Fait Accompli

written by Tammy

(The first song snippet in Chapter 12 is from "Hit Me" by Sister Soleil from their album, "Soularium". The second snippet is from "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath from their album. "Reunion".)

Chapter 1

"There is no death. . .
Only a change of worlds. . .
Only a change of worlds."

Taking a deep breath, Raymond opened his eyes and looked down on the items spread before him. The single votive next to him gave off just enough light to see them. They were few but significant in meaning to him. There was a well worn pair of moccasins, which of course had never fit. But they had belonged to his father and before that his grandfather, which made them more than special. The second item was a leather pouch sweat strained and dark but still supple. He picked it up and moved it in his hand.

It still seemed as warm to him as the first time he had touched it. Only then it had hung from his grandfather's neck "Feel that Raymond, this is the warmth of life and of wisdom. It is the center of your being. From it you will draw the power to live as you are expected to." He could remember his grandfather pressing it into his hand before he gave his last sigh. It has seemed to burn his hand that afternoon. Grandfather had very high aspirations for him. Raymond shook his head. However, I had not the courage to reach towards them. Perhaps here I can make you proud. I know you would approve of them both. They both have the courage to keep reaching....

Still holding the pouch in one hand, he ran a hand over the framed picture of a man and woman seated on a small couch with a stooped elderly man behind them. A melancholic smile crossed his face. " Kwe... Ianeratie'.....Sa'nikonhraien tasken?" He moved his eyes and hand to the small book. The smile stayed in place as he brushed his hand over it. "One must adapt as a change comes or one can not grow. To let go of the old is hard. It fits unlike the new which tries to mold you at first until is learns who you are."

Raymond snapped his head up as he felt a presence in his darkened room. The door being opened had not made a sound or allowed in any extra light He recognized the voice immediately. "Who is learning who though? May I brighten the lights?" Madeline came forward so he could dimly see her.

"No, leave them off. I prefer it this way. Come sit here with me." He tapped the floor next to him. Puzzled, Madeline did as he requested.

"What were those words you used? I can't place the language. Were they a prayer?"

With a smile that he knew she could see but perhaps she could hear in his voice, Raymond replied, "Not a prayer." He stood the picture up so he could see it in the flickering light. "My poor pronunciation of a greeting in the tongue of the Mohawks. I said hello to my family and told them all was well. And then I asked how it goes with them. Though I know that for them all is right and complete. They changed their worlds many years ago." He fell silent as if pondering something.

Madeline honored it for several moments before she spoke. "Did Snow get all that you wanted?"

Raymond looked up at the shadowed face. The candlelight caused a glint from her eyes. Like a lynx as she watches from the bush. You watch and wait. But they know you do and they are on watch themselves..... "Yes, was the money left in the car for Mary?"

Smiling Madeline answered, "Yes, and they made sure the fire was controlled but still looked accidental. What are you doing on the floor like this in the dark?"

"My old self has been erased by fire and smoke. The new has to come through the darkness. To do that I need to center myself by allowing my new world to learn about me." He picked up something from the floor and handed it to her. "That is a feather from an eagle. To me it symbolizes guidance and wisdom. This is the feather of a hawk. That stands for strength and perseverance. This is the feather of a crow. That means cunning. Finally this is the feather of a blue jay for determination."

Madeline placed each on the floor in front of her as he handed them to her. The dimness made it difficult for her to see the color variations of each feather. "Each one as a reminder to yourself of a personal quality?"

"A quality to strive for. Do you see this stone? Hold it near the candle. Do you see the image that seems to float in the pattern of it? What does it look like to you?"

Holding it in her fingers, she angled it in the flickering light of the candle. "Is it a dog perhaps?" She handed back to him and he placed it in the middle of the feathers.

"It is a wolf. Looking into the eyes of one, you seem at first to lose yourself . Next comes the sense of something greater, something more powerful than yourself. A sense of the rightness and trueness that you want to strive for." He gave a small laugh.

"They can be more human than we can at times, I think. A lifetime bond to one's mate. Loyalty to the pack which is its family. Stamina and perseverance... they never give up. It never intentionally hurts. And if it does, it is defending itself or protecting its own. Especially its pups. Too often though man interferes because he can't understand the sameness they have with us.... or perhaps it is a jealousy on part of man that he can not match those qualities...."

His intent was clear and she was in no mood for a verbal or mental sparring match with him. Obviously Oscar had talked to him and that meant that Raymond had replaced her as confidante. With which I am perfectly accepting. You are your own person Oscar. It seems our ways have finally completely parted. She stood and brushed off some imaginary particles from her pants. "I need to be going." Raymond raised a hand in front of her.

"What are you afraid of Madeline? For suddenly I feel fear from you. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not trying to argue with you. I just want you to understand what makes me. Through that possibly I might understand you. Where is the harm in that?" She stood silently, surveying the darkness that surrounded them. "Does it bother you that he is trying to reconcile with Michael or it is the reason beyond that desire?"

"It doesn't matter. Oscar is his own man. Always has been. He will let you in for a while, then he kicks you out. In a way, it is like a landlord-tenant relationship. Except you don't get an eviction notice, you just come back to find the locks changed. He'll do the same to Michael. He's done it before."

Raymond got up and stood face to face with her. "Perhaps he has changed? As one gets older, you begin to realize that there is a need for a support system. Being the lone or as you called it 'own' man you feel the limitations and weight that time places on you. You begin to look for a way to shift some of the burden. Experience begets wisdom. Correct?"

"For some," she replied bitterly. Was Raymond trying to imply that Oscar was ready to turn his back on Section? No, that was a poor guess at best. This of course went back to Martina. Her death had triggered a self reevaluation in him. Madeline didn't like the implications of that. He was giving power and advantage away. To the entirely wrong people.

"Where does your bitterness grow from?"

"Raymond, I'm not interested in this." She shook her head at him and made a move to go around him.

"A few more moments of indulgence. I don't like to leave conversations unfinished. It leads to presumptions about how the person might have responded." With a sigh, she regarded him closely and then gave a sight nod of her head. "Thank you. Play a little word association with me." She started to open her mouth but he raised a finger. "You agreed."

"I'm not in the mood for games."

"You agreed to indulge me. I wish to indulge in a little play. It's harmless but could lead us both to a greater perception of how the other thinks. Give in, Madeline, I have your word. You don't wish to break it to me, do you?"

"Of course not." She answered with a perturbed tone in her voice. She respected his skills as a healer of sorts but not the game he wanted to play. Word association was for Psych 101 students in her opinion.

"Remember first word.... I know you understand how this works. Try not to temper your answers to make them fit. Just answer." He moved away from her and into the darkness. Madeline stood in place, waiting for him to speak. She resisted the urge to react to the loudness of a match being struck back her in the shadows. He had lit another candle. "Love?"

"Rival." Interesting way to lead off, Raymond, she thought to herself.

Must say I expected that one. What about this one? "Guilt?"

"Unnecessary." Madeline watched as he came around her and set the candle on the table. He had not been watching her eyes, just listening to her answers. His sudden fixation on her face was a little disturbing. The candlelight reflected in his eyes reminded her of glittering black sequins that hid the silken material to which they were attached.

"Hate?" The light from the flickering flame cast shadows about the room and her face. He wondered briefly how she would look if she genuinely smiled. What about if she were genuinely happy?

"Anger." Neither were effective things. All they did was deprive you of energy. And lately Madeline had come to understand how much energy they drained from you.

"Fate?" He wanted to know how she thought of the future and how it decided itself. To him, it showed if a person had any hope. Hope made a person strive forward. Without it, one stayed in place and began to wither. Like raspberries not stripped from the bush.

"Change." At least her answer showed she considered other possibilities than just what she saw in front of her. Not exactly hope per se but enough for now.


