written by Astred


"So how are you feeling?" Michael asked as they sat down at the table in the coffee house.

"I am fine now. It does not even hurt anymore."

"I'm glad."

"Michael. Could you answer a question for me?"

"If I can." He would not say yes or no until he heard the question.

"On the last mission when we were in bed. You were cuddled up to my back. You leaned over and told me that you loved me. Did you mean it? Or were you just saying it for someone else's benefit?"

"Nikita there were no cameras this time, or any bugs."

"You did not answer my question. Did Section have anything to do with it?" she asked.

"What is going on Nikita?"

"You did. You did say it for Section, didn't you?"

"Nikita just calm down."

"I will not calm down. I can't believe that you did it again. I can't believe that I fell for it again. It was all a lie wasn't it?"

Suddenly Michael was furious.

"NO! IT WAS NOT ALL A LIE!." After he said this he walked out. Nikita was right behind him. She grabbed his arm and turned him around to face her.

"I do love you. Why can't you see that Nikita. I have risked my life you. I even tried to set you free. Do you know how much that hurt when you were gone? And to think that I had killed you. I don't understand what I have to do to prove that it was not all a lie." he then turned away again. And was once again grabbed by Nikita.

"You just did." she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck. His quickly went around her waist.

"I'm sorry. I love you, Michael. I have for a long time. I just had to know if this was real. I can't afford to be hurt again. Because it is not only me I have to think about this time."

Michael looked up from the street to see her face and said, "How far along are you?"

"A little over three months." I just found out after I was shot. But no one else knows. Only the three of us." She smiled as she grabbed his hand and put it on her stomach.

They walked to Nikita's apartment arm in arm. Once they were there Michael put his arms around her. He felt so good when he had Nikita in his arms. They slowly began to kiss. Light at first and then it became more intense. But Michael was very very gentle with her. He picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. As he laid her down on the bed she let out a little moan. He stopped, thinking he had hurt her. But she soon set him straight. She reached up and put her hands on the back of his neck and pulled him down to her. She wanted him so bad. And he wanted her.

"I love you Michael."

"I love you too." Michael said as they began to make love.

The next day in Section Nikita went into Michael's office. He was sitting there doing a report.

"Michael is that all you do it work?"

"I am not working. Come here." When she made it to his side he began to explain. "I know of a woman that got pregnant a little before I came here. She was given permission to not only give birth but to be able to keep that baby. I am trying to find out how she pulled it off. I need to find out who she is. We have to find some way."

"Well if all else fails. I know a way." The she proceeded to tell Michael about Steven being Operations' son. And if they refused to allow her to have the baby they could use that as leverage. After their little chat Nikita walked out of Michael's office. And went to talk to Walter.

"What are you up to this morning, Sugar?"

"Not much of anything." She said and then suddenly clasped her hand over her mouth. She jumped up and ran. Walter was right behind her.

"Are you o.k.?" Walter said as she came back out of the bathroom. She looked around and when she saw that no one was near she told him,

"I'm fine, Walter. I'm pregnant."

"Well congratulations. Have you told anyone about it yet?"

"Only you besides Michael. I don't know when I am going to tell Madeline and Operations. I don't know what they are gonna say. I am going to have this baby one way or another."

"Your secret is safe with me Sugar."Nikita kissed him and said that she was going to go home and take a rest. Then she left.

After about an hour Michael heard some people shouting. So he went out to see what was going on. That was when Walter ran up to him. "Michael, Armel had gotten loose. He has somehow gotten out of Section."

"Well Nikita was going to lay down in quarters for a while. I will find him. Nikita is safe in her quarters."

"No, Michael. Nikita got sick and said that she was going home to lie down. She is out there and so is he."

Michael took off. He got to the apartments in record time and he ran up the steps to the front door and was in the apartment with in seconds. He was scared of what he might find. But he was suprised. When he got to her room there was Nikita in that same t-shirt standing over Armel. She had the gun in her hand and acted like nothing was wrong.

