*Week 1*
Hello, and welcome to my attempt at a weekly column. This, the page that is currently displayed on your screen, is the first installment. Consider yourself very lucky.
You're probably wondering who the hell I am, right? My name is Nika. The very same Nika that is webmistress of this site. And I'm not your average teenage girl. I don't wear short skirts and tight clothes. I use *minimal* makeup. Frankly, I'm fine with or without a boyfriend. Yeah, I'd like to have one, but if I don't, the world is not going to end. I'm straight edge: no alcohol or drugs. Gotta respect my body, as it's going to have to serve me for 70-80 more years.
I like punk, ska, and some emo. Classic rock is cool, too. Fave bands/artists? Save Ferris, The Hippos, Eric Clapton, The Beatles, The Ramones, Anti-Flag, Rancid, The Eyeliners, The Distillers, Tsunami Bomb, MxPx, NOFX, Pennywise, Pulley, The Living End, Eulogy, Sounds Like Chicken, Reel Big Fish, Left Front Tire, OC Supertones, Mighty Mighty Bosstones...the list goes on and on. Food is good, too. Sushi is yummy. So is Pocky. Mmm, Japanese snack food.... *strawberry Pocky sticks dance through head*
So, whaddaya think of the world we live in, eh? Yes, I'm half Canadian. Big deal. Seriously, it's come crashing down around our ears lately. 9/11, the church crisis, possible war with Iraq...it's crazy. I was still a baby when we were in the Gulf War. And I sit here at my computer and think, How on earth...? Why is all this happening now? To tell you the truth, I don't know. I really don't. I suppose it's just years upon years of hidden plans and information all coming to fruit now. I don't think anyone can really pinpoint the source. It's useless even to try. So don't. ^_~
Last but not least, yes, I lost most of my sanity last year. YOU try coming to my school and trying to stay sane. I tell you, it's not possible. My muses (Pierre and Francois) have recently been clamoring for attention. I might as well listen to them. *deranged grin lights up face* Heh. Don't worry, Mr. Cannibal the hand puppet won't bite you if you behave. He's my baby, but a very tempermental one. (See? Told you I was bonkers.) In parting, all I have to say is GOOD NIGHT! I'm off to bed. Migraines suck big time.
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