Dirty Minds...Chapter 3 and 4

Nikita was stunned, to say the least, as much by Bobby's declaration as by the look in his dark eyes when he looked at Michael. They glimmered with lust. Nikita's surprise quickly turned to disgust. She shifted her body and was prepared to kick the jerk in the groin, when she was intercepted by Michael.

He had been watching Nikita and had known by her body language, what she intended to do. It would not be cool. Michael sensed that Bobby had seen it too, so he was quick to apologize to the man, and to Guy. Michael then asked for a moment to speak to Nikita, alone. Taking her by the hand, Michael led her off to a secluded corner. "Behave yourself!" he hissed at her.

"Michael, you can't do this!" Nikita countered, her eyes flashing.

"Why not?" he replied, staring at her with cool eyes. Nikita was speechless, but only for a moment. "Why not?" she repeated, shaking her head. "Are you telling me that you want that..MAN..to touch you, Michael?"

He didn't blink. "No," Michael whispered. "But that's not the point." "So what is the point?" Nikita challenged, folding her arms over her chest in a defensive posture. Although why she was feeling so defensive, Nikita couldn't say. When Michael didn't respond, other than to look at her, Nikita continued her tirade. "You know, Michael. I've been busting my butt trying to protect you, and you could care less --"

"Just do the job, Nikita," Michael interjected, cutting Nikita off with a sweep of one hand. And with that, he turned and headed back towards Bobby and Guy. Nikita turned to watch him. And if looks could kill, Michael would have been dead on the spot.

Guy had the scene set up for Bobby and Michael. It would be a rape/bondage scene with Bobby as the agressor. A role that the young man was looking forward to. He had the hots for MIchael and let it show. Nikita stood on the sidelines, with Guy hovering next to her, and tried to ignore the knot in her stomach, as she watched Michael prepare for the scene. In it, Bobby was to slam him up against the wall then rip his shirt open. Nikita didn't even want to think about what was supposed to happen next.

A moment later the director yelled, "ACTION!" and Bobby made his move.

Michael made his as well. When Bobby's hands gripped his shirt, Michael gripped Bobby's wrist in his right hand and a moment later the big man was on his knees and whimpering. Michael, the operative, stared down at him with cool, green eyes and said, "Don't touch." He then released Bobby and turned to face Guy.

The fat man was outraged. "What the hell are you doing?" he shouted at Michael, as spittle flecked his mouth and chin. "I'm leaving," Michael replied, his eyes glinting. He took Nikita's arm and led her off, stepping around Bobby, who was holding his wrist and sobbing that it was broken.

Nikita was thrilled that they were leaving, but confused. She stopped walking and confronted Michael. "What about the job?" she queried. "You do remember the disk?"

Michael almost smiled as he reached into the inside pocket of his leather jacket. He had pulled it on as they were walking out. A moment later he held up a disk. THE disk. Then he waited for a reaction from Nikita. Didn't take long. "How long have you had that?" She demanded, her eyes flashing blue sparks.

But Michael didn't answer. He simply turned and walked away. Nikita didn't see the smile on his face.

Back at Section One, Nikita paced in the corridor outside of Madeline's office. Michael was inside, with Madeline and Operations, and Nikita was waiting for him. They needed to talk.

As if on cue, Michael exited the office. He saw Nikita pacing and moved to stand before her. First thing she did was throw a punch at him, which he easily blocked. "Is something wrong, Nikita?" Michael questioned, facetiously. He knew she was furious with him. Her eyes nearly glowed.

"Why did you do that, Michael?" Nikita shouted at him, as she yanked her arm out of his grasp. "Why did you let me believe that you needed protecting?"

"You made that assumption all on your own, Nikita," Michael countered, softly. "I just played along." Nikita locked eyes with him. "Why?"

Michael shrugged. "To see what you would do," he admitted. "Another test?" Nikita spat. The thought making her all the more furious. She was so damn sick of being tested.

