William Shakespeare
Birth:  April 23,1564 (3rd child)   Birth unregistered.
Baptised:  April 26, 1564
School:  Probably the King's New School
            (curriculum included: mathematics, natural        
             sciences, Latin, language, rhetoric, logic, 
             Christian ethics, and classical literature.)
Parents:  John and Mary (Arden) Shakespeare
     John Shakespeare was a successful landowner, moneylender, wool and agricultural goods dealer, and a glover.  He married Mary Arden in 1557.  In 1561, he was elected one of the town's 14 burgesses, where he served as constable, one of two chamberlains, and alderman successively.

   William's birth was unregistered but legend places it on April 23, 1564, partially because April 23 is the day on which he died 52 years later.

    In 1582, at the age of 18, William married the twenty-six year old Anne Hathaway.  Their first child, Susanna, was baptized only six months later, which has given rise to much speculation concerning the circumstances surrounding the marriage.  In 1585, twins were born and baptized Hamnet and Judith Shakespeare.  Hamnet died at the young age of eleven by which time William was already a successful playwright. 

     Around 1589 Shakespeare wrote his first play,
Henry VI, Part 1.  Sometime between his marriage to Anne and writing this play, the couple moved to London.  In London, Shakespeare pursued a career as a playwright and actor. 

     Unfortunately, very little information is available for his beginning years as a young playwright and actor.  Legend characterizes Shakespeare as a roguish young scrapper who was once forced to flee London under sketchy circumstances.  However, no evidence confirms this.  What is know is that young William was not an immediate success. 

      In 1594, Shakespeare became a charter member of The Lord Chamberlain's Men (a group of actors who later changed their name to The King's Men when they gained the sponsorship of King James 1.  By 1598, William was the "principal comedian" for the troupe, and by 1603 he was "principal tragedian."  Acting and writing plays was not considered a noble profession, but successful and prosperous actors were relatively well-respected.  At this time, Shakespeare was very successful and made quite a bit of money.  He invested this money in Stratford real estate and was able to purchase the second largest house in Stratford, the New Place, for his parents in 1597. 

       In 1596, Shakespeare applied for a coat of arms for his family, in effect making himself into a gentleman.  He also did this so his daughters could marry successfully and wealthily.

        William Shakespeare lived until 1616 while his wife Anna died in 1623 at the age of 67.  He was buried in the chancel of his church at Stratford.  The lines above his tom read (this was allegedly written by Shakespeare himself):

                 Good friend, for Jesus' sake forbear
                 To dig the dust enclosed here.
                 Blessed by the man that spares these stones
                 And cursed by he that moves my bones.

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