The Saiyan King and the Lunarian Queen By Rosy the Cat =^_^= AN: This story aint a Vegeta / Usagi mushfic; mush will be between already established couples from both series, with one exception. You guessed it; Queen Serenity and King Vegeta are the real main characters; at least for the first few chapters or so. I have no clue where this will go, so I make no promises about what will happen later. I came up with this idea after first reading ESM's Vegeta & Usagi. The plot around QS and KVıs marriage just had waaaaaaaaay too many holes in it for my tastes. I mean, can you picture someone named Serenity wouldnıt marry for love? I think not! She gave her life so that her daughter could have one together with her fiance for cryinı out loud! Last of all; yes, I am using the Japanese names. This is mainly because some phrases sound better to me with Japanese words mixed in! Tee hee! Also: Queen Serenity is 20 in the storyıs opening and not the queen yet. If you have a problem with her mannerisms not being totally sweetness and light all of the time, than watch out. I donıt know how this will end up portraying her, but by the middle she should be the way she is in the Anime. Maybe. *n* (supposed to be pouty face) Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon. If I did, I would be the happiest little otaku in the world! But I'm not. Sailor Moon is owned by the Queen of Manga/Anime, Naoko. Long live the Queen! Prologue: Silver Millennium: Moon Kingdom... "Aaaaaargh!" "Bad day, 'Rena?"' "No, this goes beyond a mere 'bad' day, Cassie," Princess Serenity of the Moon Kingdom said dryly to her best friend and Captain of her royal guard, Queen Cassiopeia of Earth, a.k.a., Sailor Earth. "First those old ding-bats who call themselves the Counsel of Elders make me attend one of their boring meetings and make me listen to them yak on and on about things one would think much too petty for the counsel, and then...!" Earth laughed at the expression on her friendıs face, calmed herself, and then replied: "And then...what?" "Those baka goobers (tee hee!) had the audacity to say, and I quote: 'Her Royal Highness should keep in mind the importance of a Prince and one day King to the Kingdom, as well as more importantly, an heir to wield her power when comes the time when she gains her motherıs throne and one day when she leaves this mortal existence'! For cryin' out loud, Cassie, they made it sound like I was some 40-year-old old maid!" Earth frowned, "But 'Rena, they do have a point; if something happened to you, there wouldnıt be anyone to rule your kingdom afterwards. And you are the only unmarried Queen or Crown Princess left in the Solar System. Heck, even Setsuna has gotten married." "Fine! Iıll work on it!" Serenity sighed. "Iım going to bed; see you tomorrow, Cassie." "Good night, 'Rena; I hope your dreams give you some insight." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Why do I get the feeling that my personal 'Prince Charming' doesnıt exist?" Serenity asked herself aloud as she sat up in bed, giving up on any chance of sleep. "Perhaps because he doesnıt; not in this time, anyway," a voice said softly from the darkness. "Geeze, give me a heart attack why don't ya, Setsuna! What are you doing here?" "I am here because if I had not come, you would face an unhappy future, either married to a man you did not love, or not married at all, thereby dooming your family line, and-" "Aaaaaaaaaargh! Quit it, 'Suna; you're depressing me! Now, what exactly are you here to do?" "I am here to give you a chance to find your soul mate, Serenity. Nothing more, nothing less. I must warn you, though, that to go on this search means traveling through time, and spending years away from all that you know and love, among strangers unlike any you have ever met." Serenity paused only a moment before exclaiming, "Let me pack some bags and let's hit the road; anything to get away from those baka goobers in the Counsel of Elders!" Setsuna nodded and handed her princess a large back pack and said, "pack only what you absolutely need, Princess; you do not want to be too conspicuous." As she ran around her room, throwing shirts, pants, skirts, a gi or two, underwear, and other needed things into the pack, Serenity finally voiced something that had been nagging her from the back of her mind. "Hey, Setsuna, what about my parents and the other Senshi? Arenıt they going to wonder where I went?" "I will tell your parents in the morning; I refrained from informing the Senshi because I feared they would try to stop me, even though this was left in Elder Pluto's final instructions to me before she died."' "Yeah, Cassie wouldn't have stopped you, but the others might have tried anyway. O.K., Iım packed, when are we leaving?"' "Now." ******************* Whoo hoo! The Prologue is done! Yippie skippie! Next: King Vegeta shows up! (Crowd cheering) ³Yay!² I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope Ihope!