"No," Michael whispered, as he lifted one hand to smooth a lock of pale hair out of Nikita's eyes. "It wasn't a test," he assured her. "I was just....having fun." At the look on Nikita's face at his words, Michael almost burst out laughing. But he managed to keep a straight face, as he turned and walked away.

Nikita glared at his back, then a smile curved her lips. Two could play at this game. And she intended to win.

When Michael entered his office, later that evening, it was to discover that a lavender rose had been left on his desk, along with a lit candle and a card. They were from Nikita, and she was inviting him to a midnight dinner at her apartment. Michael picked up the rose and brought it to his nose. As he inhaled it's heady scent, a smile curved his lips.

Michael stood outside of Nikita's apartment at exactly midnight. He knocked softly, and the door opened immediately. As if she had been standing beside it, waiting for him to arrive.

Nikita smiled at Michael and couldn't help but notice that his eyes were giving her a thorough once over. Good. She had spent enough money on her dress. He'd better notice. The red satin clung to her curves even as it revealed her back and half of her front. "Come in, Michael," Nikita invited him. And she couldn't help adding, "If you dare."

That was all Michael needed to here. He smiled softly, stepped inside, then firmly closed the door behind him.

THE END....of part 3


The first thing Michael noticed as he walked into the apartment was the soft, warm glow of the dozens of candles which surrounded the otherwise darkened apartment. No other lights shone within the flat, but the flickering shadows created a gentle radiance which only added to the already sensual milieu of the night.

Melodious music played quietly in the background as Nikita took his hand and led him over to the table. "Thirsty?" she whispered into his ear, her voice a throaty resonance.

"Thought you'd never ask," he replied, as he watched her walk over to the cabinet. The darkness shrouded her in the kitchen so he could not see exactly what she was making for him. But he knew she had excellent taste, and the wine would surely be of an exquisite blend.

As she swaggered back over to the table, he was stunned when she placed a steaming cup of coffee on the table before him. She noticed a smirk come across his face and she asked him what was wrong. "Coffee?" he replied, a trickle of surprise and amusement coming into his voice.

"You said you liked coffee, so..we're having coffee." Nikita replied, as she quickly brushed her lips across his cheek and walked over to take her seat next to him. She was behaving awfully calm and demure...in truth, she was beginning to scare Michael just a tad.

"I thought we were going to have dinner too, Nikita. I'm starved." He asked as he finished his cup of coffee. It was delicious, a dark, roast blend...with a slight aftertaste, with a flavor which he could not quite name.

"I didn't forget about the food, Michael. You're so impatient sometimes," she replied, a touch of amusement in her voice. Once again, she brushed directly past him, making sure that he felt her sensation as she walked by.

He heard some rustling sounds in the kitchen but did not utter a word. Whatever she was up too, he would find out soon enough. And his throat was suddenly becoming very parched, but all thoughts of his physical ailments disappeared as he stared down at the colorful assortment she had placed in front of him.

"Fruit Loops?" he asked, picking up the spoon in his right hand. Normally, he hated cereal, but he hadn't eaten all day in hopes of a delicate feast...but instead he had been handed.."Fruit Loops?"

Nikita finished taking a small spoonful of cereal and ate it slowly before answering Michael's question, a wicked smile soon crossed her face. "Yes, I told you I liked Fruit Loops. I wasn't lying Michael, on that part Michael. I like cereal, you like coffee. We both get what we want..isn't that what tonight is all about anyway?"

Michael just stared at her as he finished gulping down his cereal...trying to comprehend her meaning. He knew what he wanted, that was for sure..and coffee or cereal was not it. But as for Nikita..he was certain she was ready to kill him, what was it she wanted anyway?

"Coffee and Fruit Loops?" Michael asked, his face once again not betraying any emotion. He was getting more paranoid by the minute.

"No, getting what we want," Nikita purred as she stood up from the table. She had to stop a smile from coming to her lips as she thought of what she was going to do to Michael...tonight she would finally learn the truth. Know once and for all how he truly felt, especially if Walter did his job properly.

