SUMMARY: Janet gets the flu. Now, who could possibly doctor The Doctor?

CATEGORY: Daniel&Janet, friendship, UST, harmless fluff


STATUS: Complete

DISCLAIMER: "All publicly recognisable characters and places are the property of MGM, World Gekko Corp and Double Secret productions. This piece of fan fiction was created for entertainment not monetary purposes and no infringement on copyrights or trademarks was intended. Previously unrecognised characters and places, and this story, are copyrighted to the author. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Believe it or not, I got the idea for this a while back when I took ill myself; which probably says something grave about my state of mind, if I can sit sneezing and shivering and think: "You know what'd make a great fic.....?"

As always, enormous thanks to Kat, the world's best and most patient beta-reader ;)

And Bryn, and 'Inspiration'. Nothing makes you write like a staff-weapon to the head.

FEEDBACK: Will be loved and cuddled and given a good home and plenty to eat.

The paperwork in Dr. Janet Fraiser's hands trembled slightly as she shivered. Frowning, she stretched out in her chair, feeling muscles in her back and neck protest. Glancing at the clock, Janet noticed that several hours had passed since she had shut herself in her office, intending to work through some of the medical reports, results, and general mountains of paper that had piled up on her desk recently. SG-9 had trooped through the 'Gate last week after being caught in Jaffa fire, and in between treating and placating four impatient, whining soldiers, and dealing with the sudden increase in accidents among the both returning teams and on-world personnel, she simply hadn't had
the time to catch up. Or the patience, if she was particularly honest. She wondered if the base's soldiers were being klutzy on purpose; some sort of revenge for every post-mission physical she had ever administered.


Sighing, Janet rose to her feet. It was late, and most of the resident patients in the infirmary were asleep. She rubbed a hand across her forehead as she stretched her tired body out again. The office seemed warm. Crossing the short distance to her door, she peered out into the dim light of the infirmary.

"You still here?"

Janet jumped slightly, as the owner of the voice stepped out of the shadows into her line of sight. "Daniel!"

Dr. Jackson grinned sheepishly. "Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you."

Janet laughed quietly, shaking her head. "That's OK. What's up?"

The archaeologist shrugged, wrinkling his nose as his glasses slipped a little. He had obviously been working as long as she had, Janet noted, quirking her lips slightly. His hair was as ruffled as his fatigues. Probably pulling an all-nighter with some fascinating artefact he'd brought back from SG-1's last recon mission: the one Colonel O'Neill had proclaimed to be a 'waste of a good Saturday'. He looked sort of adorably bewildered.

"Nothing much. Actually, I just came in search of a Band-Aid." Daniel gave another embarrassed grin, holding up his right index finger. "I've run out of the ones I usually keep in my office."

Janet laughed again, feeling slightly more awake now than she had hunched over her desk. "I think I might just about be able to stretch to that," she replied. "What happened?"

"Late night, jagged artefact," Daniel offered in way of explanation. Janet sighed, opening a drawer in one of the metal cupboards.

"I see." Retrieving one of the many boxes of Band-Aids, she tossed it to him. "Here, knock yourself out." Janet paused while Daniel raised an eyebrow at her. She nodded. "Forget I said that." Meeting his gaze, they both laughed. Daniel's calamitous nature was well known within the SGC.

He followed her back to her office, setting the box of plasters on her desk as he expertly wrapped one around his finger.

"So, anyway. What are you still doing here?"

Janet motioned to the pile of folders adorning her desk. "Paperwork."


Janet settled herself back behind her desk, resigned to another few hours of tedium. She barely seemed to have made a dent in the awaiting work, and it looked like she'd be here till the small hours of the morning. Checking the clock again, she corrected herself. It already *was* the small hours of the morning. Then she was back on call. She stifled a yawn, turning back to the report in front of her. "I already had to call Cassie and let her know I might not be home until tomorrow night," she said, more or less to herself. "Well...*to*night, now I suppose." She glanced up at Daniel, still hovering just inside her office. Her noticed her gaze and nodded.

"Right," he repeated. "I'll...uh, leave you to it."

"Yeah," Janet answered softly. She shifted uncomfortably. Her office had become warmer since she'd ventured out into the main infirmary, but she still couldn't suppress a sudden shiver.

