face so others couldn't see his eyes. They told her he was thinking. Thoughts that were not so different from her own. For a moment she was worried. Would the relationship interfere with...oh to hell with it.

He knew that she understood his message by her subtle adjustment of her hips under him. They were playing dangerously here but he couldn't pull away from the flame. It was too damn hot and attractive to ignore. He was a moth and she was a candle. He had to pull back before he got burned. He let go of her wrists and shifted off her hips and onto the mat. Then he got to his knees. He didn't trust standing up at the moment. She laid there looking at him, disappointment flickered on her face.

He had on the tip of his tongue to say one thing but thoughts in his head came instead, "Another place.." He stopped himself, wishing at that moment that he could bite his tongue. He shook his head, rolling his eyes. He leaned back on his heels and let out a deep breath he hadn't realized he was holding.

A broad smile spread over Nikita's lips as she sat up. "Yes?"

"Two mistakes." He helped her to her feet, making sure she stood in front of him for just a few more seconds.

She pouted quickly and then frowned. "I know." She put a glove on her hip and then stuck one up in the air. She made a gesture as if sticking two fingers up in the air. "Wait, two?" Realizing she still had the glove on, she quickly put that one on her hip as well. Laughter glinted in Michael's eyes. "Only thing I did was take my eyes off of you!" She retorted to the laughter in his eyes.

"You weren't paying any attention to my hands either," he said as he slapped at one elbow. "That was number 2. Always watch the hands. Between eyes and body language you should be able to tell what's going to happen next. I thought you knew that by now."

Nikita dropped her chin and looked at him coyly, "I do." With a giggle she stripped off the gloves and threw them at him. "I'm hitting the shower then heading home. My cupboards are so bare that Old Mother Hubbard would be ashamed." She hoped Michael understood what she was trying to convey. She'd find out later if she heard a knock on her apartment door.

Turning, she came toe to toe with Operations. Her heart sunk at his words.

"They'll have to stay that way. Close quarters standby. Bauer's info seems to be viable. We've gotten intel that says the buy will go through in the next 24 hours. Make yourselves comfortable." And with that he left.

Nikita looked over her shoulder at Michael. His good mood had fled just as rapidly as her own. With a sigh, she scratched at the back of her neck.

"Well I guess the shower's still o.k." She gave him a half smile which was returned as a blink and a set jaw. Sighing again and rolling her eyes, she started to leave. Behind her she heard the sound of the leather bag being hit and the snapping of its tether wire again. Simon would be fit to be tied when he found out about that.

Chapter 12


Boredom had set in more rapidly than ever before. With a sigh, she paced down the hall to Systems. There had to be at least 4 missions going on so Michael and Birkhoff had their hands full with that. Even Walter was assisting, but due to her recent return, she couldn't be a help with any of them because they were all long term. She had caught Michael's attention but he had shaken his head no and went back to the task at hand. She had listened for a while but felt lost. So she wandered away from there too.

She didn't feel like working out again. There wasn't any training going on at this time in the afternoon either. Reading or listening to music was out of the question. She felt too restless. She had even gotten desperate enough to seek out Madeline. She was still closeted with Operations in a meeting. Nikita decided to go to the strategy room for a while and look over missions that were still in beginning stages, just to familiarize herself with what was going on. There was nothing new there either. Most of the missions appeared to be those that had started with Martina's area.

She had fingered the charm at her throat as she read the reports about the Israeli substation. She resisted the urge to cry. Tears are the heart's way of watering down the brain's power. Give in to them sparingly. Use them once in a while to water the soul and keep it fresh. Martina's words hung over her head as she ran through some of the profiles that had been made up about the compromise. Most boiled down to unknown infiltrators with inside information about security protocol for the substation. The obtaining of information or something similar seemed to have been the reason.

All operatives were dead, for some reason they had been on close quarters stand by. Lewisite had been used. The substation had been ransacked. Somehow Martina had survived the nerve gas but not the torture that followed. What information were we hiding? What could have been so vital to someone that they would do this? Nikita could think of nothing she had seen in the past few months that would have been so important. She closed her eyes in silent prayer for Martina. She had been a good woman. She had given Nikita a role model on which to focus. Martina had long ago learned to focus the energy her emotions needed into other areas. Unlike Michael though, she didn't shut them down, just used them in a different way. She had tried to show that to Nikita. She understood the theory but it was the putting into practice that Nikita had trouble with.

Martina had given her a lot of pointers on how to survive this life which Nikita had found herself submerged into. She had found herself looking up to the older woman as almost a mother. One night while on surveillance, she and Martina had a long talk about mothers and daughters, parents and children. Not only did the talk surprise Nikita but so did Martina taking part in the actual working of a mission. She had been reminded that they were a lot smaller than Section One without the number of operatives either so that the workload could be delegated. Leadership had a responsibility to do the work as well as those who followed.

Nikita had respected her for that view. It was similar to the way Michael worked his teams at the Section. He hardly ever asked for something he thought he couldn't do himself or wouldn't do himself. That only happened if he was unable to physically do it because of injury. They shared a lot of the same no nonsense ways. She reminded herself to ask Michael if he had spent any time training with Martina.

She tried not to think about the talking they did about mothers and daughters though. Martina had learned things about Nikita that she had never shared with anyone else. It had dredged up a large number of memories that Nikita had not wanted to share or think about. Mistakes and decisions that she regretted very deeply but tried her best to keep buried away. Much like Michael did and as she got to know him better and better as a person, how similar they really were.