"I think you can call housekeeping now, Michael." And Michael did just that. "And before you say anything. I am just fine."

In walked a few other operatives behind Michael. Walter had went to Operations and told them about Nikita going home and that Armel was probably going after her. So he had sent these to capture him.

"What are you doing here anyway?" Nikita asked.

"Because I heard that Armel had gotten free and that you were at home by yourself. I wanted to make sure you were alright."

Nikita then walked over to her counter and picked up an apple and offered one to Michael. She was fine now. They dragged Armel out of Nikita's apartment but before they could get him all the way out she kicked him and said, "That was for my car. Jerk." Of course he was dead and could not hear her or feel her but it made her feel better.

"Michael will you stay with me?" Michael just went and sat down beside her. "I am scared about this baby and telling Ops and Maddy. What if they try to make me have an abortion. I will not kill my baby. And I won't let them either."

"I will not let them kill you or our baby. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise. I know something about them also."

"I know Michael. I know." She sat there with him for a little while before going back into Section.

They set up a time with Madeline to talk to her and Operations. So when they got there they were both there already. Nikita walked in first and then Michael. When Michael sat down by her he put his hand on hers for a second. It was like they were sharing their strength. He could feel Nikita shaking.

"We need to talk to you about something. Well, Nikita is..." But Michael was interupted by a sudden burst of courage from Nikita.

"I'm pregnant. And I want to keep the baby."

Operations looked away but Madeline looked straight at them. She let out a little smile. But gave no clue as to what she was thinking. Operations got up and began to pace.

"You told me I could have anything. Except my freedom. Remember that? Because I do." Nikita said reminding him of his words when she saved his son.

"I do think that you remember something also, Madeline. I want Nikita to have the same chance as you. It would not be fair if she didn't. And he is proof that you can have children be safe in Section. Birkoff is just fine." Madeline had to catch her breath. No one had known about Birkoff being her son. Not even Birkoff. They thought that would be the safest way to protect him. But as soon as he was big enough he was taught to work with computers. That way it would look as though he belonged in Section. Operations turned around to face Michael and Nikita.

"We don't want anything else from you except to be together to have this baby. Please. I don't want to lose this baby." Nikita said as she began to cry.

"I think that we can find a way for you to be able to have this baby. We can tell everyone that you are on a deep cover assignment until the baby is born. Perhaps a little while longer. But I can't promise you how long."

Nikita felt like jumping for joy. But instead without even thinking she jumped up and hugged Ops. He was not the only one stunned. Everyone in the room was. Including Nikita. She smiled nervously and backed up. As she left the room with Michael. Operations laughed at the way she had reacted. He knew that they kept Birkoff in Section so that they could watch over him. And they knew that Michael and Nikita would do the same for their child.

Michael had spent most of the day on the phone but when it got time to leave he was ready with a smile on his face. Nikita knew that he was up to something. When they walked outside Nikita saw her car. It was as good as new.

"How did you..?

"I had some help."

"Thank you Michael."

After saying their good byes they set off on the long ride to their new life. Nikita was crying. She was going to miss Walter and Birkoff. But she was going to be with Michael. And Michael could make everything alright.

When they made it to the house Nikita had a huge smile across her face. She was so happy. Once they were about to walk in Michael grabbed her arm and pulled her back. And said, "I have a surprise for you. Come here."

Once she had walked back down the steps a man came from around the house. Nikita almost pulled her gun out of pure habit. She was glad that she didn't. The man was a preacher.

"Are you ready for the wedding to begin?" the man said.


"Yes. Are you ready Nikita?"

"Yes. You better believe it."

So the service began and they were husband and wife. Then Michael allowed Nikita to go up the steps to the door. This time when he got her to the door he swept her off her feet and carried her over the threshold.

"I love you Mrs.Samuelle."