She walked over to her stereo and turned on the music. Michael recognized it instantly. It was the song which had been playing when he had tried to seduce her...to keep her from leaving...to hold her in his arms for just a few moments, even though he knew all along that they were being watched. "Dance?" Nikita queried, holding out her hand to him.

He stood up silently, and despite himself, he took it. She led him over to the center of the room and they slowly began dancing. At first, he held her at a distance, trying to read her eyes. But Nikita knew or thought she knew what was racing through his mind, so she decided on a new tactic.

She remembered how it had felt to have his hands caressing hers... a intimate allusion of what would have followed..had the phone not rang. But tonight she was determined..should the phone ring, she would smash it into a million pieces right then and there. But tonight, instead of him leading the invitation..it would be she.

Stepping forward, she tangled her fingers in his hair and molded her body against his. His body stiffened again, but only for a second. Soon they were both moving and swaying to the erotic beats of the music, their souls and bodies seemingly merging into one. His hands moved over her backside and down to trace the curve of her buttocks as she memorized the contours of his face with her fingers, while the other hand rested on his neck.

She could feel that he was flustered and affected by the intimacy of their dance as much as she was. But she had to calm herself because should she let things get too out of control, then her plan would be ruined and she would hate both of them later. After evading his lips for the better part of their dance..which lasted around ten minutes..she finally allowed him to claim her lips.

The gentleness of the kiss shook her...she had expected hard and deep but instead he reached up to cup her head as he gently traced the counters of her mouth with his tongue. It was finally she who deepened the kiss, sending them both into a wave of passion which was unlike anything either had ever experienced.

Finally, he pulled back and looked at her. Her face was flush but the love which radiated from her eyes was unmistakable. He knew that they would both regret their actions the next day...and if Section ever found out, they could both be canceled, but at that moment, he truly didn't care anymore. He grabbed her hand and gently led her up the stairs and into her bedroom.

He led her to stand next to the bed, and kissed her passionately once again, his resolve to take things slowly dimming. But she had another plan in mind. She stepped back into a very conveniently situated chair next to the bed and looked up at him. "Take off your clothes, slowly. Perform for me."

He smiled down at her and grimaced. Why was she bringing up whole negative situation with Bauer NOW.

"Fair's fair, Michael. I did it for you, now you do it for me."

She expected him to protest, and was actually amazed when he did it. He moved his hips in a sensual circle as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt. Her eyes were riveted to his perfectly formed chest...he was truly a masterpiece. He dropped his shirt to the floor, and then began working on his pants. As they slowly dropped to the floor, Nikita was amazed to find him wearing...white briefs. She wasn't sure why she should be so surprised..she just figured everything he owned was black.

Yet, before he could begin to remove them, the still fully-dressed Nikita wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed him. The kiss knocked the air out of both their lungs and clouded their senses as she fell to the bed, bring him on top of her. Despite the foggy, erratic thoughts which trickled through her mind, she knew her plan was working perfectly. She was situated in the center of the bed, and she knew exactly where she had previously cuffed part of her plan to the headboard.

As he reached forward and cupped her head in his hands, she allowed her arms to slide down his arms and soon he found her fingers intertwined with his and pulling his arms over her head. The next thing he knew, his hands were handcuffed to the headboard behind her. She was still lying underneath him, and in the position he found himself. He had nowhere else to look but into her eyes. She smiled sweetly as she looked deep into his green eyes.

"Now that I've got your attention, we need to talk. And this time you can't walk away, look away, tell me to do my job, or whatever."

"Excuse me?" he asked, his voice growing hoarse. So this is what she had in mind...this was her way of getting him to talk. Too bad she didn't know that had she only ASKED, especially after the incident in Morocco, he would have gladly obliged.