"You okay?" Daniel inquired suddenly concerned.

"Yeah, fine," Janet replied, despite her own growing doubt.

"Right." Daniel hopped from foot to foot, seemingly unwilling to leave. "Right. Bye."

He turned abruptly, exiting the small office, and headed towards the doors of the infirmary.

Janet fought the small swell of disappointment, putting it down to simple desire for some company. She didn't really see Daniel all that often...at least, when he was conscious and relatively unhurt. Tapping her pen irritably on the desk, she shook her head. Come to think of it, the only reason he *had* come down to see her was because he'd cut his finger. That's all she really was to him, a Band-Aid dispenser. She glowered at the box still sitting on the edge of her desk, then mentally shook herself. Where the hell were these thoughts coming from anyway? Of course he came to see her with a medical 'problem', she was his doctor. That's what she was *for*. Growling softly, she dropped her pen onto the report lying in front of her. She was going crazy, probably due to lack of sleep. Janet pinched the bridge of her nose...she had a headache coming on, and she was too warm. She shivered again, before picking up the discarded pen and focusing on the page...there was a long night ahead.


"Doctor? Doctor Frasier?"

Janet shifted uncomfortably, instinctively turning away from the noise that was disturbing her. She was exhausted, her head was pounding unbearably, and she felt like she was being roasted alive. Despite the heat, she found her whole body shivering uncontrollably.


The worried voice invaded her thoughts once again, and she forced her eyes open. It took her a few moments to focus on the face swimming in front of her. As she lifted her head a fraction, the slight movement sent a fresh wave of pain through her thumping head.


Daniel leaned over her, peering concernedly at her over the rims of his glasses.

"Janet?" he asked again, frowning, his face tense.

She blinked a few times, before managing to croak out a shaky, "Daniel?"

"You feel asleep at your desk," he informed her. "And you don't look well at *all*." He pressed a gentle hand to her forehead, and Janet leaned into it, eyes drifting shut again, relishing the coolness against her warm skin. "You're burning." he continued.

"I don't feel so good, either." she confessed as Daniel pulled back and gazed fretfully at her. Her headache was starting to nauseate her, and she was wracked with shudders every few seconds. She opened her eyes to look at him, grateful that the office was still relatively dim because the light stung her eyes. He was dressed in civvies, rather than the usual military fatigues he wore on base. "You leaving?" she asked.

"I *was*," he replied. "I came down here because it was so late...early, anyway...just to check you were okay and everything." He fidgeted uncomfortably, seemingly embarrassed at admitting his concern, as if he expected to be reprimanded. "Which - obviously - you're not," he continued. Janet shivered again, affirming his statement. "I'm gonna go find Dr. Warner." Daniel told her, pressing his hand to her forehead again, before hurrying from the office.

Janet managed to pull herself upright in her chair, wrapping her arms around herself. The shivers were unnerving her, and her high temperature and sore head were making her drowsy. Her eyes had begun to close when she heard two sets of rapid footsteps moving quickly towards her location. Daniel strode back into the office, followed closely by an older, shorter man with thinning grey hair and spectacles, who hurried over to her immediately.

"Dr. Frasier?" Warner asked, face etched with worry. "Doctor, maybe you should come through to the infirmary and let me take a look at you." Janet nodded, wincing, and rose unsteadily to her feet. Her balance was shaky and, as she trembled, Daniel reached out a hand to steady her. Following Warner out into to the main infirmary, silent save for the rhythmic beeps and pulses of medical equipment, Daniel steered her towards one of the beds; one hand holding her elbow tightly, the other exerting gentle pressure on the small of her back to guide her. She half-sat, half-fell on the mattress while Warner shook a thermometer. Obediently opening her mouth, she sat, shivering all the while, as he took her temperature, checked her throat, queried her about her symptoms and generally fussed in a slightly irritating fashion. Daniel stood over her, brow crinkled in concern. Janet decided that, ultimately, she preferred being on the *other* side of an examination.

Eventually, Warner straightened up and shook his head.

"What?" Daniel asked.

"It doesn't look too serious," Warner replied thoughtfully.

"It doesn't?"


"So what's wrong?"

"It seems to be a touch of the flu," the doctor answered. "But a relatively mild one. I doubt it should last long."

