Contractual Agreement 

I/we ........................................................................................... have read the Parent's Handbook and will comply with it and to all the provisions contained herein, and shall at this time enter into agreement with ...................................... for care of my/our child/ren ................................................................... , with the understanding that we shall work together on the behalf of the child/ren. 

Days of Enrollment (circle) M Tu W Th F Sa Su From: .............. until .............. Starting on........................

A late fee equal to $5/per child/per each 15 minute interval that pick ups are late or drop offs are early, from the contracted hours, will be charged. Example: 1 - 15 minutes late or early, you owe $5 per child; 16 - 30 minutes late or early, you owe $10 per child. Payment will be made, in CASH, at the time of pick up or drop off. 

The agreed upon rate for this service is and will be paid on M Tu W Th F weekly / biweekly beginning on ...................................... Late payment is $10.00 per day until full payment of fees (including late) are collected. 

You may pay by check, cash, or money order. All payments must be made out to Ann  Vilcsek. If a check is returned to me for non-sufficient funds, you will be required to pay $25.00 plus all fees that I incur as a result of the returned check. Child care services will be immediately halted until full payment of tuition and NSF charges has been made, in CASH. In addition, I will only accept cash payment from that point forward.

You will be liable for cost fees, late fees and any cost for loss of wages if there is a small claims case. 

This contract is subject to review and renewal on .................................... . Any changes made by Niki to the terms of the agreement must be made on the renewal date unless mutually agreed to beforehand by Niki and parents who are parties to this agreement. Otherwise, this agreement will remain in effect until the renewal date or upon termination of care as set forth herein.

SIGNED (Parent or Guardian #1): ................................................ DATE: ..............
LEGAL ADDRESS: .................................................................................................

SIGNED (Parent or Guardian #2): ................................................ DATE: ..............
LEGAL ADDRESS: .................................................................................................

I have discussed and reviewed this contract with ................................................. and agree to provide child care for ......................................................................, to be placed in my home as long as the terms of the contract are upheld. 

SIGNED (Niki): ........... ....................................................... DATE: ......................
LEGAL ADDRESS: ....7702A Landmark Way Tampa, Fl, 33615.........................

 Failure to comply with policies and procedures established may result in termination of all services. This agreement is in effect until a change is mutually agreed upon in writing or upon termination of care. Flexibility of the Provider about policies does not void her rights to uphold the policies at a later date and does not make the contract invalid..

 DATE CHILD WITHDRAWN FROM CARE: ........................................................


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