"Talk, Michael. You and me. I'm tired of being yelled at every time I turn around by either Walter, or Birkoff, or even Madeline about how I don't pay enough attention to exactly WHAT you're saying or how you can't look me in the eyes when you're lying to me. So I figure, in this position, I'll know when you're lying to me, and when you're not. Not that you really have much of a choice anyway," she added as an afterthought, using one finger to trace his jawline absentmindedly.

"What do you mean, not much of a choice?"

"OH, remember that Coffee? Well, it's a special blend. Roast Vanilla with a special truth serum which Walter happened to swipe for me from Madline's office. So..anyway, satisfy my curiosity and I may either un-cuff you from the bed or I'll cancel you, depending upon my mood. Let's begin, shall we?" Michael groaned and dropped his head only to find her lifting it with one finger and she began firing away her first question of the evening. It was going to be a long night.

Nikita's voice turned oddly emotionless as she began asking the questions. She had seen Madeline do this countless times and perhaps the way to get answers was not by using tears or anger..but by simply firing away. So to speak.

"Let's start at the beginning. Michael, at the end of my two years, I know that you had to decide whether or not I got canceled. You've told me that I passed all my tests, la de da, but I know it had to be more than that. Karyn passed all hers too, and Operations canceled her anyway. I know he doesn't like me, and whoever he dislikes, usually winds up shark bait. I know if he didn't want to cancel me in the beginning, that he should have wanted to after I blotched up that job at the hotel. Why wasn't I canceled?"

"Nikita..I...You..." Michael said, trying not to utter the words which are on the tip of his tongue. He didn't want to tell her..he wanted to spare her the pain of knowing..of wondering...of perhaps even fearing. But the look in her eyes was doing wonders to his resitence, along with this fuzzy feeling in his brain as he tried to push back the truth. But the words just finally came.

"You're right. He wanted to cancel you. The day you were up for review, he told me to cancel you. He said not to get too attached to the material..to you. But I already had..I couldn't face losing you. And I couldn't..wouldn't cancel you...I made a deal with Operations. If he would spare you, I would be responsible for your actions. If you failed, I failed. I knew that I was valuable enough to protect you..he would not kill me should you mess up once or twice...and I made him keep his promise. That is one reason I was so upset with you after that hotel thing, I wouldn't have canceled you. I just didn't have the guts to tell you how close both of us were to being canceled at that very moment..and I was mad because you risked your life by not shooting that guy. He could have and would have killed you."

Nikita felt an odd cold shiver run up her spine at his words, yet at the same time her body was warmed by them. "So is that one reason why you didn't tell the truth about Julie? About how I risked Milovich's life by protecting her?"

"Yes. And it is also the reason why I took the blame about the tracking device which suba found. I could see his anger and the way he looked at you frightened me for a second, and I knew the only way to appease his anger was to yell at you, and shift the blame upon myself. You will never know how close we were to both being canceled, Nikita."

"That explains why you were so cold towards me..." Nikita murmured, as she allowed her hands to move up and tangle in his hair once more. She had seen by the shimmer in his eyes that he was telling the truth..and his words rang of truth..for they made perfect sense once she calmed down and really thought about it. She rested her arms on his shoulders and gathered up the courage to ask the next question.

"Speaking of Karyn...did you have any feelings for her? The way you laughed..smiled..."

He silenced her with a brief kiss and then looked into her eyes. He was ashamed by the hurt which shone from them and knowing he had caused her so much pain. "Believe it or not, I was actually doing you a favor."

"A favor?"

"You were chosen to decide whether she lived or died, oui? I knew right away that you felt as if she were like an innocent, an operative like you who should not have been there. You two were like best friends..but I had talked to Brian, I knew how sick she really was. I also knew that Operations had already decided to have her terminated..he was just using her to test you. If you made the wrong decision, you would be canceled as well. I felt like a major jackass doing so, but I knew if I could make you jealous...that perhaps you might see her in a fairly different light. Wait, that doesn't make sense." he said as he shifted his weight as much as he could to look down at her.