She took a deep breath, trying to twist back together her fraying nerves. Being forced to think about things again had set her on edge and as a result she had been jittery and still was. Her nerves only made the dreams she had started to have after her failed mission worse. They had escalated into nightmares that had robbed her of many a night's sleep in the past three and a half months. In that sense she finally understood Michael. After one of those, you did not go back to sleep. You couldn't go back to sleep. The demons were waiting for you there, when you were vulnerable. Better to stay awake and watch for the ones you could guard against.

She looked up at the clock on the wall. Amazed she stood up and stretched. She'd been in here for almost 5 hours. It was now about 8:30. Stifling a yawn she wandered back to Systems to see what was going on. Two missions must have reached critical because not only was Michael wearing a head set and using a phone but he was using hand signals to direct Birkhoff and Caroline at various tasks. His ability to keep track of so much at once amazed her. In that respect he very much resembled the robot he tried to be. With a sigh, she wandered back down the hallway.

The restlessness was gone but now a sense of unease and heart ache had replaced it. Nikita put it down to reading the reports and pouring over things for so long. Ruminating over her and Martina's talks had contributed to it. She pushed it back again. If he only knew how similar we are. She looked up and saw she was by Michael's office. She knew after hectic times like this he couldn't sleep after things had wound down. He usually sat in his office mulling over things or doing write ups. She'd wait for him here. She knew she wasn't going to sleep much tonight if at all. Maybe he would feel like talking.

Maybe they could go over Bauer's story. That bothered her too. It seemed too well put together to be real. She had a number of misgivings abut it and as yet had not voiced them. She wanted to share them with Michael. He had a way at times of making sense of what she only jumbled up in her head. She had to admit that at times his cool logic was the balm for many ills. Other times she thought he relied too much on his head and not his gut feelings. He had gotten better at it though.

Nikita sat down at his desk at first, tracing the edge of it with her finger. Last time she had sat here, they had been trying to figure out where he was, hoping against all signs that he was still alive. He had been but not really in one piece. Elouette had tried in more than one way to kill him. Had tried to take him away from her for good. She pushed herself away from the desk in an effort to push away the memories. They were still raw too just like the ones from Israel and even those of the past.

She rubbed her eyes and sat down on the couch. "Hope you don't mind the use of your couch Michael." She leaned her head back on it. She tried to count the numbers of holes in the ceiling tile but kept losing her place.

Frustration brought more memories to the surface. So much loneliness, lies, lack of knowing in the past. Now in the present, it wasn't any better. Her inability to keep the team together and safe. To get them out alive.

She smacked the arm of the couch with an open palm. Everyone said it was not her fault but she couldn't help the guilt. It had been her responsibility. She remembered the girl she had held. The only one she had gotten out alive. The one who had laid in her arms as her life ebbed away and cried for her mother. 17 years old and so much pain. Two more people ripped from each other. Nikita closed her eyes. Stop thinking about things you can't change, can't fix! Stop this ruminating! The past is over and done with. You've all ready dealt with it! Let it go! Think about the past few days instead!

Guilt hammered at her for changing her train of thought. But getting upset and depressed over things she could do nothing about wasn't good either. She smiled slightly as she thought about the time she had spent with Michael. She knew it had given her some peace of mind. She hoped he had gotten some too. She ran her hand through the side of her hair and yawned again. Sleep was beginning to make her feel foggy. Maybe she would nap until Michael came in.

Chapter 13


She could smell his sour breath and his sweaty body too. "The judge gave you to me. You're my little bitch now and you better do as I tell ya or I'll make you hurt really bad. Do you want to know how bad? Do you want a taste of it?" She ran down the hall chasing the figure in the black robe. The figure that dragged her momma behind it. "No bring her back! I want her back! You can't take her!" Figures loomed over her. "Leave you don't belong here! You're nothing but a little street creature! Go back where you came from!" Momma grabbed her and spun her around. "I never wanted you! You were a burden from the day I had you. Should have left you there. Nothing but trouble! Coward! Little slut!" Momma was holding it tight and keeping it from her. She grabbed at it but Momma pushed her back. "No you gave it away! You can't have it back! You can't change your mind now! It's over and done!"

Momma shoved her away and she fell through the floor to Elouette's feet. The revolver shoved against her chin. "Should I pull it Nikita? Give you a taste of what all the others have gotten from you? Don't you want to taste lead? It feels so good going down. Or do you want to feel it instead." The barrel slammed into her forehead. "Don't you want to feel what I felt just so you could save him? Does he mean that much to you? Do you really love him enough to save him from big bad me? Are you strong enough bitch? Are you brave enough, whore? And do you want to leave him before just like you've done before? You didn't have the guts then and you don't now. Run away like you did before. Give up! It's the only thing you know how to do! Abandon him just like..." She lunged at Elouette. It had to stop! The gun snapped her head sideways as it was slammed into her jaw. She hit the floor with her head as the girl next to her slid to the floor in a heap. Screams echoed around her but she couldn't find them. It was dark! So black. Everything was wet and sticky. All she could smell was blood and burning...God don't think about it. Jayme was still alive get her out. Got to get her out. Elouette was mocking her again. How did she get here? Was she somehow behind all this? "Are you brave enough, whore? Weakling, coward, run like you've always done! We don't want you here!" Light! Got to get to that light. Jayme felt so heavy and she was screaming so loud. How could anyone scream so loud? A door. I found a door. Jayme? Jayme, why are you so quiet? Light got to take a look at her. The door fell open to a cement parking lot deep in shadows. She cradled Jayme's head against her shoulder. But it wasn't Jayme it was Momma. "Momma talk to me. Please momma. Don't leave me again." Momma's eyes popped open and her hand tangled in her hair pulling her closer to the blood oozing from her chest. She still held the small object in her arm, tightly gripped. "See what you've done. Just like you've done to so many others. Now you've done it to me and her. Never touched her. Never felt her. Never loved me. Nevvverr lovedddd herrrr" She pulled at Momma's arm and at last could see the empty blue eyes in the face tucked against Momma's side. She screamed, "I did the right thing!" Momma suddenly grabbed her hair and she screamed as she struggled to get away. "Feel your fear! See your cowardice! Experience your abandonment!" echoed with her screams.