"Sadness." That one surprised Madeline. Not just the answer that had come to mind but that he had asked it. If he knew anything, it had to be an intuitive leap.

"Michael?" Another surprise. All she could picture was the way his eyes could bore through you.

"Eyes." Raymond pondered that answer for a moment. It was not what he had expected. He had thought to hear something like liar or deceptive. But she had remarked abut his eyes. He understood though, Michael's eyes were a definitive feature. They told about the man and what he sought. And Michael's spoke long and subtly, alluding to more inside than the voice was about to speak. But you had to be willing to look for a while before you understood anything.


"Resentment." Madeline had not even had to think about that response. It had been automatic. She resented everything Nikita had gained because it was everything she had wanted long ago. Everything that she had been unable to hold onto. But that was a long time ago.....



"Yourself?" At first she didn't answer, so Raymond pulled closer. "Yourself?" he asked again. His closeness disconcerted her. It was as if the closer he got physically, the closer he would be to seeing everything inside. Something she didn't even like to look at. "Blank." she answered quietly.

Madeline had always tried to see herself as a slate. One that could be erased after one was finished scribbling. That way it was always fresh. Nothing left over from the time before. Only the eraser was now full of the dust and it no longer wiped the slate completely off. A movement from Raymond broke through the reverie.

He handed her a small square mirror. "Look in it. What do you see in the mirror, Madeline?"

"My reflection." Madeline said indifferently. She brought her eyes level again with his.

"Do you like it?"

"Does it matter?"

"Yes, it does." She was quiet as she looked back into the mirror. The flickering candle made it difficult to see herself clearly. "Hard to see yourself in the candlelight, isn't it Madeline?"

"Yes." She took a deep breath. He had read her thoughts with eerie accuracy. How much of me can they see? Do I even want any of them to be able to?

"Do you think others have that problem with you? Or is it something you deliberately do?" Madeline slowly lowered the mirror to look at him. Her face was blank but Raymond could feel the tense vibes coming from her. He had struck a nerve there. Possibly even her own thoughts at the moment. "I take back what I said to you when we first met. You do feel, you just don't understand how to deal with and even want to deal with what it invokes. I am curious about your response to Nikita. Resentment, why? Because she has what you always wished for? To..."

Madeline decided she had listened to Raymond enough. He had gotten in her head and she was determine to end access. She brushed past him and left the room. Leaning over, he blew out the candle on the table and then pinched out the one on the floor. He had made some headway but not as much as he wanted. There was still work to be done. She had only made herself more intriguing to him.

------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------

"Hey, what you guys doing?" Annie stuck her head in the door. Nikita laid on the floor quietly watching Reese.

"I'm still trying to figure that out. Reese, do you know what you're doing? Are you ready to share with me yet?"

"No Mama.... shhhh" He carefully stacked another block on the chaotic pile of blocks he had in the middle of the room. It caused the stack to tumble . With a sigh, he began to gather them together again, moving as if he still wasn't quite sure of his balance. Nikita smiled as she watched him. He fought for the right to stand and walk constantly now. Running was his next goal because he tried constantly to get someone to chase him. He was a challenge to put it simply and had an independent streak that was fierce to add to the mixture. Annie entered and sat next to Nikita.

"Architect." Annie proposed.

Nikita shook her head. "Demolition expert." She made a motion towards a stack of toys in the corner. "Before he went with Katie, I think Michael said that was a toy box just this morning as a matter of fact. I'm afraid to look while he's awake. He likes things in one particular way until he decides it needs to be different. He sees you change it, he throws a fit. Typical man...."

"Male... perfectionist. Deadly combo... I'd worry if I were you." She smiled as she heard the exasperated sigh that burst out of Reese. Nikita cast a withering look over at Annie.

"Thanks a bunch, girlfriend. You made my day. Two in the same family. There will never be any peace."

Annie replied, "Feel good to say 'family' Nikita?" Nikita nodded. "I noticed he's wearing the ring again too." Nikita held her hand up to show hers with a sad smile.

"He asked me to pull it out a couple of days ago. It felt weird to put it on. This all feels so weird. So much like a dream..."

"Someday it will be real. You two will find a way. I heard some yelling last night...." Annie said coaxingly, looking for an explanation.

"Sorry. I thought I woke him up fast enough. He had a nightmare." She picked up a small car that was laying next to her and aimlessly spun the wheel with her finger.


"Something to do with Jon and Simone. At least I think it was. Those were the names he yelled out before I woke him. He wouldn't talk about it. Sorry about being so jumpy yesterday too. I didn't expect Claude behind me like that. Is his lip ok?" She looked sideways over at Annie who watched Reese play with the cardboard bricks.

"More worried about you than his lip. The way you looked at him bothered him a lot. You gonna talk to somebody about it? Burying what happened doesn't help. No matter what you've done to keep it inside so far, you know that isn't working anymore. What are you going to do if it happens on a mission? You know it's a possibility. You could endanger yourself." She saw Nikita shrug out of the corner of her eye. "And then what? They need their mother." Somehow that place managed to quell self preservation to nothingness, if she could just figure out how. Annie decided to use another nail. "What if Katie wants to know about her real father?"

There was no answer out of Nikita. She got to her feet and snagged Reese from his blocks. He protested the intrusion loudly. "No mama! Down! 'Eese want down. Me play now!" He struggled in her arms and pushed at her. His sudden surge in vocabulary had them all amazed.

Nikita refused to loosen her hold. "Now, Reese. Come on! Cool it!" He protested again and tried to hit her. With her free hand, she pushed his swinging arm. "No!" She managed to get a hold of his chin so he had to look directly at her. "Little man, who's the law here?" He pushed again but didn't yell out. "We're going to go find Daddy. What do you think? Then how about something to eat?" He fixed her with a scowl.

"Da run. Kay too. Pway, Mama. No eat. Pease?" He gave her a pout and a coy little look. Annie turned her head to keep from laughing. Reese knew how to lay it on so well. However, he was evenly matched with Nikita, she already had seen that. Michael had a tendency to give in to Reese, Nikita stood her ground. At least the front they shared in the face of Katie's whirlwind was united.

Nikita couldn't resist smiling at him. She pulled him close and rubbed her nose against his. "No, later we play, maybe with Da. OK? Uh-oh.... what's that noise, Reese? " There was the sound of feet running up the stairs. "You think that's them?"

"Mom! Look what we found!" Katie started past Reese's room and backpedaled. She hurried in, something clutched in her hands. Her face was red, eyes bright and hair a wind swept mess. Nikita shook her head as she took in the sight of her.

"I take it wasn't your hairbrush. Hat next time." Katie felt her hair and looked bashfully at her.

"I knew I lost something. But look at this! Dad said it's a fossil. Some kind of bug."

"Must look like you then," Annie teased as she walked by, ruffling the tangled hair on top. "Glad that isn't my hair. I think a comb is going to hurt." She leaned towards Nikita's ear, her voice low. "Think about what I said, Nikita. The questions will be asked... Later you guys."

"I'll take a shower and use conditioner. That will work." Katie said proudly as she held the rock up to Nikita who acknowledged Annie with a reproachful glance. She refused to think about Katie wanting to know about Taylor. That was something she didn't want Katie to ever have the slightest inkling about. There was nothing about that man Katie ever needed to know. He was the past, and that was exactly where Nikita wanted him to stay. From there he couldn't hurt her little girl or threaten what happiness she was carving out of this life.

"Look Mom, you can even see its feelers!" Nikita hoisted Reese to the other hip to take it from her. Reese touched it and snatched back his hand.

"Bee!" he exclaimed.

Nikita held it sideways as she tried to decide what it was. "Then it's a giant bee, Reese. Looks like a roach to me."