"So what should we do?"

Warner glanced around the already-crowded infirmary. "Well, I don't see much benefit in keeping her here. I think bed-rest at home, for at least a few days, would be the best thing."

"Excuse me?" Janet scowled at the conversation going on above her head and waved to confirm that she was, in fact, still here. Warner and Jackson had the decency to look chastised.

"That's fine," Janet told the surgeon. "I'll go home now, and call General Hammond at a decent hour to let him know I won't be back in for...'a few days'."

Warner nodded. "I'll inform him myself if you'd like." At her appreciative nod, he fidgeted slightly and added, "But I don't think, in your present condition, you should be driving home."

Janet glowered, but as the movement caused the throbbing in her head to increase even further, she had to admit he was right. The solution came in the form of Daniel, who quickly volunteered: "That's okay...I'll take her."

Janet's head snapped upwards in surprise, as Warner - eyebrows raised but nevertheless approving - nodded his assent. "OK then."

"Really, Daniel, you don't have to." Janet exclaimed, guiltily remembering that he had been on his way out of the base before he found her. "I don't want to put you out."

Daniel folded his arms decisively. "It's not a problem. You're not too far out of my way, anyway," he proclaimed, in what Janet knew to be an unabashed lie. She was ready to protest further, but the strengthening fever, shaking and exhaustion drained the fight out of her. Besides, Daniel had already made up his mind. Wearily, she climbed off the bed, holding onto the edge to keep herself upright, and held a hand out to Daniel - who took it, pulled her closer and placed his hand on her shoulder to steady her.

"Fine," she sighed, as her vision swam for a few moments. "Just don't blame me if I pass out before we get there."


A few minutes later - passed fortunately without incident - Janet found herself stepping out from the mountain complex into the open air of the base's grounds. She sighed as the cool air washed over her, soothing her burning cheeks and forehead, and shivered simultaneously as her body reacted to the cold. Daniel noticed, and glanced down at her, where his arm had slipped over her shoulders to keep her stable. For the first time he noticed that she wore only the pale blue Air Force issue shirt. Both her white coat and uniform jacket were still in her office, and at her insistence that there was nothing on base she really needed, they had come straight from the infirmary to the parking lot.

Frowning, he reprimanded himself. "I should've stopped to get your coat."

Janet smiled weakly in reply. "I'm fine. Really."

Daniel shook his head, and halted their journey to his car. Slipping his arm from around Janet's shoulders - leaving her feeling unusually bereft - he quickly tugged his own sweater over his head. Adjusting his glasses, pulled askew by the motion, he held the thick, dark-blue garment out to her.

"But you'll be cold," Janet attempted to protest, silently cursing the shiver that wracked her own smaller form in unison with her words.

"But I don't have flu," Daniel insisted gently, pushing the sweater back towards her. This time, she accepted gratefully, her words of thanks muffled by the material as she pulled it on, catching one or two hairpins in the process.

Blinded for a few moments in a world of blue wool, Janet allowed herself a small smile at Daniel's consideration. The archaeologist really was being incredibly sweet, putting himself out for her the way he was. With a final tug, the sweater slipped over her head. It was, of course, far too big, but encompassed her immediately in the warmth of its previous occupant. His aftershave still lingered around the collar, sending an unexpected (but not-entirely-unwelcome) thrill through Janet, which was gratefully indistinguishable from her preceding shudders.

"Better?" Daniel enquired, smiling at her, head cocked to one side. Janet grinned back.

"Much. Thank you," she answered sincerely. Satisfied, Daniel returned his arm to its previous resting place around her shoulders, and resumed their walk across the car park.


Janet was jostled awake by an insistent hand on her shoulder, and an urgent voice.

"Janet? Wake up."

Her first attempt to open her heavy eyelids sent searing pain through her head as she moved, and she moaned in complaint. Her neck ached from the position she had fallen asleep in; lulled by the soft rumble of the car's engine and it's gentle rocking. She fell back against the seat again, drained. Beside her, she felt Daniel shift, and heard the 'click' of the car door opening. A few moments later, the cold night air caressed her features as her own door was opened, and Daniel reached in to take her hands. Murmuring words of encouragement, he managed to help her out of the car; catching her as she stumbled on her feet, and lifting her easily in his arms. Barely aware of her surroundings, she had only enough energy to wind her arms loosely around his neck and allow him to carry up her the steps to her front porch. She felt him shift her slightly, apologising as he rummaged in his pocket for the house keys she had given him earlier, and swiftly opening the door; stepping into the darkened hallway and gently kicking it closed behind him.