As Michael pulled his head set off and threw it down on the console he heard the first scream. Everyone in Systems was on their feet.

"I DID THE RIGHT THING!" The scream broke the silence of the night in Section One again. Then again, this time it was a screamed "NO! Momma!" that tapered down into a howl of terror. Michael recognized the voice. It was Nikita.

The door of his office slammed open and he saw her come out the door. She hit the wall, struggling with something unseen. Pushing at nothing she screamed again. He grabbed her just as her fists hit the window of his office. Glass flew around them as he tried to protect their faces. She struggled against him as if he was the specter of her dream. She was deep in the dream and unable to pull herself out of it or wake herself with her actions or screams.

The commotion could be heard upstairs. It brought down both Operations and Madeline. They were in time to see Michael drag Nikita back into his office.

Madeline turned on Birkhoff. "What the hell is going on? Are they fighting again?"

Birkhoff was shaking just like everyone else in Systems but was unable to find his voice. Caroline spoke up, "No ma'am. She started screaming and came out of his office like that. He was here with us. I think she's caught up in a nightmare or something like that."

Michael dragged her away from the glass that laid scattered across the hallway and back into the office to the couch. He fought her back into the cushions. He grabbed her head with both hands and pulled it close to his mouth so he could talk softly in her ear.

"Nikita, listen to me. It's Michael. Wake up! Please it's me. Mon coeur, hear me please. Wake up!" He doubted she could hear or understand him completely but her screams stopped and she stopped beating and kicking him so relentlessly.

Finally he heard in a small hoarse voice, "Michael?" Followed by the sounds of her starting to cry. "Oh God." He heard her whisper.

In response, he wrapped his arms around her and rocked her slowly. He kept his mouth close to her ear, softly reassuring her. Gradually he became aware of being watched. He looked out of the corner of his eyes to see Madeline standing there with Operations right behind her. He mouthed at her,

"Nightmare.. Please, some time."

She looked to Operations, who much to her shock, looked worried. He nodded quickly and they backed out. Madeline closed the door and turned on him.

"Martina told you about this but you didn't tell me. Why? And I want an answer, Oscar!"

"Because I thought once she came back, they would stop. So did Martina. We thought they were about Michael."

"And you two were qualified to figure this out?!" Madeline was fighting to keep her tone even.

"Nikita said they were about Michael and Elouette. That they were very infrequent. She would deal with them."

"And very well I see! What were you two thinking?"


Gently he pushed Nikita to the back of the couch and crouched down in front of her. Every muscle in her body was taut. Her hands were clenched in her lap. The tears had stopped but tremours shook her body. He took her hands in his. He could see that there was some blood on the knuckles and some between her fingers.

"Let me look at your hands. I want to make sure they are not cut too badly." She looked at him with eyes filled with pain and fear.

Slowly she extended her fingers and he looked them over. The cuts were nothing more than paper cuts. He brought both palms to his lips and kissed them. He felt her relax a little. Slowly he returned them to her lap.

"Do you want to talk about your dream?"

At first she considered telling him everything but then she shook her head no. He couldn't hear about this. She swallowed hard. The sight and sounds were still with her. Her heart ached tremendously. She had always tried to do what she thought was best, what was right. But now she doubted everything. She doubted that decision made so long ago. She now doubted her decision to come back to the Section the first time for him. Returning from Israel, had that been the right thing to do? Should she be dead with the rest of them? She was anyway, wasn't she?

Michael watched her face. Her expression was blank and the look in her eyes made her seem very far away from him. She stared at his chest. Seemingly oblivious to her surroundings, Nikita's focus was entirely inward. He reached up to wipe away a strand of hair and she flinched from his touch. He cupped her chin forcing her eyes to his.

"Talk to me. That's what you're always telling me. Let me help with the pain. You've taken away some of mine. Let me take away some of yours."

Nikita's eyes stayed steady on Michael's. All he could see in them was that pain. All Nikita could feel at that point was the heart ache so vividly reflected in her eyes. Feelings of self doubt and self hate swirled around her. I'm only going to wind up hurting you too. You've been so worried about what you're going to do to me. I've played into that for so long. I've made myself the victim in this thing we've got. We're both victims though of our pasts and this world. Just like you've tried to protect me, I 've got to do the same for you. With what you've been through, this will only make it seem that much worse.

Pushing his hand away, she drew her legs up to her and curled into a ball. She closed her eyes tight, pressing herself into the couch trying to make herself smaller. Michael never took his eyes off of her. Worry flapped at the back of his head. What the hell is going on with you Nikita? Why are you shutting me out all of a sudden? This is too quick of an about face, even for you! He leaned over and brushed her lips with his. As she had before, she flinched at his touch. His face hardened as he pulled back himself. Fine, he would deal with it.

"If you need me, I'll be at my desk."