"It's some kind of beetle. Go look it up in the library, moineau." Michael said as he walked into the room. His face was red as well but his hair was neater. He had managed to keep his hat. As he unzipped his jacket, he pulled out a red piece of cloth and tossed it at Katie. "Your hat."

"Oh, thanks Dad! Mom was just complaining about my hair."

"You ran back here so fast, it fell out of your pocket and you didn't even notice it."

She grinned at him and held her hand out for her rock. As she pocketed it, she held her arms out at Nikita. "I'll take Pieces too!"

Nikita shook her head. "Nope, lunch time for the wrecker! Katie, are you hungry?"

"Naw, I want to go look this up. Dad, the encyclopedias are on the second shelf behind the desk right?" Michael nodded and Katie scurried from the room.

"Are you ready for some lunch?" Nikita asked.

"I could eat something. Pieces, did you let Mommy play, too?" Reese grinned at him and giggled. "I take that as a no."

Nikita tugged Reese's sweatshirt down over his exposed tummy. "Blocks this child does not share. Kinda like his food. Or room in bed." She moved closer to the doorway and to Michael. "Did you enjoy your run?"

"More of a nature walk than a run. She has more curiosity than a room full of recruits. I think I ran out of brain power and answers." Michael cupped the side of Nikita's face with his cool hand. "I need a recharge." They began to kiss, Reese seemingly forgotten. "Umm... warm."

Reese watched them silently for a moment. "Da yuck no kiss Mama. 'top." He pushed Michael's cheek with a hand. As they parted, Reese wrapped his arms around Nikita's neck. "'eese's mama," he announced possessively as he laid his head on her shoulder keeping an eye on Michael.

Michael raised an eyebrow at him. "You have to learn to share, big guy." Reese stuck his tongue out and then grinned at him. With a happy little sigh, he snuggled in closer to Nikita while watching Michael for a reaction. "And that's not nice either." He looked back up to Nikita who stood there with a small smile on her face. "And what's that for?"

"I love being fought over. And by two such handsome men..." Nikita's grin got bigger as Michael rolled his eyes. "What's your problem?"

"Neglect. I'm competing for attention with a toddler." He scratched his forehead in disbelief. "Are we still on for tonight?"

"A whole bed to sleep in without fighting for room. Yes, 7:30. Do you want to work out after he goes down for a nap since you didn't get your run? Time's getting short."

He gave Nikita a sad smile. "Been trying not to think about that. 3 days... then reality again." Nikita straightened her back and looked at him with serious eyes. Michael kept the worry off his face at her expression. He could see the way she had tensed up. Her confession last night as she was falling asleep about her distress over confronting Madeline bothered him. He had refused to think there would be further problems. But refusing to think of them didn't keep them from happening.

"Then we don't think or talk about it till then. Enjoy right now. OK?" Her words surprised him. After searching her face for a sign that she was just saying the words to make them both feel better and not finding them, he nodded. Inwardly, Nikita felt relieved. She didn't want him to know how much she didn't want to go back. She didn't want to leave Katie and Reese. Even more she didn't want to see Madeline. The woman knew all the bad now, she would use it somewhere again.

"Yeah..." He dropped his voice to a whisper. "Somebody gave up on us." He gestured at Reese, who was now sleeping quietly on Nikita's shoulder. "You played him out. Here, I'll put him down. You find a quick lunch and then we'll hit those weights in the basement?"

"Sounds good." Carefully Nikita detached Reese's arms from around her neck as Michael took him. They kissed briefly. "Meet you downstairs." She watched as Michael gently carried Reese to his room, cuddling him close as he walked up the hallway. It felt good to catch his interactions with the toddler. And Katie too. A smile spread across her lips. He freely showed both of them how much he loved them.

Nikita shook her head, it didn't seem that long ago where she thought she would never see anything close to that emotion come from him. The smile still firmly on her face, she turned. It masked the sadness that was starting inside. It was going to be hard to leave this place. Claude said that Mac had called it "Cala" which meant haven in Gaelic. And that's what it had been, a good haven where some of the pain had melted away. But as Nikita reminded herself as she headed down the stairs.......good things didn't last long for them.

----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------

Operations waved Darcie in as he said "Thank you" to whomever was listening to him on the internal monitor. He pointed at her with his glasses as he walked towards the window. "Promptness, I like that. Have any idea why I called you up here?"

Darcie kept her eyes on the large screen that took up the wall directly behind Operations' desk. She shared the same trepidation every other operative felt when they were called up here. Maybe even more so because recruits usually didn't get called up. Stiffly she replied, "No, sir."

"I've been monitoring your progress not only with Nikita but with Birkoff. I have to admit to being impressed. Not many recruits impress me to a great deal either. Consider that a big plus. I didn't want you paired with Nikita for training. In fact, I had my doubts about recruiting you at all. I was persuaded to allow it to stand. It worked well."

"Thank you for taking a chance on me." Darcie raised her eyes to look at the ceiling as she took a deep breath. What the heck was he leading up to? Maybe he had found out about the tunnel forays. She squashed the frown, that had been for fun. She hadn't harmed anything or made an escape attempt. Idle was not a favorite way to be for her.

"I received the scores for your first mandatories. There were areas you were well above the stated averages and other areas where you were weak. None of which would affect too terribly your continuation in the field training arena. Except one which in the end I suppose could be solved. It has been before. All in all, I feel you would make a decent field op, Darcie. You've made yourself valuable very quickly. Attached yourself to those who can give you the most that you need. Alliances however do not make a good field op. That's takes training and a fair amount of guts. You definitely don't lack the latter."

Darcie started to feel worried. There was a maybe in his voice and she couldn't figure out why. It prodded her to speak out impulsively. "So you mean I'm OK for this place but I'll never be as good as Nikita. I'll be more like Runkle"

Operations chuckled at that as he came back around to face her. "No one is like Nikita . In that we are lucky. She's a bit unique to say the least. Nikita's strength is in her ability to deal with people and situations. Even though at times her approach is extremely unorthodox. This is not a reflection on your abilities or potential. I am seeing the signs that your greatest strength is not in the field. You're a bit more cerebral Darcie. You like to think and figure things out, make plans. Technology tugs at you where people tug at Nikita. In your little 'sister' group as you call it, who picked the locks and stripped the alarms? Who helped plot things?"

He knew about the robberies and stuff then. Leveling her eyes at him, Darcie answered quietly, "I did. They were easy."

He chewed on the temple of his glasses for a moment. "Where did you learn to do the alarms?"

"Watched my dad at the alarm company before things went bad. The red went this way, the green and black that way. It worked. You do one wrong, it didn't work. Pretty simple. The computers are the same way. They just make sense to me."

"I thought your father was a custodian."

"He was at an alarm company. He would bring me in to work with him. The guys would show him stuff and I watched. Sometimes he covered things for them if they were busy. But my dad wasn't really smart so I had to help a lot." Operations nodded as he studied her. "Can I ask you a question?" He nodded again. "Am I in trouble for something?"

A real laugh came out of Operations. "No, young lady. Not in the least. As you know our only pure programmer and analyst with tactical authority is Birkoff. He carries a heavy load. Also I think you realize the closeness he had with Caroline. He depended on her a lot. She was also the closest to him skill wise that we had. The others are good. Gail, Saphil, maybe one day even Doyle. But Gail and Saphil are purely analysts and Doyle is a field op who is back on duty."

"Till the next time he gets put on punishment." Darcie mumbled under her breath. Operations raised an eyebrow.

"Can you repeat that?"

Looking at her feet, she frowned. Her mouth had struck again. Eyes still downcast, softly she said again, "Till the next time he gets put on punishment."

"You don't like him, do you?"

