My World

Hello everybody. I welcome you all to my little space on the web!! This place doesn't boast of anything. All it has is thoughts, likes, dislikes and everything that is me . so go ahead enjoy your stay and go through the pages!! and don't forget to sign my Guest-Book

This Site is all about me, my thoughts, my kind of music, my pastimes, my kind of food anything that is me.

The King of the Strings was here on March 07, and we were there to listen to the sounds flowing from his guitar. Know more about the show here 
The times have changed and the divide has widened. We see people live, but we dont know how they do, lets embark on a quest to find the meaning of life, what is wrong with the way we live and is there a utopian world... can the pigs be equal too? 
There are lots of fun stuff also to come, like funny SMS for your buddy's Mobile, also a way to say that I remember you all though I might have not been in touch with you for a long time now, so watch out for this space and hoping to hear from you all soon. ..happy Surfing

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