Standing up, he smoothed down his jacket and the folds in his slacks. Both thumbs worked nervously against the pointer fingers. Michael turned and went to his desk. With eyes squeezed shut, he tried to smother the uneasy feeling he was getting. Life and everything else was throwing too many questions his way without answers. He didn't like it like that. With an unsteady hand, he switched on the monitor. With a weary sigh, he leaned his elbows on the desk and cupped his face. Something was going to happen. He could feel it. Where it was coming from, he didn't know. Every sense told him though that hell was about to break loose again.

Chapter 14


The light from the computer screen reflected in his eyes as he looked across the room to where Nikita laid curled up on the couch. He hoped she was asleep. She still hadn't said anything, so he assumed she was.

Michael tossed a quick glance over to the couch as he heard the door open, to see if she had heard the sound. Silently he cursed as he realized she was sitting up, her own gaze fixed on the door.

Birkhoff stuck his head in and whispered softly, "Michael?" He noticed Michael was at his desk but didn't see Nikita.


"Operations wants you in the briefing room. We got intel on the L-virus buy. It looks to go down in 2 hours."

Michael stood, "I'll be right there." Birkhoff closed the door. It was silent again. He looked over to Nikita again. She was on her feet, pulling up her hair and straightening her clothes. She started for the door but he stopped her by grabbing her shoulder. She stopped but didn't flinch or turn to face him.

"Maybe you should stand down."

"I'm fine."

"Where have I heard that before?" He tried to sound teasing but knew he failed when he heard her sigh.

"Don't coddle me. I said I'm fine and I mean it. Let's go." She had spoken in a measured but calm and even tone of voice. He wasn't about to push the issue at the moment, letting her remarks stand was they were.

Nikita entered the briefing room before he did and took her usual seat. Madeline stopped Michael before he could finish entering the room and pulled him away from the entrance.

"She should stand down until I can talk to her. She is not very stable right now."

"I already attempted that. She told me to back off. I'm going to respect her request. I do not have a problem with her going out. If you do, then you have ask her to stand down. I won't do it." He looked Madeline right in the face as he spoke to her, never once averting his eyes.

Madeline studied him intently for a moment and then nodded. "Fine. She's your responsibility then."

Michael's jaw stiffened as he bit out, "Whenever has she not been?" before he turned from Madeline and walked back into the briefing room.

He noticed Nikita turning her chair back to the table. She must have been wondering where he had ended up. He took his accustomed chair just as Operations began to talk.

"People, in less than two hours, an exchange will be made between a small group of mercenaries possibly connected to Hamas and a somewhat larger representation from a provincial separatist movement at this amusement park." A graphic appeared on the table. Nikita studied it. It looked abandoned in the image.

"While it may look abandoned it is actually merely closed for the winter months. As we had some warmer weather recently, though you may not think so Nikita, they have started getting some of the rides in shape. So there has been activity at the park. We do not anticipate there being any civilians there. Get in, take down both groups and retrieve the virus. Then get out. I expect this to be neat, clean and quick. Do I make myself understood? Good, any questions?"

As usual Michael was quick with a question, "How many operatives are there expected to be?"

"No more than 8 from what the intel shows."

Nikita spoke up next. Michael flashed a quick glance at her before returning to study the schematic. "Back-up? Night gear set-ups?"

Operations gave her one of his lopsided smirks. "Back-up at main entrance only. Full night gear. Why the question about back-up? Expecting to fail?"

"No, expecting to be tucked tight in my own little bed by dawn. I just covering all the bases and back up is one base I've learned to always check on. Do you have a problem with being prepared?" She kept her eyes leveled on Operations. Michael shot her a warning glance that she felt rather than saw. She wasn't going to give ground though, there was no reason why she couldn't ask questions and make challenges of her own. It had been S.O.P. in Martina's unit.

Operations chuckled. "No, I don't have a problem with it. I'm glad to see you thinking."

"I'm also wondering why you're so eager to follow Bauer's info. You can't trust him. It doesn't feel right! Too neat and clean. Too convenient. Smells too much like a set up. " Her voice was low and calm.

Michael shifted his eyes from the computer image to Operations. "I agree with her. It's too perfect. Too thought out. He's up to something. I suggest we hold back."

"I'll note your objections in the report but my decision is to go on it. Just do the job as it's handed to you. Walter has the gear being set up now. Birkhoff is downloading layouts of the park into the PDAs now. Com units and PDAs for everyone. No exceptions. Get on it."

Operations stalked from the room. Michael and Nikita sat in their chairs for a moment. Michael spoke first.

"You didn't tell me you had misgivings."

Nikita swayed from side to side in her chair. "Did you think I wouldn't?" She pushed herself back with a sigh and got up.

Michael stopped her before she left the room. "Madeline wants you to stand down."

"What did you tell her?"

"I told her to tell you because I had no problem with you going out."

"Thank you. I appreciate your confidence. Ah..." She shifted nervously and looked down at her feet. "Sorry for the commotion and the broken window. It got a little out of hand. These nightmares I've been having. I've never really had dreams like this before. They rock me. This one was one of the worst. I think it was just a reaction to going through all the reports on Martina early this evening. Thank you for being there."

"Are you sure you're o.k.?"

"Don't worry. I'll be there to watch your back. Let's go get the bad guys" She walked away from him and he took a deep breath.

"I'll worry." He headed to Walter's

Chapter 15


The night was waning but it was still cold and dark. Silence hung like a heavy cloak over the park. Their breath rose in small clouds as they hid in the brush atop a small hill. Simon leaned over and tapped Michael's shoulder and then pointed in a northeasterly direction. His question was plain. Michael shook his head. Staring into the night for so long sometimes played tricks on your eyes.