She brought her head back up. "Can I be just really me when I answer that?" Operations pondered that request and then nodded. Darcie stood a little straighter. "He's really cute but he's a jackass with a ego the size of old USSR."

Laughter burst out of Operations again as he put his glasses back on. This girl was a rare one. She was definitely part of the new breed that was developing in Section. They had an energy he hadn't seen before. He was enjoying the evolution of it all. "You have to admit, he's getting better," he said with a chuckle in his voice.

"As long as you keep the doses of painkiller coming for us, then he is."

"OK enough about Doyle, you've expressed yourself rather eloquently on that subject. I've made a decision about your career track based on the numbers from your mandatories. You'll be pulled from field op training starting today and be placed in Ops/Com with Birkoff. Gradually you'll be trained in all aspects as he has been. Within a year, I expect you to be able to handle a tactical on your own."

He looked quickly at his terminal and hit a key. "Assistance on them can continue as you did several weeks ago. I want you to keep this in mind though. It is the belief in the abilities you have shown and the potential ones you have that I'm allowing this change of plans. As well as the needs of the Section at this time. I am not 100 % sure you can handle the responsibilities but others who deal with it more on a day to day basis do. So I'll participate. Do not disappoint me."

"I'll try not to." Swallowing hard, Darcie blinked at him several times. "No more dance classes or dress up stuff? No more of that other training?" She had started to talk with her hands and seemed ill at ease.

"None except for weapons, physical, strategy and language. I trust you find that acceptable?"

The wide eyes and huge grin that transformed the young woman in front of him into a little girl transfixed him. She appeared to have lost almost ten years. "Oh man!!! You bet! Are we done?"

"Yes, dismissed" Operations said cautiously. She scampered from his office. Her war whoop, the only thing Oscar could compare it to, echoed in the hallway and into his office. He chuckled again. "I think I just made her year."

----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------

Birkoff growled in frustration as somebody pounded on his door. He watched as the pit swallowed his character once again. "Come in" he yelled as he tossed the pad away from himself in disgust. He'd had the damn game for 4 days now and still hadn't gotten to the end of it yet. The constant interruptions were getting on his nerves. Determined to win, he grabbed the controller again.

Darcie bounded in just as he started the game again. Throwing herself down on the pillows next to him, she restlessly watched him for several minutes. "Not going to win that way," she declared.

"Who says?"

"Me. I mastered it two days ago."

His head swiveled around to look at her as the game informed him that once again he'd have to start over. "What?"

"Made a copy of yours. Sword works better in the right hand. Make sure you let the guys slash at you a couple of times and make sure you decapitate the first skeleton knight."

He gave her a baleful look and went back to the game. "What the big guy want you for?"

"Pulled me out of training. Got any cookies?"

"On the bookcase over there.... WHAT?" Her announcement hit Birkoff like a frying pan over the head. The controller fell to the floor as he scrambled to his feet. The crack as he stepped on it failed to catch any of the attention he focused on Darcie's back.

Rummaging on the cluttered shelves, Darcie pulled the box out with a triumphant sigh. "I think I'm gonna enjoy thes...." Turning she took his shocked expression and nervous stance. She shrugged at him, a cookie in her mouth. "What?" she said around it.

"You got yanked and you're walking around like it's not a major like problem. They're gonna cancel you! You can't hide here!" With a roll of her eyes, Darcie sat down on the pillows and munched on the cookie she had.

"They're not gonna cancel me, Birky. So cool out." She reached down and grabbed the controller. "Awww damn, you smashed it! I was going to show...." Birkoff snatched the device from her and dropped down on his knees in front of her.

"Screw the thing! How can you be so glib about this?" He grabbed the box of cookies from her hand and tossed it aside.

"Hey!" Darcie made a grab for them but he pushed her back onto her butt.

"You're not having cookies as a last meal!!!" Darcie started to giggle as Birkoff started to turn red. He hated it when a girl laughed at him, even if that girl was Darcie.

"Oh man you are revved! You should see your face. Sit down and take a deep breath." She pushed on his stomach so he fell backwards on the pillows. "I'm going to be training with you instead." He was on his knees again so fast, Darcie wondered when he'd gotten the springs installed on his rear.

"As you serious?" Darcie nodded. "What about field Ops? And what about Nikita? She isn't gonna like this! She's gonna feel like it's her fault. Then you know she's going to get mad and then feel like she was snubbed or something. And then holy crap look out!!"

"Not her fault. She'll understand. I think. Besides she has other things to worry about. Lot better than me. A whole bunch better. One less nuisance."

"That gets shoved onto me." He sat with a huff. "Beyond the usual stuff that we all worry about around here, what is going to take up so much of her time? Not like..."

Giving an aggravated sigh, she raised a hand to smack him but thought better of it. "Do you have any idea where she is right now? How about Michael?"

"Lord knows with either of them. They're around here less than, hell I don't know what. Especially lately. Do they even still work here anymore?" Birkoff gave a short laugh which Darcie answered with a peeved expression.

"I'm serious!" She punched him in the shoulder. "You get that way. This is a big thing and it's not a joke!"

"Sorry, OK. Just following your lead. I thought Operations said that they were on something for the Agency."

"More like something the brass gave them the chance to do. They're both with the kids. Right where they belong."

"Yeah, right. Section operatives don't have kids."

"Well they do now. There always has to be a first to get things started. Yeah, you think you're all knowing. You only see what goes through the system. I know other things. I know you were monitoring Boss II for Michael."

Birkoff's words were sharp. "How....you were snooping!!"

"No," Darcie retorted as she got up and started rummaging around on what she supposed was to pass as a desk. Lord knew if it ever really had been. "I was going through Ops when you two were talking. I know he found them because I heard part of his conversation with Operations. He got a helping hand from the Big Boss to keep Boss II from keeping them apart from the kids. She was pulling a fast one on Nikita. Something to do with the guy who walked out on her when she was pregnant with Katie. Michael ripped the rug right out from under her. And you know what else?"

Birkoff was staring at her with a slightly open mouth. Noticing his expression, she waved her hand in front of him. "Where are your scissors?"

"Over there." Birkoff pointed to the floor by the bed but didn't take his eyes off of her as she scooped them up and plopped down on his bed. He pulled off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. "I shouldn't be listening.... what is the 'what else'?" There was only one way for Darcie to know this stuff. She was lurking and eavesdropping. Must be nice to have the time. Now he could hear her using the scissors.

"Simon isn't missing. He's with Doc Chris. They've had something going for the past couple of months. She's on vacation. He's AWOL. What do you think is going on? They might have even taken off to be where ever Nikita and Michael are."

"That's not Simon's style. And it's not Christine's either. I think something is going on. But nobody can figure out what. Operations wasn't worried about Michael and Nikita at all. He was really worried about Simon and Christine. Remember? She left early without telling anybody."

"You watch... Doc Chris should be back tomorrow, then we'll see Simon show up with an excuse. I'll bet you.... Bag of Oreos?"

With a sound of disgust, Birkoff opened his eyes. Darcie held his scissors in one hand and most of the length of hair from the back of her head in the other. "What the heck did you do that for?"

"I get to be the real me. I get to look like the real me. No more prim and proper!"

Birkoff threw himself down on the body pillows with a groan. "You are a nut case and God I'm stuck with you!" He tossed a filled video game box at her. "As for the Oreos, I can see the ones you'll give me. All the white stuff gone." He didn't need to see her puzzled look to know it was there. "I found my stash. I saw what you did."

"Oh forgot to get rid of those... Can I make it up to you?"

"No... you can't... wait a minute, yes you can." He stood up and walked over her. "How are you finding this stuff out?" He folded his arms across his chest as he looked down at her. Birkoff wanted to see what explanation she had for this. A big grin spread across Darcie's face as she reached up and pulled herself to a standing position by yanking on his folded arms.

