CSJ, My School

CSJ is my school. This where my highschool life begins. I met new friends, new faces to be bond with. Highschool life is begins with us students where school is our second home. We learned lot of things and discover new things and ideas. Our Alma Matter helps us to be a good Josephinians. They say that highschool life is the best you will experience most of the rest of your life. Csj have Vision and Mission. And it includes being a Christ- Centered helps us being close with God. Competent in all things. Creative to share ideas. Compassionate to others and be a charitable to those who are in need. Based on my experienced or being in 3years student as a Josephinians you will learn a lot of things. Csj motivates us, helps us to socialize to others. Csj have the best facilities and best teachers. Csj only the best.