Nikita watched to the south. A utility road ran down into a small fenced in building. She peered intently at the shadows to the rear of the building and the brush beyond it. She swore that she kept seeing movement out of the corner of her eye but when her full attention was on it, there was nothing there. Thoughts of bringing it to Michael's attention nagged her but then changed her mind. You're being skittish. Just keep your head. She took a deep breath and used her thoughts to bolster herself. Can't quell my instincts completely though. Still having a bad feeling about the mission.

She felt Michael's touch on her shoulder and glanced at him, moving her head slightly. Michael frowned. He also still harboured the sense that something was not right himself. No one had showed so far and as he looked at his watch, the buy was supposed to be 45 minutes ago. He turned his attention to Nikita as he felt her touch his thigh. She pulled off her night goggles and tapped her wrist with them. He looked into her eyes and knew she was getting the same feeling he was. Something was not right. He whispered into the com unit.

"Birkhoff, what do you have? We've got shadows and nothing else."

There was a burst of static and a loud squeal. Michael pulled his com unit out of his ear as he pulled off his goggles. Nikita and Simon were both holding their units and rubbing their ears. Nikita reached out and started to tap one of the two other operatives on the shoulder. She heard a rustle in the tree branches above her. She looked up but didn't see anything. Michael was doing the same as she was, peering up into the branches. Then she heard the sound of something metal hit the tree trunk and thud to the ground.

Reacting on instinct, she barreled into the two operatives in front of her, pitching herself and them over the edge. The night lit up as the grenade exploded. The blast concussion followed Nikita down the side of the hill. At the bottom she laid still for a second trying to catch her breath and quiet the ringing in her ears. She got to her knees patting the ground, feeling for her night goggles and semi automatic. She fanned out a little. She couldn't find either. She stared up at the top of the hill. The tree looked to be sheared off but there was only a white stream of smoke in place of it, no flames.

Nikita felt for her earpiece. "Damn it", she hissed between clenched teeth. She'd lost that too. She couldn't see the operatives she had knocked down with her either. She closed her eyes and tried to beat back the panic that was rising up in her throat. This was exactly like it had started in Israel. No com units, no weapons and darkness.

She opened them again and took a deep steadying breath. She reached into her inside jacket pocket. Instantly she felt the cold metal of the small revolver she had decided to carry now on every mission. Nikita knew she was stronger than she was 3 months ago. She could get through this. Besides, she had told Michael not 4 hours ago she was going to be watching his back. She couldn't let him down.

In a commanding whisper, she said, "Percy, Ruben, are you two alright?" She heard a movement about 5 feet to her left and focused on it. There was a slight moan followed by Ruben saying, "Once someone unplugs the electric fire alarm, I'll be fine."

Percy uttered just one word, "Aspirin." Nikita stifled a nervous laugh at him. He was always the first one to make a comment to relieve tension. He was perhaps 4 or 5 feet to her right.

"You get your aspirin once you cut the electricity!"

Nikita decided to get back to business. "Either of you still have weapons or com units?" Both answered yes. She stood up and both operatives made their ways towards her. "Have you tried your units?"

Percy shook his and then his head. "Dead."

"Me too. What about yours, Nikita?"

"I pulled it out when it gave off that ear splitting noise. I was just about to have you guys try yours when I heard the grenade drop. We've got to regroup with Michael and Simon." She pulled out her PDA to see it blank and powerless.

Suddenly the sound of a bullet exiting a silencer caught her attention and she grabbed Percy as he fell. He was dead before she even lowered him to the ground. She fought the tears that clouded her vision and the hammer hits of memory that were starting to rain on her. She grabbed his goggles, com unit and his weapon trying her best to pull herself in the same frame of mind Michael used. She could almost see Ruben's defensive back and forth move behind her. It was becoming lighter.

Then NOT AGAIN! her inner voice screamed as she heard the bullet's thud as it hit Ruben. She didn't even look at him. By the sound, she knew where it hit. With a scream she spun on the balls of her feet and fell backwards firing into the dark night that surrounded her. She refused to go down like a cowering animal. They would have one hell of a fight on their hands before she would.

Michael landed on the bottom of the hill and struggled immediately to his feet. He swayed for several seconds, covering his ears with his hands. He let out a quick puff of air before pulling his smaller automatic from inside his jacket. Next he pulled out the PDA. Seeing its blank screen, he gave a sound of disgust and shoved it back into his jacket. Simon bumped into him with a groan.

"My head." Michael stared up at him and saw the blood running down the side of his face. As he tried to examine it, Simon brushed him away.

"Leave it. Takes more than a rock to make any dents in this head. It just hurts. Where are the others? I tried my PDA. It's dead."

"Same for mine. Nikita, Percy and Ruben were behind us. I think she knocked them over the side. Let's see if we can locate them. Did your com unit go too?"


"All right, we're being jammed. Birkhoff is probably trying to clear it. But is obvious we've been compromised. We find the other 3 and evacuate. We'll deal with the rest when we get back to Section."

"Right behind ya."

Simon followed Michael's lead, threading their way through the brush. Both stopped dead as they heard Nikita's scream and the rifle going off. Michael burst into action, taking off in the general direction of the weapon's echo. Simon started after him but was taken from behind. He grappled with his attacker as another came from behind again. He struck Simon in the back of the head with the butt of the rifle in his hand. The large operative hit the ground in an almost graceful manner. Signaling to each other they followed Michael.


"Results, Birkhoff! Get them back!"

Birkhoff was on his feet, moving from console to console, trying to work around a highly agitated Operations. "I'm working on it! Who ever it is, they've got the satellite tagged so all the wavelengths are jumbled. I'm trying to rewrite or override. Caroline, any source yet?

