Why do we age? Why do we die? Is it possible to extend human life? Can youth be eternal? These are some of the unanswerable questions facing the man today.

        Scientists have promoted their studies through new science called GERONTOLOGY, which offers clues as how to prevent or at least retard the process of growing old.

        Old age is an inevitable reality, but the pace at which it occurs varies from man to man. It is a stark fact that after a peak young time, we begin to witness slowing down of our vital functions of our body and we are caught in an inescapable process of aging.

        Medical science has traveled a long way along life’s extension. The life span in India at the time of independence was only 32 years, which has now risen to 62. The way the life expectancy is increasing, an average man may live up to 100 years for the persons born after 100 years from now.

        Scientists are going deeper and deeper into mechanisms that govern aging and are coming up with reasonable answers which could either prevent or at least retard the process of growing old. They are working out on number of theories and the science of Gerontology has gained importance and respectability with the passage of time.

        One of the most important theories of getting aged is the DIETARY habit. The eating habits have direct and close relations with aging and it has been indicated that people who eat less but have nutritiously rich diet normally have an extended life span. This has been experimented on the rats, where one set of rats was underfed, others were given all the food they wanted. It was observed that the wel-fed rats lived for three years and the underfed rats survived healthily for five years. Similar results were also achieved in another experiment on fish. Therefore it is said that the best general rule to live healthily is to eat most nutritious rich diet than to overeat besides doing exercise regularly. This will enable us to keep away from many diseases and thus the process of retarding the aging would begin.

        Scientists are coming to believe that a healthy 70 years old can lead a strong and robust life as that of 30 years old. Chances are that he could survive another 10 years if he sticks to strict diet and regular exercise. 


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