He made his way carefully to the stairs; flicking on the dim light at the bottom so he could see exactly where he was going. Tentatively, he began to climb, holding her securely and quietly inquiring if she was doing alright. Janet, half-asleep already from the effects of the flu medication Warner had given her, could only nod in response to his questions. Reaching the landing, Daniel hesitated. He coughed embarrassedly, and she managed to raise her head from where it had been resting comfortably on his shoulder to peer inquisitively at him through exhausted eyes.

"Ummm....bedroom?" he asked nervously, shifting from foot to foot. Janet looked around, getting her bearings, and gestured vaguely in the direction of a door to their right. Daniel set off toward it, managing to push it open with his foot, and manoeuvred carefully inside. The light form the hall spilled into the bedroom, dispelling a few of the shadows, lengthening others. Making his way over to the large, dark bulk of the bed, Daniel winced as his knees and shins alternatively came into contact with the corners of the desk, chest-of-drawers and the night-stand. Eventually, however, he reached the bed, and laid Janet down delicately. Fumbling with the bedside lamp for a few moments, he switched it on, letting a warm glow encompass the room. She sighed, eyes fluttering shut almost immediately, and he felt horribly guilty as he shook her shoulder gently to keep her awake.

"Hey... you don't wanna fall asleep with your uniform on, do you?" he murmured. Groaning, Janet conceded, and pulled herself half upright until she was sitting against the headboard. Seeing Daniel's unsure expression, as he fidgeted beside the bed, she nodded in the direction of her chest-of-drawers. "Third drawer down, there should be a night-shirt or something." she offered, voice thick with the desire for sleep. Weariness and medication were beginning to cloud her thoughts. She watched as Daniel rummaged for a few moments, finally emerging with an oversized -shirt which he brought in her direction. Accepting gratefully, Janet pulled the sweater over her head, and loosened the top few buttons of her shirt with a yawn, before noticing his slightly nervous expression. She smiled at him in understanding, and let him quickly off the hook. "Would you mind getting me a glass of water?"

As Daniel nodded and escaped from the room, Janet couldn't help but laugh quietly. She was amazed at Daniel eagerness to help, to take care of her, and she felt her warm skin heat even further at the thought. As she pulled the T-shirt on, she reflected on him for a few minutes. She had never really defined her relationship with Daniel, any further than in terms of doctor-patient. She was fond of him, definitely. She enjoyed his company. And there was no contesting that he was extremely handsome. Extremely. But what little time they did spend together was in the infirmary. Outside of work.....Wriggling under the covers, feeling herself wracked by another shiver, Janet wondered vaguely if *this* counted as 'outside of work'. If asked, she would say that she considered Daniel a friend. What she *wouldn't* say was that she also found him disarmingly charming and attractive. She cocooned herself in the duvet, and snuggled back into the pillow. The problem was, she had no idea how he saw her. It certainly went above and beyond the call of duty if Daniel just thought of her as his Doctor, but he had never made any indication
otherwise. She smiled sleepily, her consciousness drifting happily in the state between waking and sleep. The shivers had subsided a little now, as had the pain in her head. She sniffed - her nose was still stuffed up and her throat scratchy, but hopefully she'd feel better when she woke up.

The creak of the door reminded her that she had sent Daniel for a water, and she poked her head out from the tangle of blankets. He was grinning affectionately at her, and she smiled back a little dopily. Her expression just made him smile wider, and he set the glass and pitcher on the bedside table before crouching down so his eyes were level with hers.

"Anything else I can get you?" he asked.

"No...'nk you." she managed, her eyelids heavy. Daniel reached out one hand to rest on her covered arm. "Sure?" Janet moved her head in a way she could only hope would be interpreted as a nod, and Daniel rose from his position at her affirmation. He stood awkwardly beside her bed for a moment, reminding her of his stance...god, only a few hours ago, really...shifting uncomfortably in front of her desk. His finger was still wrapped in the pink band-aid, she noticed. He opened his mouth to speak, the gaze darting from her to the window to the door reluctant. Mind foggy, and not entirely sure of the wisdom of what she was doing, Janet extracted one hand and caught his wrist lightly.