"Now..when did you first start asking questions about her? Start frowning at her, start trying to pick away at her character? Around the time you saw us flirting, and laughing in the hall. I tried to blow you off when you came around, to make you angry..even at Karyn. And it worked, despite yourself. You even came to me for advice on her, trying to judge my reaction. I tried to tell you to listen to your gut, not to let your own protective feelings toward her cloud your judgment. But we were being watched..always. I couldn't come out and shout, "Cancel her now." And when I found out that you had indeed made the right choice, notice that I wasn't exactly crying for her, in fact, I looked up at you in that window that morning and nodded a silent "Good job." I knew you had succeeded..because you were still alive."

"So you tricked me, again?"

"Nikita..all is not black and white. There are shades of everything. I may have tricked you, but it was to keep you alive, to keep you safe. I even tried to hint what I was doing in my office." Nikita nodded as his words came back to her. "You mean when you said 'You should know me better than that?'"

"Exactly. I meant..you should know how much I care for you. And how I'm not exactly the lovey dovey type to begin with...I thought you could have read my body language and seen what I was doing, to make you jealous."

"But I was determined to think you were scum."

"You still are. And for good reason. Are you finished with the questioning? I'm beginning to get very cramped like this."

"In a minute," Nikita began. She still had way too many questions..and she needed to know that she had his full attention..and that she could read his eyes. She really was tired of everyone always accusing her of not paying attention to Michael's signals, so she was going to have to barricade them in here if she had too until she had at least some inkling into how his mind worked.

"What about Lisa?" Nikita whispered. She could not forget the look which passed across his face as he had stopped her from shooting herself and how painful his own voice had been when he had explained being free. He had sounded like he would have killed to be free in that moment..and she had wondered if he meant to be free..with Lisa.

"Nikita..I never loved her. I cared for her, protected her, felt like an older brother, but nothing more. I hated every moment that I had to lie to her. I felt like I was using you all over again..and I hated to cause her that pain too, especially since her life was always full of pain. But yes, I did care for her..but I didn't love her. I proved how much I did care and how human I can be when I..." his voice trailed off and he looked away. He didn't want her to know what he had done..he had made a promise never to let anybody find out.

"You remember how Birkoff, Lisa, and I hacked into David's computer and accessed all of his records..his bank records?" When she nodded he continued. "Well, I accessed an account of his for a million dollars and withdrew a bank check..for Lisa Fanning."

Nikita looked away and tried to stop the tears which were forming in her eyes at his words. She remembered how he had seduced and betrayed her in a similar fashion..but he had never even seemed to have one qualm about it. Not that she would have wanted money or anything, just an apology..an explanation. And as if reading her mind, he continued. This drug was working wonders, he was just a world of information tonight.

"But I never apologized. I couldn't...not when I couldn't look you in the eye and do so myself. Especially when I couldn't forgive myself for what I did to you. Nikita..I meant every word I said that day...every touch, every glance. After a while I lost myself in your embrace..in your gentle kisses. When the phone rang, I was so close to losing it then and shooting a dozen holes into it. And for the record, Operations did not set me up to it. I wish he had...but once again I used what feelings I knew..or perhaps hoped, were there for me to try and get you to stay. Operations only told me to keep a close eye on you, because with those cameras in your apartment at the time, he knew you were up to something, especially after you pulled that number out of your glove. And they knew all about him..his virus. Operations was wanting you to escape...so he would have an excuse to cancel you. And I had to stop that...to find a way, but I couldn't come outright and beg..I needed you to decide on your own. But I wasn't doing anything I didn't want to..or saying anything I didn't feel, but I couldn't come out and admit what I felt..especially not then. I had to keep my emotional distance to keep you safe..especially from me. Operations found out/discovered my little scheme and was angry..for he was livid that I even had emotions..especially towards you. So I told him that this could be a test so to speak...to test your loyalty to the section, and he agreed. He wanted to cancel you the first time he discovered you even talking to that creep. But I talked him out of it. So I had two reasons to do it: To keep you alive, and at the Section, near me...and because I wanted to be able to show you how I really felt...really cared..even if only for a few days. Actually, I'll also admit, I wanted to see how you felt about me. But I meant...every word."