"Can you keep a secret? You ever explore your built in closet thing?"

Rising his lip in a half sneer, he said; "What do you mean?"

Jerking on his arms so he would follow her, Darcie replied secretively, "Oh thee of little imagination and curiosity! Have I got a surprise for you!!"



Chapter 2

With a sigh, Doyle slid down the Plexiglas of the exercise room as he took a long drink from the water bottle. The water tasted as good as the pummel he had given the bag for the past half an hour. Leaning his head back, he closed his eyes. Operations had not been pleased with his report but what was he suppose to do.

"I'm no damn detective... just an ex-con with the bad luck of getting stuck doing scut work." he muttered as he opened his eyes to stare at the ceiling. It had been a long frustrating morning. And then to follow it with Operations' harangue had only added to his tension. The bag had provided ample physical relief. It just did nothing to get rid of the unease he had inside.

Operations was right. Something was going on with Christine and Simon. And it wasn't just the tango they'd been dancing that most around Section didn't know about. Simon's place had been neat as a pin. Just as he knew it going to be. Simon was a neat freak. Just another thing they didn't see eye to eye on. Doyle knew how he left his apartment all the time. His mom would have hung him if she saw it. His jacket holster had been missing for three weeks now.

When he had looked around Simon's place all he could think of was a photo shoot for a design magazine. There had been no dishes in the sink. Nothing in the dishwasher. The sleeping loft had been a set up like it was turned down to go to sleep. Doyle just could not fathom anyone being this neat. It wasn't normal. But when he got to Christine's place things got fishier.

Her place had been neat, too. But not to the extreme of Simon's. There was the pot of coffee on the counter. It had gotten moldy and the container of creamer left out had curdled. Plus the trash was still in the can in the kitchen and her mail was laying between the door and the screen. That was the kinda of stuff people took care of before they left for vacation. Still she could have just left in a hurry.

A couple of things had seemed weird though. In the dining room, there had been pictures hanging on a wall. It was a house that had seen better days situated in a tangle of trees and bushes. But the pictures were all askew or on the floor. There was a fist size hole in plaster wall under them too. And he knew that the streak on the exercise mat in the finished basement was blood. Which added up to something bad going on.

With an exasperated sigh, Doyle got to his feet. He wanted to check out the signals for their ID tags before he took a shower. They had been silent for almost two weeks. He couldn't help but be annoyed that this had gotten dropped in his lap. Another one to add to his list for Michael. Now he owed him 3. Doyle had searchers out but he didn't have the faintest idea what to tell them to look for, except for either of them. Their bank accounts hadn't been touched, their credit cards unused and no answer to Simon's cell phone. Hell he hadn't even found it and they hadn't be able to triangulated on it either. Christine's emergency beeper for Medlab laid on the counter, battery dead.

Satellite feeds on Jon Jae's haunts, Asian and European, had proved fruitless. There had been almost no activity. No one had even seen him. It was almost as if he was waiting for something or someone. Nothing from any in place operatives or ones that had been sent out. It was really more like the guy had fallen off the face of the earth. And taken Simon and Christine with him.

Well, at least Operations felt that Jon Jae had them and compromise was constantly on the tip of his tongue. Doyle had his doubts though, especially in light of what he knew about them and their relationship. But they weren't really strong ones. Maybe somebody had come up with something in the past few hours. Besides from what he had been told about this Jon Jae, he was a bad ass. 10 to 1 if he had them, they were beyond Section help or extraction by now. Their best hope was a clean sweep and their miseries ended.

Nodding to Gail and Saphil as he got up on the platform, he pulled up the reading on the signals. Nothing, silent as they had been this morning. He looked over check-ins but there was nothing either. All were negative. "Damn it!" he snarled as he threw himself in the chair. "I give up. I don't know what to do!" He mutter to himself as he ran a hand over his face.

"What's wrong?" Gail asked.

"I'm no private dick, ok?" he replied sharply. Gail's head whirled around to stare at the side of Doyle's head which was laying on his doubled fists as he stared out into the open area. She threw a look over at Saphil who raised his hands in the air.

"Partner, I'm not touching that comment. No way... no how!" he mouthed at her, motioning with his hands.

Turning back to ask Doyle what he meant, she saw him sit straight up, eyes wide. "Who is that?" His voice was low and heavy. Gail rolled her eyes as she saw what had attracted his attention. The person he eyed only showed up when there was a problem.

A tall red head dressed in forest green slacks and jacket with a creme turtle neck walked slowly across the open area with Walter. She rippled confidence and strength. Standing at least 5'9", her hair was chin length and swung slightly as she walked. No that baby stalks...oh man I think I'm in love... Walter you better be willing to talk!!

Gail made a dismissive gesture. "That's CC. Stay away from her. She's trouble."

"Keep your voice down Gail. She'll hear you. And you know she'll have something to say that will not be very nice." Saphil remarked warning clear in his voice.

"Like I care... She heads Investigations and thinks she is the queen of all she surveys."

Doyle let a smile slowly form on his face. He liked Christine but she was hooked up with Simon and he had to acknowledge a stalemate for now in that department. Anyway he was beginning to think he'd never see her again. Yeah, it was a callous way to think but that was life in Section One. Doyle was learning that very quickly. He wondered if CC had anybody she was spending time with. "I volunteer to be her yeoman then." Gail made a sound of disgust and turned away.

Walter leaned on the console, "Anybody know where Operations and Madeline are? CC's here

for them."

Saphil answered before either Gail or Doyle. "I can find them. You want to go up and wait for them in the office?"

"I prefer the briefing room." CC said coolly.

"Of course." Saphil replied blandly. "I'll have them meet you there."

"Thank you so much Saphil." CC said with a thin smile. He returned it in kind. Out of the corner of Doyle's eye he saw Gail make a face. CC saw it too. "Problem Gail?" Immediately Doyle caught the sharper edge in her voice and by the look on Gail's face the retort was not going to be nice. He could see both Walter and Saphil stiffen for the start of something. Might as well make an impression.

Determined to get her attention, Doyle answered for Gail. "She's had a cold for the past few days. Driving us nuts with the sneezing." He turned to look at Gail and pointed in her direction. "I get your cold, you're making me chicken soup. And I don't like leftovers." She gave him a crooked smile in return. CC had a mean mouth and Gail hated the way the woman cut you down whenever she had the chance.

"I don't think we've been introduced but I know who you are. Doyle, right? Maze contact... I do believe." She extended her hand. "I'm CC."

He shook her hand. "You keep up on everybody here?"

"Just the ones I might have a problem with." She turned on her heel and started towards the briefing room.

Walter raised an eyebrow at him. "Watch your step. She's a long one, Doyle." He followed in CC's wake.

"Yeah, whatever" Doyle quipped as he watched CC disappear through the briefing room door. And I love being a problem. Not many have solved me either.

"See the drool, Saphil? We need hip waders." Gail frowned and said nastily. In response, Doyle tossed the half empty water bottle at her.

"I'll be in my quarters. Call me if anything shows." The day was finally looking up but not where he needed it to.

------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------

"You waited so long on this. Why?" CC got up from her chair and slowly walked around the table. Operations could tell she was in deep thought by the way she rubbed her index finger along her cheek. She'd done it as a child and still held onto the habit. It was about the only thing she did that reminded him of the sweet lovable little girl she had been. Life had hardened her more than anyone he had ever known. And that included himself. The transformation had only happened in the past three years. That was when she started working with George. Maybe she should have stayed in Israel.... and be dead with the rest of them, Oscar? Miles would haunt you for the rest of your life.