"I love you too."

They went in and made themselves comfortable. The place was already furnished. And the cabinets were full with food. Everything was already done. As the days went by Nikita began to act like every other housewife. One day as Michael was outside working on the house he heard Nikita scream his name. He took off to find her she was sitting on the bed holding her stomach.

"What is wrong? Are you alright? Is something wrong with the baby?"

"It moved. I felt it move inside me." she said as she pulled his hand to her stomach and asked him to feel it. But unfortunately she was the only one that could feel it. She was not far along enough for anyone else to feel it. "Oh Michael this feels wonderful. I feel as though we are dreaming." She said as she began to cry. She was still so happy.

A few more weeks passed and Nikita went to the store to get some vinegar and salt potato chips. She wanted them so bad lately. She came home. Michael was still out. So she sat down and started to eat her potato chips. As she was watching the t.v.. She realized that she had eaten the whole bag. She went and put it in the garbage before Michael got home. He had taken the van that he bought after they got there. Nikita heard the van outside and went to the door to meet him. She greeted him with a smile. He walked up and kissed her. Then he pulled back licked his lips and said to her,

"Potato chips again?" Nikita just nodded her head.

"Where have you been?" she said.

"I have a surprise for you. Go upstairs and don't look. Promise?"

"Promise." And up she went.

About thirty minutes later she heard Michael calling her name. When she got down there she gasped at what he had bought. There was a baby stroller, baby bag, diapers, clothes, for both her and the baby, bottles, a crib, a dresser, a rocking chair and sheets for the baby bed.

"Oh Michael. I love it. When did you have time to go and get all this?"

"I bought this last week. I just went to pick it up today."

Nikita stayed and looked at all the stuff for an hour before going up to bed. She changed into a t-shirt and panties. Michael finally realized that this was the way that she always slept. As Nikita got in bed Michael looked at her stomach. She was five months and it was starting to poke out some. Nikita cuddled up next to him. She was a little higher that his so he laid his head on her stomach. All of a sudden he lifted up and looked at Nikita who had a beautiful smile on her face when he said, "It moved."

Michael slept with his head on her stomach for most of the night. It was the best feeling. Being able to feel his baby move within Nikita.

The next month passed pretty uneventfully. Nikita worked on the baby's room whenever she got a sudden burst of energy. Michael would help her whenever he could. She did most of it when Michael had gone somewhere. She did not know what sex the baby was so she did it all in light pastel colors.

As she entered her ninth month Nikita was having alot of sleepless night. And then sleeping all day. But Michael let her sleep as much as she wanted. She was standing in the kitchen hunting for some more chips when the telephone rang. She walked over and answered it. After she hung up she went and sat by Michael.

"Wrong number, huh? Who did they want to speak to?"

"Josephine. It was Madeline. We have to come in." Nikita took all the courage that she had to keep from crying as they drove back to Section. But the effort was futile. And once the tears started they would stop. Madeline met them as they entered Section. She could tell that Nikita had been crying. So she walked over to them to explain what was going on. That was when she noticed the wedding rings.

"Don't worry, Nikita. It is not what you think. See we are after a man. He is a doctor. An OB/GYN. He has been working as doctor for about ten years. We have heard from some source that he has been dealing in weapons trading. We do not want you to bring him in unless it is true. If it is not I want you to not let him know what is going on. He is a very talented Doctor. We needed someone who was actually pregnant. He is a doctor. He would know if you weren't." She smiled as she saw Nikita's body suddenly let go of the tension.

"This will only be for a week and then you can go back to your house." The next morning was Nikita's first appointment with the Doctor. She had her first ultrasound. She began to cry she was so happy. After an exam she was taken into his office. She asked him if they could just talk about it right there. Because a few minutes earlier Michael had excused himself and was looking around in his office. He got a copy of everything that they had filed in the computer. Then they headed back to Section. It proved that the source was not reliable. Because this man was clean.

