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Kami-Sama in the manga
This section is about Kami-sama, the villian of Saiyuki Reload. If you haven't seen Relaod then there are definate spoilers. If you don't like spoilers then you better turn around.

Kami-Sama appears in Saiyuki Reload. He's also how we find out so much about Nii. His origional name isn't known but everyone just calls him Kami-Sama. (Translated as 'the God')

Kami-Sama was a prostitute when he somehow came across Ukoku Sanzo. (Nii) He begged Ukoku to take him with him and Ukoku agreed but it was obvious that Ukoku simply wanted Kami-Sama as another pawn. Kami-Sama was sent to live in Ukoku's home. (And a VERY nice home at that!) I believe Nii said that he built the home but I'm usure at the moment. (have to go back and check on that)

He did travel with his master a bit and on one of his ventures he met Kouryuu (Genjo Sanzo before he was a Sanzo) and offered him a doll. Like his master, Kami-Sama took his toys seriously so when Kouryuu refused the doll, Kami-Sama got upset in which his master chimed in that 'girls don't like pushy boys' before realizing that Kouryuu was a boy and not a girl. So there was some personal connection with Sanzo prior to Saiyuki Reload.

Kami-Sama lived on top of a mountain in the home that Ukoku pretty much gave to him. It is assumed that some deal was struck between the two sometime after Ukoku became Nii because in Kami-Sama's death scene he says something about a 'deal' that they had. It is assumed that Ukoku wouldn't pass on the title of Sanzo to Kami-Sama unless he successfully stole Genjo Sanzo's sutra.

He is very loyal to Ukoku Sanzo and this could be perhaps because Ukoku had seemed to spoil him and because Ukoku saved him from prostitution. Kami-Sama is quite obsessed with his toys and has the ability to bring them to life creating an army of toys using collected souls that his pawns gather. His pawns being two defensless boys. He is ruthless and shameless and has seemed to learn how to use people via Ukoku. He should have known that he himself was being used. If he did he didn't care.

Kami-Sama ended up dying when the house fell on him. Nii could have saved him but since Kami-Sama failed, he was doomed to die so Nii just left him there to die.

Overall, Kami-Sama's character was everything you'd expect from the pupil of Nii: demented and possesive. It seems he wasn't in the series long enough to suit me but then again, I can't get enough of Kami-Sama...
Kami-Sama in the anime
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