Nikita wiped the tears out of her eyes and braced herself for the question which was fixing to come..and the answers which she dread. And although, she hated the fact that he had used her...she was glad to learn that he cared enough to risk his own feelings..and perhaps future with her..to keep her alive.

"So....It...wasn't...all...a...lie?" she asked, emphasizing each word and looking deep into his eyes. He blinked and looked down into her baby blues. "You...You heard...that?" he asked, tears filling his own eyes once again as his mind moved away from his attempt to try and get Nikita to stay at the section to the recent events since the 'War.' He could have sworn her saw her eyelids flicker and a small smile on her face in that hospital room, but he had been too messed up to even think about it at the time.

"Michael, I was asleep..at first. But that door isn't exactly the quietest object in the word, and I heard it at first. It scared me..reminded me of a gunshot. Then I distantly heard Madline's voice..and yours. I knew you there..I had felt you every day standing beside my bedside. I could hear your breathing and I listened as you coaxed me back into the land of the living. Then you left..and it was like a cold breeze drifted across my bed..but I was all still semi-unconscious. I couldn't open my eyes, couldn't find the strength. Then I heard your voice again.."It wasn't all a lie," and then you surprised me..you kissed me. I pulled away out of a natural reflex...but yes, I heard every word. I want you to talk now..tell me what part was the lie..and what part wasn't. Now is later."

She was stunned as the tears started flowing freely from his eyes as he looked into hers. "Why bother?...you were right..the real me would disgust you."

"Michael, NO" her voice wrenched out as she embraced him close to her chest. "I said those words because I was hurt..yet again. And I was furious at myself for believing you..and furious at you for saying them...and even madder at myself because I couldn't stop the tears which were fixing to fall. I'm always catching glimpse of the real you...the gentle, loving, passionate, humane side of you. But this isn't my confession time..it's yours. Now what was the lie?"

"I knew we would get out of there alive, Nikita. That was the lie. I meant every other word. You have to understand that once again Ops used our feelings towards each other for the Sections benefit. He knew that you would not crack under torture, but that you would to save my life. As I would yours...one reason why Ops sent both of us. If the sides had been reversed, if you were fixing to be injected or near death, I would..I would have cracked too. He needed Red Cell to discover the location..but he couldn't send in someone to blurt it out or anything..because then Red Cell would not have believed it. They needed to know they had forcibly made someone say it. I HATED that they used us...I even tried to get out of it in his office and after you got captured. But I couldn't..and I didn't have to say a word. We both know that if I had said nothing...you or I still would have cracked. But I wanted to tell you...exactly how I felt. Knowing that you would hate me later..and in a sense, still allowing you to be safe from the darkness which I know lurks inside me. But you are the only part of me which isn't dead, Nikita...you have to believe that.."

Nikita held Michael in her arms and was shocked to discover that he was sobbing. She had not seen him this upset..ever. And she had seen the look in his eyes..and she remembered the way he had turned away when she had asked him about his words. He did mean them...if she had paid attention to his body language at the time, she would have noticed that too. How many more 'blond' moments was she to have around him anyway?

"Shh...I believe you Michael." she soothed and as he looked into the shiny blue depths of her eyes, he saw the truth. She loved him too. Yet, he knew that neither were ready to say the *L* word out loud..but he knew they were there. "I feel the same way too..." Nikita said as their lips locked and the emotion which soared between them was almost painful in intensity. Finally she reached over to uncuff one of his hands when another question popped into her head.


"Anything," he murmured against her hair...as his newly freed hand caressed her cheek.

"What about Gray?"

The End..of Chapter 4

--By Shelly (Odd Chapters) and Laura (Even Chapters).

Continue to Dirty Minds...Chapter 5 and 6 (conclusion.)

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