On the way back to their house Nikita began to have cramps. She moved in the seat and began to moan.

"Nikita, Is it the baby?"

"Yes. My water just broke." Nikita said.

"We will be home in two hours. Do you think that you can make it to the house?"

"I will try." Nikita said as the contraction passed.

But about thirty minutes later she nearly screamed with a contraction. "Michael I don't think we are going to make it. This baby is coming now."

Michael stopped the van and ran over to the other said. He helped Nikita stand up and get into the back of the van. As he looked he could see that the baby's head was crowning. This baby was ready to come out.

"O.k. Nikita I need you to push. The baby's head is coming. I need a big push."

"I AM PUSHING! If you think that you can do any better then come up here and try."

After three more pushes Michael was able to get the baby by the head to lead it on out.

"It's a girl." Michael said as he raised her so that Nikita could see her. Then he cut the cord. Wrapped her up and handed her to Nikita.

"Oh she is beautiful. Isn't she, Michael ?"

"She looks just like her mother. "

The baby had light blue eyes and auburn hair. She was going to be a heartbreaker when she grew up. Nikita stayed in bed for the next couple of days. Except when she would get up to check on the baby. But Michael would always get up also. One night he had gotten up after her and walked towards the babies room. That was when he heard Nikita's voice. She was singing to the baby. It was beautiful. He just stood right outside the door.

One day Nikita had got up to go and check on the baby and she not breathing. She began to scream for Michael who came running.

"She's dead. Michael! Help her. Please help her." She began to scream her name. " Michelle. Michelle."

She woke up in a sweat. She was in bed. Michael woke up at the sudden movement. Nikita did not say a word to Michael. Instead she jumped up and ran to the baby's room. To her crib and she leaned in and touched her. When she did Michelle moved and began to move around in her sleep. Nikita dropped down in the rocking chair and began to cry.

"My God Michael. It seemed so real. I thought she was dead."

"She is fine. Come on back to bed. I will bring her also. Just so we will know that she is alright." Nikita agreed and went on to bed.

Nikita watched Michelle very carefully. She was always so worried about her. One day when Michael came home he saw some balloons through the window. When he walked in he saw what the balloons said. They all said 'congratulations'. Nikita walked in from the nursery.

"Nikita. What is going on here?"

"I will show you." She grabbed his hand and led him into the bedroom. She made him close his eyes. Once he was in the bedroom she told him to look. There was more balloons there. But these read 'It's a boy."

Michael jerked around and looked at Nikita and said, "Really!?"

"Really. I was late and I went and checked with the Doctor. And would you believe I am already six months. And they said that the baby was a boy."

Michael ran over and picked her up and gave her a big hug. They spent the day out shopping for more baby clothes since everything they had was for a girl. Once they came home they talked about how long they had been away from Section. It was going on four years. They wondered what would happen when they had to go back.

Two years after the birth of their son Christopher Michael, they decided to go to the world's fair and take the children. When they were only in there for a moment Nikita spotted a familiar face. It was Birkoff.

"Birkoff!" Nikita screamed. Birkoff turned around and turned pale.

"Birkoff, What is wrong? You look as though you have seen a ghost.

"I thought I did. Madeline told us five years ago that the two of you were killed while on a deep cover mission."

Nikita suddenly realized that Madeline and Operations made everyone believe that they were dead. They were free.

Nikita told Birkoff what had happened and he promised that the secret was safe with him.

Nikita thought back to a night many years ago. A beautiful night when she had made a wish. Her wish was to have a family with Michael. For them to together.

On the way home Nikita turned towards Michael and said that they needed to stop by the store.

"What for?" Michael asked.

She looked in the back seat at her two beautiful babies. Then she smiled and looked back at Michael. "I need to pick up some balloons."

Michael looked over at Nikita and saw that glow that he had seen twice before. "Again!?!?"


The End

written by Astred

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