Super Rad and Spiffy Sites I Think YOU Should Check Out
FanFiction Dot Net-Oodles and oodles of fanfics, poems, songs. I'm an author there, search for Nika-hime! AWESOME artwork and stories by Kitsune. Go check it out!
MadamHydra's Lair-more cool artwork and stories for oodles of anime series. She's also amazing!
Katsudon!-a wonderful site, run by Katsu, with lots of art, fanfics, Japanese, and even some LOTR humor! *squeals*
The Artwork of Cardboard Tom-Artwork and one of my fave Aussie pals. Headliners quit working (I think), so this is the only place I know of where her stuff is. Check it out, it's really good!

Random Sites:

MxPxRocks! Bulletin Boards-a place where some of the *cooler* netizens hang. Threads on almost anything and everything, not just about MxPx. I highly reccommend it.

Sandi's Little Shop of Monkeys"-no, she does not sell monkeys. But she's got a very cool site. So go check it out!

Puella-Preoccupied since 1986. AKA Rachel's page. She's cool, she's funny, and she's a great artist. (Check out the BT section to find out just how messed up our school is.)

Unsuspecting Angel-otherwise known as Becki's page. She's cool, and there's lots of fun stuff on her page. You can also adopt a bun*nee like mine! (P.S. I'm a Lime Ribbon Supporter forever!)

WeRollBig-AKA Nick's site, with input from Jim (2 great Chicago guys). Check it out! They're hilarious!

Website Stuff:

Funky Chickens, also whithout whom this site would not have been possible. Very nice people who have the best HTML help site out there., who gave me my mouse trail! Some super spiffy stuff is on there., which has tons of codes and tutorials on *everything* HTML, also JavaScript, PERL, CGI, DHTML, and all that stuff.

The Amazing Ribbon-O-Matic-Just what it says on the box. Useful for posting on websites and blogs and such. Might also work on message boards, too. For more fun, try the Icon-O-Matic.

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