NikiAurora's Home Page

New pictures!

Well, here it is!

This is a pathetic continuation of what was here before... but heck... at least I know a little HTML...

About Me

Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Nicole. I go to UC Santa Cruz.

Here is a paper I wrote on Brian Greene's The Elegant Universe:
Click here for string theory...

Here is my math handout:
Periodic Solutions to the N Body Problem

Here is my prom picture taken May 5, 2001... I went alone...But it was because my dad had to drop me off at prom late because I was at the California State Speech competition. Being the first one from my school ever to qualify I needed to go, so my dad gave up his night to being my taxi... I had a good time though :)(This is really old text- I so need to grow up and change this.)


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If you have any comments/suggestions, please e-mail me.
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