"Why is such a new operative handling the search? Where are the rest of the senior operatives? Especially Michael. Does he have an invested interest in finding your CMO? After all she is his flesh and blood. And where is the 'Princess'? She always seems to be able to find needles in haystacks. That's what makes her so prickly." She watched as Madeline and Operations looked from one to another. Madeline's mouth formed a hard thin line and she looked down to her fingers that were laced together in her lap.

"They're both unreachable at the moment. The Agency is using them for something." Operations replied vaguely. No need for her to know what was going on with the two of them.

"They have their own operatives that are equivalent to Michael. And why would they want one of our level 3s? And don't tell me it's because of her looks!" CC waggled her finger in the air. "I'm not getting a whole story here. Where the hell are they?"

"We don't know. They are due back in three days." Madeline said quietly. She looked up at Operations and her look dared him to tell the best lie he could or reveal the truth.

CC waved her hands in front of her before she leaned on the table. "You loan out your two 'best' Ops to the agency. One of your newly promoted and most promising team leaders is suddenly missing. And your CMO who just happens....oh wait a minute...doesn't Michael know yet?"

She got nothing but tight lipped looks from both of them. "You didn't tell him anything about Christine?" The silence was the only answer she needed. "I demand to know why not!! This makes her a liability to him and the rest of us."

"You don't demand anything here, Constance! I am more than aware of the issues it raises. But I don't answer to you. I asked you for assistance only!" Operations raised his voice as he spoke sharply to her. He was not about to put up with any attitude from her. She was part of the reason Michael had felt pushed to do what he had done, even if he had not mentioned her at all. They had to move Claude and his charges because of her interference.

"How can I assist you when you're holding a big chunk of intel back? Come on, Uncle Oscar, be up front with me!" The slight but fake pleading tone in her voice only irritated him more.

"Listen!! That 'uncle' crap might work with Walter but it does nothing for me! Drop it!"

"You two do like to bicker, don't you?" Madeline interjected in a measured but calm tone. "Do you ever find any answers in it?"

"Don't worry. I'm sure we'll go at it later, sweetie!" CC snapped in her direction. "You know I'm getting the feeling here that they're doing nothing for the Agency." She looked over at Madeline. "Where's Reese and his caretakers?"

"In seclusion." Madeline said briefly.

"Where? I want to know, now."

Madeline shook her head. "It's classified."

"The next highest security clearance over mine is the Director. I have the right and authority to ask and be told."

"Clear through Mac then. It's not my call." Operations said shortly.

"The boss yanked it away from you," CC challenged.

"No. Not exactly." Madeline remarked.

"We're on a tangent here that has nothing to do with the original problem." Operations retorted, flashing a look at Madeline. She was only egging CC on.

"Oh no, yes it does. It's all connected and you can't separate it." CC paused, eyes focused on the tabletop. Operations could tell her thoughts were flying. "Oh! Now I get it! Jesus Christ, he did it, didn't he? He discovered their whereabouts, out maneuvered the both of you and went over your heads? He's kicked mommy's and daddy's butt. I think it's time to rein in your favorite son."

Darkly Madeline said, "He had help."

"Madeline, you gave him more than enough cause! So ahead tell CC all about the cause!" Operations felt his face get red with rage. Things had gotten completely out of control. "You jeopardized the security of not only the situation but Section too! Michael helped remedy the problem. He eliminated it completely!"

"I could have too! It was under control!"

"Oh I imagine it was." CC loved to see a good fight brewing and one between these two was even better. "By the emotions I see flaring here, the wound is just gushing over this. Let me sort this out. Boy this is rich!! You two planning to write a book about this or something? OK... Michael got fed up with something that Madeline was pulling and it probably involved Nikita and the little brat." CC smothered a smile behind her hand. She wasn't prepared for Madeline's next words. She was still working out what she thought had gone on here.

"That would be brats." Madeline said simply.

"Excuse me?" Plural meant more than one. Nikita had used it too just before she had followed with that fist of hers. CC stroked her chin, she had been unable to eat solids for a couple of days. The woman had the punch of a man. Slowly she stated, "....the daughter.... the bedroom with all the stuff for a girl.....she's alive..... and with them and Reese. The perfect little family group. OH!!! This is just too good. So... he yanked them right out from under your noses. Let me rephrase that since she says you helped, Oscar. Right out from under Madeline's nose and went to the Agency for help. Are they enjoying a little family vacation compliments of the head honcho? Why? How'd you get him to agree, Oscar? I know since Philippe, you and Mac have been best buddies."

"Reciprocity is a wonderful thing in this line of work. Remember that. It was either that or losing the both of them and we were inches away from that happening. He has more potential than I can tap at the moment. I going to do what I have to to make sure he stays. I have plans for her as well, thanks to your own foresight. So when cooperation was requested, I granted it. But now we're looking at Jon Jae coming after us or more specifically Michael for Reese. What a better way than to go through Michael's sister to get the kid back? Maybe he believes that there is the possibility of a trade." Operations sat with a heavy sigh.

"Doesn't account for Simon. Why grab him? Or did he grab her for Jon Jae?"

"Simon wouldn't...."

"If he was with her, it wasn't because of Jon." All they turned at the voice. "If Jon has taken Christine then it is well possible that he has Simon too. They would have been together. She had thought she was meeting Michael that night. To talk things over. Naturally Simon would have been there. The outcome would affect him as well. " Raymond walked assuredly into the briefing room. Dark eyes surveyed CC up and down. "Stiff trees crack in a wind storm, learn to bend, you'll live longer."

He turned to focus his attention on Madeline. "I know you were aware of the situation but you were saving it for the right time to use it. Haven't the people here endured enough from secrets and manipulations, Madeline? You are fomenting rebellion. And it has already started. Sides are being taken." He twisted his head so he could see Oscar. "Simon and Christine have been involved in a relationship for a while now. There is no trade upcoming. This is an act of revenge and retribution. For all involved."

CC stepped in front of Raymond. She was easily 3 or 4 inches taller than he was. "Who are you?" she demanded sharply.

"My name is Raymond. I am a colleague of Madeline's and fairly new here. Let me give you some advice. I feel you need it. Power requires strength of mind and character. Both of yours are weak. Save your strength for other things. Like solving the question of where your anger comes from. A little self knowledge will give you all the power you need."

"My anger... self knowledge... who..." CC was so mad at this out of place, out of date looking hippy that she could only sputter. He was judging her! Who the hell did he think he was?

Activity suddenly exploded out in Ops. Birkoff's sharp voice rang out. "Get Doyle out here! We got a signal!!! ....Operations! Madeline! We got 'em!" The intercom crackled from the wall. Operations' head snapped up from his hand from where he had been wearily rubbing it. Finally they had gotten a break. But it was what he thought, not as he had hoped.

------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------

The sudden light jerked Christine from her troubled sleep. Pure exhaustion had claimed her from the fear that was eating at her. Grabbed from both sides, she was dragged to her feet. Neither seemed to expect any trouble from her and that spurred her to act. Her head was warning her that the attempt was futile but the need to get away from these men was even greater. The darkness and the things that lurked in it had been choking her for days. Fury grew out of the fear and she used the strength from the transition.

She caught the first one with a fist to the throat and a knee to the crotch. Whirling, she just missed a blow to the side of her head from the second man, catching some of it on her shoulder. It stung and made her mad. With a yell, her palm connected with his nose but the blow was weakened by being grabbed from behind. Her head had been right about the futile part. Within seconds they had her face first against the wall, her cheek scraping the stone as one held her by the hair and back of the neck. The other fastened cuffs around her wrists as tight as they would go.

"You are hurting me" she ground out through gritted teeth. Christine knew the skin of her cheek was scraped and soon was going to actually be gouged by the sharp unfinished stone.

