Morgan is 2.5 years old, she will be 3 on December 22nd. Morgan has such a personality, and is very "mature" for her age. She loves following after her brothers and sisters. Her favorite shows right now are Spongebob Squarepants, Dora the Explorer, Backyardigans, and Scooby-Doo, and of course STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE!

She has been potty-trained for the past month and will be going to preschool three times a week this year! She is very social, so I am sure she will love it! I will be putting updated pictures on here regularly, so stop by when you can!
Morgan and Elijah
Morgan and Daddy on the bus at Disney World - July 2005
Morgan on the bus at Disney World - July 2005
Morgan in the van, on our way back to Ohio. She was so great the entire ride down there and back! I couldn't believe how well she did in the car!
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