In GA:
Taylor-hey dudette! best artist in!
Erin-I am your smart moron, yes I am.
Meghan-When I take over the world, I will remember that you wrote me that card!
Chris C.-cool dude. You rawk.
Rachel & Sandi-you guys are so cool!
Alison-Curious George rules! !Quito las patatas, por favor!
Heather-luv ya!
Andy-You *can* stay clean Seriously, I love you and am always here for you. Keep in touch, dude.
Chris S.-I miss you so much. Just being your friend, talking to you...*sigh*. We need to talk this out.
Meg & Rich-we are the few, the proud, the music ministers! Meg, it is a privilege to sing with you! Rich...well, you're all warm down in Florida. *glares*
Katie-When you're good to mama, mama's good to you... Hehe. Sunlight is for mortals, babe.
Karen-I'm gonna miss you so much!!! You're going to Ghettowah... :( Keep in touch.

MxPxROCKS! MessageBoard:
Hektik: You are my hero for making this wonderful forum.
Lina: Hey babe! Stay cool and keep in touch!
Ron: I wuv you! Your hair...well, it'll just have to fade for now, but you're still cool. You never fail to make me smile. *grins*
Andy: I miss you dude! I love talking to you, we need to talk more often. Just stay true to yourself.
Dan: Keep the glory going!
Brian: Your mohawk has a place of honor in my locker.
Jim: You are possibly one of the coolest people I know, and one of the best poets. Keep writing. You are AWESOME.
Justin: Wow. You're amazing. I love you.
Hayley: Mmm...chocolate cheesecake!

At LifeTeen:
Steve-And you wonder why we won't let you near a mic. You are the coolest youth minister ever! Keep being our fearless leader!
Lori-Heh heh heh. We have too much fun together. I'LL MISS YOU SO MUCH!!!
Angela-My angel! I'm your little pyro, yes I am. Miss you.
Triscuit-Dude! You are the absolute BEST!!! My favorite cracker in the whole wide world! Hope life goes better for you.
Morgan-*sighs* Well, now we all know not to get you wet. *smiles and hugs*
Jeremy-I miss you a ton. I don't know why you left, but we all love you and wish you the best!
Lauren-I am always here for you, no matter what!
Gina-He who sings, prays twice. He who does hand motions prays three times!

In NJ:

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