"No, it keeps changing. I can't get a fix. Maybe multiple locations, too!"

"Shit! Yank it! We're crashing the system! Somebody get the SAT back-ups now!"

Operations pulled out of the way as a renewed frenzy of activity coursed through Systems. Birkhoff hit keys on keyboards at every station. Caroline was right behind him, following his key strokes with those of her own. They worked flawlessly together just like Michael and Nikita. Silently he cursed himself. She'd been right. Nikita tried to warn me and so did Michael. They both felt something was up! Bauer was not to be trusted.

"This is similar to what happened to her in Israel. We could have a problem." Operations glanced over at Madeline as she came up beside him.

"How so?" He was curious as to the conclusion she was making.

"Remember Martina's report about the first mission Nikita was on? This was what happened. Com units were jammed or non-operational. Useless PDAs. Small team, in the open and without back-up. She reported that Nikita blamed herself for the incident even though she was thrown into the situation. She might panic."

"I have a little more confidence in her than that. Besides back up went with them!"

"They just arrived back. They received instructions to return. Mission was terminated. Team A is on their own till back up can return."

Operations seemed to chew on the inside of his mouth. When he got his hands on George because he was the one that ordered Bauer kept in service. Keep Bauer on the green list. He's valuable to us. We need him on our side as much as possible. If he comes to you, you take his word. He can access easily what we find difficult. George's words echoed in his mind.

Operations wondered if George could fathom the danger he had put Section One into with those directives. Now they were in a profile he couldn't stop. His best operatives and half of his best team were compromised, exposed and out of contact. Right now the only thing he could count on were their skills as operatives. That and the luck Michael seemed to possess to always bring his team out alive.


Michael almost tripped over the bodies of the two operatives that had been with Nikita. Though in full operative mode, his worry was clearly etched in his eyes. All of Percy's equipment was gone. Ruben still wore his. But Nikita was no where to be seen. He looked up the hill to where they had been. He could see the tree was draped over on itself. He stood from his crouched position and ripped off his goggles. The darkness was no longer so complete. Along the horizon he could see that dawn was maybe about an hour away.

" bed by dawn" Nikita's words hung in his ears. He knew that wasn't going to be possible as things looked know. Simon had either lost his way in the darkness or been taken down. Michael was on his own and he knew it. He pulled out the PDA but it was still useless. In frustration, he threw it to the ground. Circuits were probably fried in it anyway. He replayed the layout of the park in his head. He knew he was on the outskirts of the water ride/wild west theme area. That section had so many places to hide in or to get lost in unfamiliar surroundings. Slowly he turned. Ahead of him was the hill, to his right was the way he had come, behind was open space. Lastly to his left was the water ride area.

He tried to figure out what her mindset would have been. Cover or being able to see all around you but be vulnerable at the same time. He faced open space. Nikita didn't cower but she wasn't stupid either. Too damn easy to be seen out there. No place to defend from. He turned towards the rides. She had to be that way. Survival and getting the job done were their two most important rules. Cover was the best way to accomplish both. Question was how many had followed her.

Gun fire reached his ears again. It came from the water rides. He started in the direction of them. He sensed rather than heard them following him. He slowed his pace, hoping they would get closer. He wasn't disappointed.

Michael stopped, acting as if he was considering his next move. He felt the muzzle of a gun shoved against the base of his skull. He stayed relaxed, allowing the situation to develop.

"Drop your weapon and put your arms away from your body."

Michael waited, as if considering his answer and then replied in an even emotionless voice, "I can not do that." He heard a bullet slide into the chamber and felt the weapon press deeper into the back of his neck. An arm started to reach around him for his gun.

"Not the answer I wanted. Aren't very bright, are you?" He snickered as he closed his hand over the barrel of Michael's weapon.

Michael hit him with the closed fist of his other hand. His opponent head rocked back, stunned from the blow to his nose. He started to let go of Michael's gun. Michael spun grabbing the man around the neck and using him as a shield. Together they faced the other one who had been following him. But there was not only one but two kneeling on the ground behind them, both aiming at Michael.

"Shoot!" The attacker screamed. Michael did, taking down both men behind him. However he was not quick enough to stop his shield from being hit. He lowered him to the ground, holding the front of his jacket.

"Who are you working for?"

His reply was a gurgle as he drooled blood down his jaw. Michael let go and let him drop the rest of the way to the ground.

On impulse he tried the com unit again. Nothing. He had no idea where backup was either. They hadn't appeared when the grenade exploded or during the subsequent bursts of gunfire. Something had happened to them. He grabbed the automatic that laid at his feet and checked it for ammo. It was fully loaded. He thrust his own weapon into his jacket. Hefting the new weapon to test its balance, he took off for the rides.

Nikita hit the stairs of a ride at a full run. She fell to a landing as shots whizzed over her head. Twisting to her back, she fired back, and heard two thuds on the stairs below her. Breathing heavily, she picked herself up off the landing and ran up another flight. She found a door and pushed against it. It opened easily and she slipped inside. Leaning against the wall just behind the door, Nikita tried to calm her breathing and rapidly pounding heart. She heard gun fire from a ways off. Maybe backup was on its way. Ammo in the high powered weapon was low. After that she only had her revolver. She tried her com unit again, praying for a response from somebody.

On the first try all she got was a burst of static. The second try almost made her scream with joy. Faintly she heard Birkhoff's voice,

"...ael? Nikita? Read me?"

In a ragged whisper she responded, "Birkhoff...compromised! Percy and Ruben dead. Location of Michael and Simon unknown. Need backup! Where the hell are they?"

