EMAIL: [email protected]

Rating: G

Archive: DJA

Summary: Daniel's thoughts during his first meeting with Dr Frasier

Category: Daniel&Janet, POV

Spoilers: The Brocca Divide

Season/Sequel: S1

Status: Complete

Disclaimer: "All publicly recognisable characters and places are the property of MGM, World Gekko Corp and Double Secret productions. This piece of fan fiction was created for entertainment not monetary purposes and no infringement on copyrights or trademarks was intended. Previously unrecognised characters and places, and this story, are copyrighted to the author. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author."

Author's Notes: Right. Since Daniel and Janet's first meeting was never shown to be before the scene in The Brocca Divide, I wondered what would have been going on inside Danny's head had that been the first time they *had* met ;) Just a quickie piece that's been niggling at me for a while now. Bear in mind that a large part of it was written at 3:30 am on Thursday morning....Cheers to Lucy, who gave me a title, and Becca, for being drawn into one of my many moments of sudden doubt ;)

Dedication: To beta goddess Kat, the most dannyandsimmonsanddavies of them all ;)

Feedback: If you think it's worth it


Sitting on the edge of a bed in the accursed infirmary, I wince slightly as the nurse swiftly draws a hypodermic needle from my arm, simultaneously snapping off the tourniquet in one fluid motion. It's not so much the needle that causes me to wince - I'm starting to get used to the sensation. Now that I've resigned myself to the fact that with my proneness to injury, I'll probably be spending some time in these four walls. No�the gesture's really a result of the general ache that's spread throughout my entire body. It wasn't so long ago I was less-than-politely introduced to the control room floor whilst being thoroughly pounded by a very angry Jack. I know he didn't really mean it - at least, I don't think so - and that he seems to be suffering from the same thing as Johnson and those two guys who fell from the briefing room window. Still, I make a mental note to keep a little distance between Captain Carter and myself for a while, if and when all this is over.

I'm so occupied feeling sorry for myself that it takes me a few minutes to register the two people that have just entered the infirmary. As a matter of fact, it's the soft female voice drifting from behind me that catches my attention.

"...We've managed to isolate an organism in the victims' bloodstreams."

She's walking beside Hammond, dressed in typical Air Force uniform, but covered by a white lab coat and as I turn my head to follow her I realise I've never seen her before. I regard her as she and Hammond converse quickly about the 'virus' that seems to have infected the base - only half listening. The part of me that's still concentrating on our current predicament tells me this 'virus' must be what's affected Jack, and Sam before him, but it's muffled by my more immediate observation of this new doctor.

She's petite, with shoulder-length auburn hair flowing freely around her shoulders. Her face is virtually turned away from me, but even from my position I can tell she's beautiful - a fact that re-reinforces itself to me when she turns towards me. I find myself momentarily mesmerised by her; large, dark brown eyes bewitching. In fact, it takes a few seconds to dawn on me that she's been talking all the while, and that I probably should have been listening...something about neuro-transmitters.

"...I have never seen anything like this on Earth."

"Exactly," I contribute. "On *Earth*"

I hop off the bed and she looks up at me. Now that I'm standing, I can see that she's almost a full head shorter than me and has to tilt her face upwards to see me.

"That would explain the 'Touched'"

It's Hammond who seeks my attention now, with a confused "Beg your pardon?", but Teal'c saves me from having to explain.

"That is what the primitives were called on P3X-797. The Touched."

I chip in again, eager to voice my thoughts as a theory presents itself to me.

"But I think, given recent events..." I shoot a quick glance over to a nearby bed, where a drugged Sam is still struggling vainly against her restraints.

"I think it's safe to say that they aren't born primitive, they must have this very contagious disease," I continue, a resigned - almost mocking - tone creeping into my voice as realisation dawns "...and we came in contact with it, isn't that special."

The Doctor regards me thoughtfully, and I gaze back at her.

"So...the question is, why haven't you and Mr Teal'c come down with the symptoms?"

I almost laugh at her serious use of the salutation, but part of me finds it endearing. I mentally shake myself - I've barely known the woman five minutes...hell, I don't even know her name yet; I came down here expecting to find Dr Warner. I find myself talking to try and regain some focus.

"Um...Mr Teal'c...*Tealc's* symbiote probably protects him..."

"That would be likely," the Jaffa's deep voice states from behind me. The doctor acknowledges this, her eyes still fixed curiously on me.

"Well - what about you, Dr. Jackson?"

I'm starting to feel a little uncomfortable under her scrutiny after my mind's earlier wanderings.

"Well, that beats me. You're the doctor, Doctor." Her eyes flicker a little at my impetuousness, but she continues to look at me, slightly defiant now.

"Uh, maybe I have a natural immunity."

"Perhaps you will develop symptoms later." I break my gaze with her and glance over at Teal'c.

"Thank you for the moral support." He merely inclines his head, unperturbed.

The doctor's face becomes serious, her tone determined. "I am checking both of your blood for the presence of the organism, and I would bet that you have it." She directs the rest of her statement to Hammond."This appears to be highly contagious, sir."

I find myself watching her again as she and an increasingly worried General discuss the severity of the virus, and I'm intrigued. She stands resolutely before Hammond, gaze firm, face and tone briskly professional. Despite the difficult news she has to break to him, and his growing agitation, she never wavers. I can tell merely from her stance that she is not a woman to be crossed. As Hammond turns and leaves, I try my best to look as though I haven't been staring, just in case she catches me out. My immediate attention is grabbed, however, when a high-pitched howl tears through the infirmary from the direction of the isolation rooms.

I follow Teal'c as he runs from the infirmary, followed closely by the Doctor, leading us to one of the small rooms. Inside, I can see Jack, clearly highly agitated, furious at being confined. Seeing us, he lets out another shriek and launches himself at the metal door, which shudders under the impact. I feel a cold shiver despite myself. And I had thought the Jack in the control room was bad.

"He is going to damage himself," Teal'c states, turning to the Doctor. She shakes her head in reply.

"I've been pumping him with sedatives to control him, but they wear off fast."

She takes a syringe from a nearby medic and gestures to the infuriated man inside the cell. "Help me give him some more. Go, go!"

I charge into the room with Teal'c and the medic as Jack throws himself angrily at us. For a few moments, I believe he'll break through our grasp, but the three of us manage to force him back inside. I watch as the Doctor pushes her way past us, undaunted by his howl of protest, and injects him with the needle. He struggles for a few moments more, before his shrieks fade to little more than weak cries, and he slumps in our grip.

As we lower him down onto the bunk, I catch the Doctor's eye. She's a little ruffled now, but she spares me a resigned half smile and a nod. It strikes me again how beautiful she is, how delicate her features are. And I have to admit, I'm impressed, maybe even a little awe-struck by her...after watching her handle Hammond and Jack. There's something about her confidence, her determination, that attracts me as I smile back at her in acknowledgement and thanks.

And I keep smiling, as she turns her attention back to an unconscious Jack, slumped across his bunk. So I might be a little more accident prone than most, and I might be spending some time in the infirmary in between my travels and my search for Sha're. But maybe, just maybe, it won't be so bad after all.


Copyright (c) Nike A. Johnston, August 2001

E-MAIL: [email protected]


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