"Tough shit! What you give is what you get. I ought to bash your skull in. You could have broken my nose."

"Wouldn't have hurt your looks, might have been an improvement. Let me see, Quasimodo. I'll give up an expert opinion."

He flipped her around, his fingers digging into her throat. "I know a very effective way to take the fight out of a tough little bitch like you." He snarled in her face.

Fighting for air but refusing to back down, Christine choked out, "You... wouldn't... live... to enjoy... it." She started to kick out, her foot connecting with his knee. He staggered back in pain. She leaned back to deliver another kick when the other leveled his gun at her mouth.

"One more time and I don't care what happens afterwards." The words were spoken with such lack of feeling that Christine knew that she was pushing beyond where she could handle it. Gradually she lowered her leg. As her target started to stand, she sneered at him.

"Watch your back, got it?" she warned.

Shoving her forward, as he grabbed her arm, 'Quasimodo' said, "You got a big mouth. Can't wait to shut it permanently."

"It's been tried and I'm still talking." She heard the click and the cold feel of steel by her ear.

"Shut up or start sucking blood. Your choice." Rolling her eyes, Christine decided to be quiet. Hopefully they were taking her to some place where she could see Simon. Her mental clock told her that it had been like a week ,maybe more since she had seen him. It was only a guess as to the damage he had done in that time. She refused to even think he was dead. That led to too many other thoughts that she didn't want to have.

They practically dragged her up two flights of stairs before they turned into a hallway. After three closed doors, they stopped at one and it opened. With one on either arm, they pulled her into the room. Relief surged through her as she saw Simon leaning stiffly against the far wall near a set of plate glass windows. He had several cuts on his face and a split lower lip. His left eye was slightly swollen and he definitely looked uncomfortable, lips drawn tight.

Upon seeing her, he gave a slight nod, his eyes fixed on hers. She returned the nod but he didn't lose any of the stiffness in his stance. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Jon Jae coming towards her. His hand reached out and he grabbed her by the back of the hair. With a savage yank he pulled her forward and shoved her to the floor. On a couch she hadn't seen, laid a man with a bleeding shoulder wound.

"Fix it!" Jon Jae commanded. "Now!"

Struggling to her feet, she shoved herself right into Jon Jae's face. "Go to hell."

With a surprising gentle gesture, Jon Jae caressed her scraped cheek with his fingertips. "You have her spirit. No matter how impossible the circumstances, she still fought. That was what Philippe liked about her. That was what I loved. Maybe I'll keep you instead and have you raise the children. You have potential." He encircled her waist with an arm and pulled her in closer. A look of disgust formed on her face and she made herself rigid. Christine tried to turn her head away but he wouldn't let her.

Simon grounded his teeth together and emitted a low growl as he watched them. He had to do something to get them out of this. There were too many of them to come up with any tactical advantage except surprise. He tried to keep the anger and jealousy churning in the pit of his stomach from going to his head. Thinking became muddled if they interfered. He looked towards the plate glass windows.

They were at least two floors up and he didn't know what was outside the glass. He also knew that something in the building was blocking electrical frequencies. They had to leave the building to use a cell phone. Other communication devices had been no shows. The only hope was somehow getting to the outside. That way their signals would be picked up. After Michael had been taken by Elouette, a directive came across that the system Martina had used was to be implemented across the board. They all had internal tags. Some rigged to transmit at will, others on constantly.

His and Christine's were constant. But Section hadn't shown yet. Which meant they weren't getting the signals. And there were only three at Section who had the authority to shut them down. Christine was here, Michael wouldn't do it and Birkoff had to have one of them to help him so they weren't off. They had to get out and if anything, he had to buy her as much time as possible. She was still fighting. But she looked like she was fine, they had been gentle with her. In fact the only mark on her he could see was the scraped cheek and that was fresh. For that he was thankful, they were going to have to use her strength on this. She would have to make the run for it.

He looked towards the glass again. Please be glass! Let him have been stupid enough to have used the real thing. Simon looked back to her and Jon Jae. The urge to kill the man was almost overwhelming as he watched Jon Jae kiss her. Bit by bit he edged himself to the window, he had to feel it. At the moment Jon Jae's little performance had everybody's attention. You are going to be in agony later. Breath by breath I'll choke the life out of you.

Christine stifled her reaction to gag as Jon Jae kissed her. It was rough and forceful. She tried to bite him but he pulled away. "You are the fighter. I'm liking you more and more, Paige. I admire your aggression. It is exciting. Wouldn't it kill Michael to know that I have his sister and use her as I please, I have the children and I have the woman he desires. I'll have his life and shred it just like he did mine. If I choose to let him live with the knowledge."

"Simon." He froze as Jon Jae said his name.

"What?" Simon snapped. Christine could hear the anger in his tone. She tried to look over at him but Jon Jae wouldn't let her.

"Are you feeling jealous right now?" A smile formed on his mouth as he looked down into Christine's furious eyes. Simon remained silent, he refused to let the guy goad him into saying something stupid. "I'll take that as a yes. Simon, do you remember how Simone died? What Glass Curtain did to her? That is the only thing I ever hated Philippe for. He helped with that. But it was really all Michael's fault to begin with. How do you think Nikita would handle a similar demise? Could she last as long as Simone did?"

"She would be smart enough to get away." Christine said pointedly.

Jon Jae suddenly released her and pushed backwards. She stumbled, landing awkwardly on a knee against the couch. His face crumbled into an ugly sneer. "You have potential only, Paige. Do not count on your survival yet. Take care of him." He started to turn away. "Or we injure the animal over there worse."

"I need my hands to do anything. Teeth and toes don't do it." Struggling back to her feet, she glared at him as he moved his head so he could look at her. Noting attention was centered on Christine again, Simon stretched his fingers towards the glass. He brushed it and was heartened by its coolness and slickness to the touch. He ran a nail along it as best he could. He could feel no ripples or minute nicks. There were no opaque patches that he could see either. It was clear. That was a good sign. Straining his eyes to the side, he tried to look out. There seemed to be a small ledge and then a drop off. He thought he could see green. Simon prayed it was grass, it would be softer.

Hearing the sounds of cuffs being released, he looked back to Christine. They had unfastened her hands and she was examining the man on the couch. "What caliber was it? .22?" Her words were followed with the sound of ripping cloth. She pushed it out away from the wound, pulling some tattered material from it as well. It started to bleed anew. With a sound of disgust, she grabbed the man's hand and pressed it over the injury. "It's still in there. And it's got to come out. Hopefully you've got a medical kit or at least a knife around here and some cloth maybe white sheets. He needs to be on the floor too. I can't do it on the couch. He's going to have to be held down."

"You're going to need better light too. Maybe closer to the window?" Christine looked over at Simon as he spoke. What was he up to? His eyes didn't tell her anything. He was right though.

"Good idea." There was no movement. "Well, you want me to do this or what?"

"Do as she asks." Jon Jae said shortly. They quickly complied with Christine's requests.

Rapidly she surveyed the equipment she was presented with in the small leather zipped case. She looked up at Jon Jae. "Impressive set. Boy Scout when you were a kid? You seemed prepared for anything." She snapped her fingers as if she had suddenly recalled something. "That's right! You were too busy playing SPECTRE agent for L' Araigne."

Simon couldn't help but smile. The woman had a tongue that was sharp as the scalpels she used sometimes. Maybe not intentionally but then maybe again she was, the drawing of attention to herself was working beautifully. He pushed with his shoulder as inconspicuously as he could against the window. There was only a slight give to it. Another good sign, too much and it wouldn't break, but none at all meant it would shatter dangerously upon impact.

