St. Isaac's Cathedral, St.Petersburg - The majestic cathedral took 40+ years to be constructed, and it was one of the few unaffected Baroque buildings during the World Wars, although bullet & mortar holes are clearly visible on the huge red-granite pillars on the outside. The interior is so breathtaking and the constant choral singing echoing inside, gives such a diving feeling. It compares to, or even surpasses the majesticity of St.Peter's Bailica in the Vatican. It is not surprising that not even one of the amazing artisans involved in its construction or design, ever became popular or world renown - mainly due to the Russian isolation and the Iron curtain that secluded Russia from the world.

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All photos on this page are revised originals shot by niju on November 2003. All photos on this part of the site are subject to copyright at Send niju an e-mail !

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