I don't know why you earthlings are so interested, but these are just some of my favorite quotes. Also some of my more famous ones. Of course, if you think that there's some missing, I suppose you should tell Tanya. They must be said by me or include me in it.
"My heart is calm and pure...pure evil!"
*sighs* Typical Vegeta...
Vegeta: Forget it Kakarotto. I'd rather die, then fuse with you!
Kakarotto: *sigh* Vegeta, your already dead!
This is one of my favorite quotes ^_^
Kakarotto! I'm going to kill you, your son, and that bald guy!
Vegeta threating someone...some things never change.
Nappa, I've explained it three times. Your head's to thick!
More insults from Vegeta.
I'm a super elite. That's it, it's over!
Guess you can't argue with that...
*While possessed by Bebi* You may have control of my mind, and my body, but you'll never be able to touch my pride!
It's like a riddle. What's the biggest thing in the world, yet you can't touch it? Vegeta's ego!
Vegeta: Kakarotto! Stop poking me in the eye, you idiot!
Kakarotto: It's not my fault, you keep poking me in the mouth.
This is one of my all-time favorite quotes. It's Vegeta and Kakarotto trying to do the fusion dance ^_^
Nappa, remind me to look into having you de-wormed again...
Vegeta dissing Nappa.
So now he's unarmed...
Vegeta's comment after Tien loses his arm.
*Bulma to Vegeta* How dare you Vegeta! Every time you stick your dweeby little face in front of Trunks, you make him cry!
This is a great quote! I love it when Bulma and Vegeta fight ^_^
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