Realizing he was being watched, he made a grimace and shifted his body as if in pain. A movement from Christine caught his eye. She slipped one of the thinnest scalpels from the kit into a slit on the ankle of the warm-up pants she still wore. He knew she was going to make a move. He just hoped she waited on it.

Christine worked swiftly and Jon Jae had to admit to himself that he was impressed. She was not a prima donna doctor. She kept her head under some very hard circumstances. Very much like her brother. He knew that was one of the things that had drawn Simone to Michael. His stillness and 'quiet inner strength' as she had termed it. The angry belligerent face he wore had been a front. He remembered how betrayed he had felt the first time he realized that all the times she had thrown herself at him, she had been covering for Michael. Keeping his attention diverted so Michael could slip away for a while. The worst betrayal had been the day she helped Section infiltrate the stronghold. They had taken Michael and she had gone willingly.

He looked up at Simon who still leaned against the wall. The man stoically watched Christine operate on his man. There was no hint of revulsion such as he felt himself showing on Simon's face. There was a bit of regard inside for man. He was a warrior in the traditional sense. No fear, no weakness, no remorse and no giving up. Simon had fought strongly and fiercely against them since he had first come to. He had killed two men and injured four others. It took four more to control him. He wished he had several like Simon for his work. What an effect they would have!

Jon Jae was a confident fighter. He was a master among them and rarely lost in the field if he ventured into it. But he doubted he could defeat Simon. Most men of his size were slightly awkward. But Simon was graceful as a panther with the ferocity of the animal as well. The man was highly intelligent and very well trained. It showed in his eyes and the way he carried himself. There was a question in Jon Jae's mind and it asked itself every time he looked into the dark somber eyes of the man. Could I turn you?

A small smile crossed his face. He recalled the sabotage they had engineered in South America, he had been leading it himself. Somehow Section One had caught wind of it and shown up that day. One team only, headed by Michael with Simon as his second in command and that woman, Nikita. It had gotten messy as Jon Jae had sent men in for a hand to hand attack on Michael's team. Fire fights were never his style anyway. Even though guns were a wonderful tool, he preferred the 'personal touch'. It had been the first time he had been closer enough to witness the action. Not just hear about it or review it on tape.

The skills Michael had gained with their group had been honed to perfection. He had been virtually unstoppable, working his way to a female that had caught Jon Jae's attention because Simon had been doing the same thing. Her focus had been other team members, both men though focused on her. It had been interesting. He had been unable to determine whether they were working towards her as a protective measure or to unite strengths. Simon had been just as relentless as Michael, cold and deadly accurate. Each takedown bothered the woman but she was just as accurate. The heavy tolls the three extracted broke the back of his own group. They had fled with hefty losses. By his own estimation, Section One had lost one.

Frowning, he stared at Simon who returned the look. He smiled cockily at the man as she stood. He knew that he had made Simon jealous with the handling of Christine. She looked from Simon, who to her looked more and more in pain to Jon Jae. There was some kind of challenge going on between the two. But she wasn't sure exactly what it was. Jon Jae gave a short laugh. "Paige, can you fathom what your man is thinking? Michael taught him well. He is very hard to read."

Christine brought her eyes back to Simon. She could see the hard glint of determination in them that he always had. The light made the dark mud brown irises look black. They usually looked that way unless he was in direct sunlight. His jaw told her he was beyond angry but his breathing was strongly controlled like he was steadying himself for or because of something. His body held like he was ready to absorb a blow from a fist. 'Mission face' was the term Nikita used to describe it.

As to what his thoughts were, she was clueless as well. Jon Jae was right, he was good at hiding what he was thinking and feeling. Just like his attraction to her, she had no real sense of it till Claude's. And it had hit her like a speeding train and changed everything , careening them into this situation. But if they hadn't been she would be alone in this. Not something she was willing to experience. Si, if you are planning something just give me a warning.... something, anything! "I can't read his thoughts. But he's acting like he's in pain."

Simon wanted to shout. She had picked up on his gestures and believed them. Now he had to count on her to get the shackles off his wrists. His shoulder seemed like a good reason to him. She had massaged a cramp out of it for him just the other da...actually it had been more than two weeks ago. It felt more like years. In a tight voice he answered, "My shoulder."

Still not sure if he was really in pain or planning something, she reached up to examine his shoulder. Quasimodo stopped her by slapping her hands away. Indignantly, she shoved him back. Jon Jae snapped his fingers as Quasimodo started to raise his arm in a motion to slap. "Let her take a look at him. Remember the plan is to use both of them."

With a mocking look, Christine turned and reached up to him again. The muscles were taut and hard, not only in his shoulder but up his neck and down his arms. There was nothing wrong with the shoulder but the way his muscles felt it seems he was pulling on the restraints around his wrists. She felt down his arm till it went behind his back, it was like a rock too. There was no room around the wrists at all. The metal was digging into the skin. "Can they come off? I need to manipulate the shoulder joint. It's out of place and I'm afraid of some ligament or maybe nerve damage."

"It's against my better judgement but do it. He pulls anything, we kill him after I'm done with her. Understand me Simon? You behave, she lives. If not, I'll find another way to Michael and my son. You'll watch what I do to her then she can see you die. Corpses could be made effective too."

Simon nodded as he caught her eyes. "Trust me?" he mouthed at her. His lips had barely moved but she understood the words. Their workouts didn't always end up in lovemaking. Many times lately it was more operative training than anything else. And she had taken the lessons to heart. The events at Claude's had scared her. She wanted to be prepared if it ever happened again. Being accurate with a .45 wasn't always the answer. Christine knitted her eyebrow in puzzled over Simon's question.

She moved her head in a way to indicate yes and watched as he looked around the room. He was going to attempt something. There was nothing wrong with his shoulder, he was just incredibly tense. In all the times she had touched him both as a doctor and now as his lover, she had never felt him like this. He wasn't in pain from his shoulder. But she got the idea that he needed the shackles off for what ever he had to do. Quasimodo's partner came forward and unlocked him. "Let your arm relax and I'll move it where I want to. Like I've done before."

"If you close your eyes and don't feel alone, you're not afraid of the dark, right?" Simon's voice was low and his eyes were totally focused on her. The question was out of place. Why was he bringing that problem up? Were the signs of it showing on her face or in her eyes? What are you trying to tell me you're up to? Suddenly he grabbed her around the waist with his 'bad' arm, lifting her off the floor. With an equally swift movement, he threw himself towards the plate glass window. Christine's scream was muffled as he threw his other arm around her head to bury her face against his chest. Jon Jae watched in stunned immobility as the window shattered and they fell with the flying glass to the ground.

The green Simon had seen from the window was grass but it was sloped towards the building. Momentarily stunned by the impact with the ground, Simon released Christine and she rolled from him. She laid on the ground a bit dazed, blinking in the bright sunlight. Simon... she rolled to her knees. He laid about 10 feet from her on his back, unmoving. She could hear yelling from inside. Fear pushed her to her feet and she staggered towards him.

"Simon!" Christine's voice was shaking with the same fear that had pushed her to her feet. He was rolling to his side as she got to him.

"GO! NOW!" He waved to the top of the slope. "Get back to Section!" Wide eyes stared back at

him. Simon could see her apprehension and indecision. He loved those eyes and that was why he

had to buy her time. And he had to keep Michael and his hopes safe. Getting to his own knees,

he pushed at her shoulder. "I'll divert them. GO! Section can find us now! RUN!"

Hearing the urgency in his voice, she grabbed his hand. "You better be behind me." Scrambling up the incline, she gained the top and took off at a run. Looking over her shoulder to see if Simon was catching up to her, she almost ran into the man who stepped into her path. She didn't even get a chance to focus on the face before it went black.


End of part one...

written by Tammy

Continue on to Fait Accompli, part two

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