Talk to Trunks/Vegeta
Hello ^_^ This is where you can talk to Trunks and Vegeta and ask them those questions you've been dying to have an answer to!
*Please do not be offended by the responses, it's all in fun ^_^*
*Due to the fact that I've been getting so many questions, I can only take the first question sent to me. I'll take the first one every day of the week. Sorry :(*
1. Please include your name *any name will do, so make one up if you want*
2. Please
e-mail me with your question and I'll be sure to send it to the proper person!
3. Also, please say in the subject line who the question's for..
Well, those are the rules, so have fun!
Oh Yeah! This is my favorite part!
............why me?
So hi Trunks how far away is the saiyan planet from earth, and you are my favorite

Well, I've never been there since I was born after it's destruction, so I'm not sure of the exact location, but it's probably very far away in another galaxy somewhere.
Hey Trunks, so why r u so cute? don't have to answer that if you don't want to. ne way back to the real question (s) i wanted to ask... um... sorry i have a lot of questions cos me and my friend are combining our questions together.
1) y do you always want approval from vegeta?
2) what makes you tick?
3) y are u so shy and always blush?
and just for the fun of it...
4) y r u so cute?
Nausicaa & Devious Grim Reaper

1) I guess because he's my father and I've never met him before cuz in my time he's dead...
2) umm... I don't know how to answer this one...
3) I don't know, it just sorta happens...
4) *blushes*
To Trunks
how come ur cute and veggie head isn't at all?
Lady Tsunami

I don't know, everyone says I look like him though...
Yo prince vegeta, I would like to ask why so many people hate you? I think your the greatest and you don't get the recognition you deserve. I also don't understand how people can call you ugly, I think your cute.
Princess aj

Hmph, well, at least there is one smart earthling on this planet. I don't really care if people hate me, though I do think I deserve more recognition. After all, I have saved this miserable dustball many times. *smirks*
Hi again! Trunks, u never answered my question. y r u so cute? Don't u start blushing again ^_^ hey vegeta...why r u always so...umm...angry?

hehe...I don't know...
I do. It's because I'm your father.
*sweatdrop* Umm...yeah.
And the reason I'm always angry is because I have to answer these stupid questions! Arrgh!
Calm down, Vegeta -_-
hi trunks,
are you gay or is that bullshit oh yeah why does your father hate goku coz goku cute but so is vegeta bye
angel fontanez

NO! I am NOT gay! Whoever told you that was wrong, and I don't know WHERE they would get that idea from!
I hate Kakarotto because he's a low-class warrior who somehow managed to defeat me! But don't worry, I'll take care of him soon. *smirk*
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