Daniel's eyes widened, as he glanced down at her in shock. It was obviously the last thing he had expected her to say, and he looked lost, searching for an appropriate answer. At the same time, Janet could see in his eyes that he was wavering, that the idea was entirely unappealing to him. "Please?" she added. "Just in case." It was a paper thin excuse, but all the justification Daniel needed to convince himself.

"OK. I'll sleep on the couch..." Exasperated, Janet pooled all her remaining strength into one sharp tug that brought him down on the bed alongside her, then let her exhausted body relax. "Or not." Daniel added. He reached behind him, and succeeded on switching off the lamp on the fourth go. Tentatively, he laid his head beside her on the pillow, and gingerly draped one arm over her heavily bundled-up form.

"Goodnight?" he whispered softly into the darkness; but Janet was already asleep.



Janet's eyes fluttered groggily as she began to surface from her deep sleep. Light filtered in from a crack in the curtains, throwing a narrow beam across her features. She was completely encased in her bedcovers, and a dead weight lay across her waist, pinning her further to the mattress. Confused, she glanced automatically at the clock hanging on the far wall, proclaiming mid-afternoon. She tried to sit up in panic...she was extraordinarily late for work!...when the sudden return of the dull throbbing in her head, and her inability to breathe through her nose unkindly reminded her that she wouldn't be at the base for a few days yet. She felt the weight over her body lift as she sat up, and Daniel rolled over onto his back, his arm flung across his face to shield it from the daylight.


He scrubbed a hand over his face, blinking dazedly up at her. She was powerless to stop the grin that spread over her face at his bemused expression, and tousled hair. He really was gorgeous. "Good mor-dning." She offered, scolding herself internally, reminded that it was those kind of thoughts - unfortunately combined with Warner's flu meds - that had landed them in this predicament in the first place. He wrinkled his nose at her, succeeding only in making her laugh, and making himself look even more adorable. "Uh..how are you feeling?" Janet shrugged "Liddle bedder"

Daniel raised a disbelieving eyebrow. " A liddle stuffed up" she admitted, "but nod so bad as las' night." Janet glowered as he laughed, crossing her arms in mock-irritation. "Sorry." he placated. He sat up beside her and stretched. "What time is it?" Janet pointed to the clock. "Oh. Well, at least I'm on stand-down." he glanced around the room. Janet smiled in reply.

"Mom? Are you up yet?"

Her smile faded in horror.

The handle turned, and the door swung inwards as Cassandra barged unconcernedly into the room, nose buried in a chemistry text-book. "Hey I just got home from school, but I figured you got in late last night, so I didn't bother wak - Oh, my God!"

The teenager froze, gaping wide eyed at the two adults on the bed. Daniel returned the expression, staring at her like a deer in headlights, while a flustered Janet tried to form words to explain the situation to her daughter and deny everything she could come up with. The girl was the first to recover, however, and backed out of the bedroom - one hand raised in a clear 'don't-tell-me' gesture - and with a determined "I don't even wanna know", she closed the door.

Janet and Daniel remained perfectly still, staring at the door through which she had departed, too shocked to move. After a few moments, Janet felt a giggle bubble up in her throat, and her shoulders began to shake faintly. Daniel stared at her incredulously as she began to laugh outright, opening his mouth to ask what she found so amusing about their situation, and instead found himself laughing right along with her. Janet shook her head, covering her eyes with her hand briefly as she fought to regain control of herself. Daniel found himself entranced by her as she giggled helplessly, auburn hair bouncing around her shoulders, eyes dancing. She really was an incredibly beautiful woman, her smile lighting her whole face as she laughed. Noticing his scrutiny, Janet's laughter eventually faded, to be replaced with a soft, almost tender smile. He allowed himself a few more seconds to lie there, gazing at her, before he sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed, stretching as he did so. He caught sight of himself in the full length mirror and winced at his ruffled appearance. Sighing, he turned round to face Janet, who had climbed out of bed and was waiting patiently behind him.