"System security breached. Back up on way back to you. I'll try to locate Michael and Simon. Are you o.k.?"

"NO! I've got 5 on me. I need help NOW!"

The next voice caused her heart to hammer inside her chest even harder. Relief flooded through her.

"Nikita! Birkhoff can you get a fix on her?" She had put him out of her mind Trying not to let worry about him cloud her concentration. Hearing his voice ended that. She sagged against the wall, closing her eyes and swallowing hard.

"We'll try. Hold on!"

"Michael..." She whispered his name, hoping the connection would hold. She could hear static building again.

"I'm here. Where are you?" Michael knew his voice was husky with emotion and worry. But he really didn't care who heard it. 5 against 1 was bad. "What have you got left?"

Nikita listened to sounds around her. She heard something that sounded like a water wheel. Water slapped against the underneath of the floorboards. Closing her eyes she reran the image through her head of what she was able to make out as she had made her way here.

"Not much. I'm inside a space like a closet on one of the water rides. She paused, making sure that she could relate the past few minutes actually. There was no room for stupid mistakes now.

Michael took her pause as being finished. He rolled his eyes and gritted his teeth in frustration. "Do you realize how many..."

Her sharp clipped words cut him off. "I'm not done, damn you!"

Slowly she began to recite directions based on the images in her head. "Came up an embankment to tracks. Followed them....east. Maybe 3/4 mile to the ride. Slightly uphill. Mainly a clear run not a lot of brush to hide in. Tracks run under ride, I think."

She paused again but Michael waited this time as he moved quickly in the direction he thought she had taken. Under her breath, he could hear her counting to herself. "Steps to ride, 15 to first landing. Should be two bodies on it. 8 to next one. Turned left, 10 feet was a door. On the right. I can hear water hitting the underneath of the floor. I hear a squeaking, no... a creaking like a water wheel and the soft splashing of the water from the paddles. I think I saw a ro..."

The com unit went dead again. Not even a burst of static came from it. Michael's heart sank. He had a vague notion of where she was but couldn't get it confirmed with Birkhoff. The only thing he could rely at the moment was his instincts and Nikita's direction. She's strong. She can do this, he reminded himself. Guilt stung him a little for his doubt of her.

In the dark, on the run and probably close to panic from the similarities she was making between this and that mission in Israel, she had been remarkable so far. The description she had given him was more detailed that most people could give in bright sunlight.

Sounds of approaching people caused Michael to drop to his knees behind a cartoon like figurine. 5 individuals passed him. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled his weapon equipped with a silencer. He took aim as they passed and brought down three. The first two never heard the others dropped as they kept going. Making a split second decision, Michael grabbed the weapon from one of the bodies and followed the rapidly departing shadows.

Nikita heard the com unit link cut out. Suddenly she felt very alone again but hearing his voice had given her just enough to get steady again. As she looked around, she knew she had made herself an easy target. She needed something open but easily defendable. A frown formed on her face as she tried to count the amount of ammo she had left. A vague guess was all she could make in here. It had to be lighter outside by now. Gently she opened the door and looked out. There was no one in sight.

She slipped out the door and plastered herself against the wall. Nikita started to check out the ammo when she noticed the red circle on her stomach. Looking up, she following the trail of the laser. In the thinning darkness, she could just discern the outline of the shooter. Throwing herself to the decking she crawled away as bullets ripped through the wooden railing. She yelled in pain as one seared across her hip. Rounding the corner she used the wall to get into a standing position. Using her hand, Nikita inspected the wound. It hurt more than anything. Fortunately it was not deep. There was another set of stairs. Since there was no way to get down the stairs safely, the only way was up.

His decision to follow the hostiles had been a smart one. He had made it here quicker following them than he would have with Nikita's directions. Their accuracy was undeniable though. He just would have needed time to find the right direction of travel. By following them, Michael had cut greatly cut his time. Finding an crevice in the wall of the ride, Michael blended into the shadows. He clearly heard the sound of gunfire again mixed with the sound of splintering wood.

Leaning his head against the wall, he closed his eyes and assessed the situation. There were three up there with the two he followed. That made 5 that he could be sure of since he was last able to speak to Nikita. Others could have gotten here before him. Also, as far as he knew Nikita was still on the move or at least operating in a defensive mode. At least, Michael hoped she was. There had been no return fire to the last burst. Everything was quiet. It was time to move. Michael moved out of the shadows and onto the stairs. Stealthily, he climbed them.

At first, all he encountered was the two bodies that Nikita had warned him about. Good thing she had or he would have tripped. Even though the sky was getting lighter, most of the area was in shadows where he was. Carefully, Michael moved over them. He moved closer to the wall and inched along, listening intently. Before he could react, a door next to him slammed open unto him. He hit the wall full force, stunned, he slid down the wall to the decking. Michael fought to regain control of his vision and balance. As his vision started to stabilize, he saw the gun pointed at his head. Shit, he thought as he closed his eyes.

Nikita knew she had dropped her gun by the door when she had been shot at. She pulled out the 9mm and shoved the clip into place. Her hip hurt like crazy. Shaking from the adrenalin rush that had been coursing through her for too long, she slipped along the walk. The wound made it hard to walk, it pulled with each step. She was beginning to feel like a hunted animal. Hair stood up on the back of her neck. She sensed a gun aimed at the back of her head. Reacting to the instinct it raised propelled her to throw herself around a corner. The bullet hit her squarely in the upper arm. Its impact carried Nikita into the water. She came up sputtering and coughing.

