The Sphinx , Giza - The Sphinx is really huge, but since it has been constructed inside what looks like a giant pit, only the head is visible from ground level. The entire body, and the legs are actually under the ground. It could be interpreted as the desert sand raising the ground level. Hence tourists can only look at it from this distance, but can't actually touch it. The most pitiful thing about the nose of the Sphinx is that, it had existed till 1890, until Napolean's pathetic troops decided to use it as a target for their cannon practise tests. The sphinx, had a braided beard also, which is now at the British museum in London. It still has traces of a bright red colouring, which indicates, the entire structure was brightly painted during its days. The symbol of Egypt has retained its majesticity, and seems to still ask the 3000 yr-old-riddle for which it was constructed, of "What has 4 legs at sunrise, 2 legs at noon, and 3 legs at night?". The answer, if you are curious, is Man. Crawling on 4 legs as a baby, standing tall with 2 as a man, and limping with a stick at Old Age.

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