"Well." he offered. She nodded, understanding, and sniffed.

"I think I may have somb explaining to do." Daniel grinned despite himself, and she returned the smile, casting her eyes shyly at the floor, before looking back up at him, sniffing to clear her nose and throat before she spoke.

"Listen...Daniel...I just wan't to say that I really appreciate... everything." She smiled at her own inability to find suitable words for him. "It meant a lot." she admitted. Daniel smiled back at her and nodded.

"Any time." Janet's smile widened; for Daniel it was all the thanks he needed. He moved towards her, placing one hand on her shoulder and quickly planted a swift, soft kiss on her temple, befeore pulling back to meet her half-anstonished, half-delighted expression. "I'll, uh, see myself out." he told her, exiting the bedroom; leaving Janet with some confused thoughts, a wary daughter, but nevertheless elated.

*** Janet Fraiser sat behind her desk in her office, tapping her pen idly against the surface while trying to decide which small mountain of paperwork to tackle first. Dr. Warner had been gratefully relieved of his temporary shift as CMO earlier this morning, when she had finally been proclaimed fit to return to work amid a flurry of frantic nursing staff, whining airmen and flying folders of reports. She grinned to herself - she had only been gone a few days and already they'd missed her. It was nice to be needed.

She gazed out of the small window beyond which the infirmary lay, thinking quietly over the past couple of days. Warner had been right about the flu...it had cleared itself up within a few hours the day after, and the rest of her time had been spent alternatively resting and trying to convince a dubious Cassie that the scene in the bedroom had all been perfectly innocent. She still got the feeling that her daughter didn't entirely believe her. Janet sighed softly; she hadn't seen Daniel since he had left her house that afternoon, although he had called once or twice to check up on her. She had to admired him for that - after getting Cassandra and the third degree the first time, she didn't know if *she* would have risked calling again. She had purposely dropped by his office on her way down here a few hours ago though, knowing SG-1 was still on stand down for another few days, but he'd been out.

A quiet knock roused her from her reverie. "Hey Doc, you awake?" a voice teased from the doorway.

Speak of the devil.

"Hey, Daniel." she welcomed. The archaeologist sauntered into her office, smiling. "How are you?" he asked.

"Better." she said, simply. "A lot better." Daniel paused at her desk, seemingly waiting for her to continue. Janet gazed up at him through the long strands of auburn hair that had fallen over her eyes. "You know, I just want to thank you again for the other day..." Daniel halted her with a wave of his hand. "Any time" he repeated. They remained in companionable silence for a few moments, before Janet's curiosity overcame her and she was compelled to ask,

"So, you just here to check up on me, or do you need something stitched?" Daniel acknowledged her affectionate sarcasm with a smile, and cleared his throat, suddenly nervous. "Actually, there was something." Janet raised a questioning eyebrow when he failed to elaborate. "I was just wondering, if you are feeling better if you might wanna...um..." Janet nodded her encouragement, and Daniel finished in a rush "...go get some dinner sometime, when you're free, that is."

Janet watched him fidget as he waited for her answer. "You normally ask a girl out *after* you've gotten her into bed?" she asked lightly. She grinned as Daniel impersonated a guppy for a few seconds, before realising she wasn't serious. He laughed, shaking his head. "Is that a yes, then?" Janet's smile broadened. "I'd love too."

Pleased, Daniel smiled, and hopped in front of her desk for a few more moments; then turned around to leave. Before he reached the door, he spun backwards, remembering to add: "I'm glad you're feeling better.", and departed cheerfully from the room.

Janet laughed to herself, feeling a warmth creep over her that this time she was sure had nothing to do with the flu. Then, shrugging her shoulders to bring herself back to Earth, she settled back in her chair and turned to the piles of paperwork she still had to get through. As she picked up her pen to start on the first one, a small cardboard container - still sitting on the edge of her desk - caught her eye. Picking it up, she turned the box over in her hands. If it hadn't been for these, she mused, he wouldn't have come down to the infirmary that night, wouldn't have noticed she was ill, wouldn't have come back to check on her...Smiling, Janet set the box of band -aids back down on her desk, picked up her pen, and set about making herself some free time.


Copyright (c) October 2001 Nike A. Johnston

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