BT is living hell, but actual fire's not allowed, so lava backgrounds work just as well. Information stolen erm, borrowed from Rachel's page.
BT At A Glance:
  • Full name is Blessed Trinity Catholic High School. Initials spell out an almost obscene work (BTCHS), which is why they shorten it to BT.
  • Our mascot would have been the Moose, if the administration had any respect for the democratic process. Despite being the most popular candidate, Moose did not even appear on the ballot for the vote. So now we're the Titans. Odd that a Catholic school should have a pagan mascot.
  • Opened 2000-2001 school year. We had almost 3% of the student body expelled that year. That's about 7.8 people. 80% of a person? Don't ask. And nobody's been able to keep track of how many have been kicked out since then.
  • We have both a Jack Daniels and a Johnnie Walker.
  • We DO have uniforms. If the adminstration was SO worried about fornication, why did they put the girls in skirts? It only makes it easier.
  • Most watched video in classrooms: Jesus Christ Superstar Runner-up: That "Caesar must have been a very sexy man" tape

Various (VERY) Unofficial School Maxims:
  • "Because we're just that desperate to impress no one in particular!"--BT's motto
  • "Why strive for excellence when adequacy is good enough?"--Student creed
  • "To err is human. To forgive is not our policy."--Student handbook regarding the discipline procedure
  • "No provocative clothing, including but not limited to: shorts, short skirts, short shirts, tight shirts, sheer shirts, low-cut shirts, low-ride pants, tight pants, baggy pants. No inappropriate footwear, including but not limited to: open-heel shoes, open-toe shoes, sandals, beach shoes, flip-flops. Furthur unsuitable attire includes clothing with advertisements, brand names, or anything fashionable whatsoever."--Out of uniform dress code

    Excellent Quotes from Random Classes

    Dan: "It's a Taliban bug! It's got a turban and horns!"
    Me: "Aaaahh! It's going to blow up the school!"

    Me (as screwed up bell goes 'beep beep beep'): "Oh, that's just the 'You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.' bell.

    AP World History:
    James: "Yeah, well they're dropping peanut butter and PopTarts in Afghanistan!"
    Andy: "Imagine how filling that would be in the middle of the desert where all you have to eat is camel flesh."
    James: "Yeah, but in the desert there's no water to eat your peanut butter!"
    Mr. Findlay: "Okay, okay, that's enough."

    Andy (on an enuch named Chang Ho): "The man with no testicles brought us back a giraffe! He must be a god!"

    Mr. Findlay (on Colin Powell): "I'll vote for him. Why? HE'S AN INTELLIGENT HUMAN BEING!!!"

    Substitute teacher (to Andrew, who is spinning a globe): "What are you, a hamster?"

    James: "You mean I could have dropped that penny off the Duomo and not killed anybody?!?!"

    Mr. Hendrickson: "So, a raisin IN bran cereal is a compound, but Raisin Bran is a mixture."
    Brenton: " what's a raisin?"
    Me: "A dried grape."

    Ali: "In my next life, I'm gonna be a dog."

    Torie: "It looks like cocaine! *snort*"

    Mr. Freehauf: "So, what are the differences between Wang Lung's attitude towards his dad and his sons' attitude towards him? Veronica? Vick, throw Veronica the squirrel."
    Me: "*catches squirrel* Well, Wang Lung's sons had absolutely NO respect for him at all, while to his father he was like *prostrating self at desk* 'Daaaaadddd...'"
    Andrew: "Can you do that 'Daaaddddd' thing again?"

    Andy: "So Leningen says, 'I'll play Russian Roulette with you!' and the cheetah says okay. So they're spinnin' the cylinder...1,2,3 and then the pack of cheetahs come and eat him up."

    Andrew: "I am my own monkey's paw!"

    Mr. Freehauf: "Sarcastic death wish!"

    Andy: "Yeah, the plantation's safe, I'm walkin' towards my hammock and I want a Mr. Pibb cause this sort of think makes me thirsty."

    Mr. Freehauf (on the Trojan Horse): "Yeah, sure, just one thing...explain what the hell is up with the large wooden dingo outside our gates!"

    Andy (on how Hera seduced Zeus): " that your girdle? I've never seen you in THAT before. It must be my birthday!"

    Me: "Mr. Kiefer, you've just popped all our bubbles."
    Mr. Kiefer: "Good, that's my job."
    Andy: "But I was ENJOYING my immortality bubble!"

    Mr. Kiefer: "You people scare me. You really, really scare me."
    Me: "Good, Mr. Kiefer. That's OUR job."

    Casey: "I will make you a soap company...and, like a soap company, you will have many descendants..."

    Mr. Kiefer: "Ick, a roach. What should we do with it?"
    Brian: "Nurture it!"

    Casey: "But why couldn't they have put the yeast in while that bad boy was cookin'?"

    Alex: "Where's the markers?"
    Me: "Go look in the magical shoebox."
    Alex: "The magical shoebox?"
    Me: "Yeah, it's on the table."
    Jeff: "That's MY magical shoebox!"
    Me: "No, it's mine!"
    Jeff: "No, mine!"
    Me: "MINE!"
    Jeff: "I like the magical shoebox more than you do!"
    Me: "Nuh-uh!"

    Jeff: "It's Apple Jacks! The Alex and Jeff interactive page!"

    Mrs. Dever: "Matt...I have some very bad news."
    Matt: "What?"
    Mrs. D: "Well, you know those photos of the rememberance service...?"
    Matt: "Don't tell me you lost them."
    Mrs. D: "...I accidentally deleted them."
    Me, Sarah, Matt: "NNNNNOOOOOOOOO!"

    Me: "MAGIC FINGERS!!!"
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