Pain came with this one too but worse. This one left a hole coming in and going out. Blood flowed freely down her arm. "Shit!" she hissed. They'd hit her firing arm. The same one that had been hit in Israel. Still holding the gun with the hand of the bad arm, she cupped her other hand over the wound. Rapidly her hand was wet and sticky with blood. With a noise of disgust, Nikita let go and cleaned her hand in the water. I can work around this. I can fire with my other hand. Aim isn't great but as long as I 'm not incapacitated. As long as I can stay alive.

"Michael?" she whispered into the com unit. Nothing. "Damn it! Where's back-up?"

"My, look who we have here."

Nikita partially turned at the voice. She remembered it from somewhere. Narrowing her eyes, she tried to make out the location of the speaker. It was still too dark. To see her, he must have been wearing night goggles. She silently cursed herself. Once again, she'd lost a pair. Walter was going to have a fit. The voice echoed in the darkness. He could have been anywhere.

"Really? I guess you know me."

"Yeah. I'm still sore over how you showed me up to the boss. I need facial surgery after you two finished smashing my face."

It was somehow familiar, that voice that was moving. She could hear the water splash as he walked around. Who was "the boss"? She brought her gun up. Slowly Nikita moved in a circle, trying to locate the speaker. Sounds echoed, where they came from as almost impossible to determine. She was an easy target right now. Not only that she was scared. She knew death was pretty certain right now. But she didn't want to go with things not fixed. Not without knowing if...

The speaker hit her from the side and they fell into the water together. He drove her down unto her wounded arm and the gun slipped from her suddenly nerveless fingers. Seeming intent on drowning her, he kept trying to hold her under the water but gave up after several attempts as she managed to broke his hold each time. They struggled fiercely and Nikita was finally able to pull herself up. She grabbed a hold of some part of a display for the ride and turned to face him. He butted her with his head in the stomach. He drove her breathlessly backwards. Nikita felt something sharp dig into her back on the right side. It slid, cutting a ragged gash along her rib cage. Her scream of agony echoed through the room.

Michael heard her scream from above and attacked the gunman in front of him. He was completely oblivious to the bullet that went through his leg and the cut that opened on the side of his face. He hammered into the hostile and drove him to the decking. In fury he spun and encounter two more. Using a gun like a club he swung. Stunning both long enough to fire with his own smaller weapon from his pocket. He ran in the direction of her scream.

The com units kicked in again as the man had driven Nikita backwards. All of Systems had heard her scream.

"Nikita!" Operations yelled. His only answer was static and then the sounds of another scream that was cut short. He had driven Nikita back so hard that he impaled himself with whatever had sliced through her. His body slumped against her, effectively pinning her back to the display.

She couldn't stop the tears now. Never had she felt so much pain so concentrated in one spot. Everything else went cold. Bright colors burst on the black backdrop that surrounded her. In one of the color spots, she thought she saw a figure. It had arrived too soon. NO! her brain seemed to scream at her. NOT GOING TO GO LIKE THIS! NOT YET! She pushed the corpse forward until she was free. As soon as nothing was holding her up, her knees buckled. Gravity pulled her face first into the water. Her last thought as darkness became complete was that the attacker had been Perry Bauer's man, Ornett.

Encountering no one else, he quickly reached the watery cavern like area. Nikita pitched over into the water as he rounded the corner. With a heart full of dread, he grabbed her and dragged her limp body to some decking that ran along the side. Pulling wet hair out of her face, Michael was greeted by colorless skin and lips that were a mottled blue and purple. With trembling fingers he felt for her pulse, it was there but very faint. Her breathing was shallow and slow, in great contrast to Michael's.

Blood continued to seep from her side. Tearing open her jacket he dug for the straps on her body armour. He tightened them as much as he could. Nikita opened her eyes but they were glassy and not really seeing her surroundings. She moaned in response to the tightening of her body armour.

"Wrong again. Always wrong." Michael paused in the process of pulling off his own body protection as he listened to her. In pain at her words, he closed his eyes and finished stripping it off. Straddling her legs he pulled her into a sitting position against his chest. Her head laid on his shoulder. Through a heavy fog of pain and fear, Nikita realized it was Michael who was holding her. He was wrapping something tightly around her chest and sides.

"Michael...cold and hurt. It hurts. Make it stop." Head lolling to the side and off his shoulder, she lapsed in unconsciousness again.

"Soon. Soon, I promise," he whispered back against her throat as he felt for her pulse again with his lips as his hands rapidly tightened his vest around her. He wasn't even done and he could felt it was seeping through. He forced back the panic he felt rising up. A clear head was what he needed most now. That and back-up. They had to get out of there fast. The wood next to his head splintered as a bullet ripped into it. He ducked, drawing Nikita in with one arm and firing behind him with the other.

His shots found their target as the sound of them striking a body reached him. But not before he was hit himself. He slumped forward stifling the violent urge he had to scream out in pain. The bullet felt like it had broken as it hit and bit into his shoulder blade, sending parts of it across his back. Each one was a stab of hot flame.

Static crackled in the com unit. "Michael!" He hear Operations urgently demand a response out of him. Cold, fear, wounds and fatigue won over Michael's self will. He was human and he was feeling it now. No matter how he tried to act like he was invincible, he wasn't. Feeling awareness rapidly falling away and with it his ability to protect the unconsciousness woman beneath him, he uttered just one sentence before slipping away.

His voice breathy but low and threatening filled the air in Systems, "If she dies before I get back-up, your worst nightmare will look tame compared to what I'll do to you."

End Part Two

written by Tammy

continue on to Shades of Grey III

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