Wandering Thoughts...


NOTE!!!! Please use the Nihon Forum as your main source for further updates and show times. Why? Because this site is going to be moving between the 22nd and 30th of October.

You can find the forum link on the right side of this webpage.

Oh. And even if you've signed up to join this club...there is one more hurdle you have to go over!

You must log into our forum, and then e-mail me at [email protected] with your name and username. Thanks.

Don't forget to vote on upcoming shows!!!!


Next Culture Showing!!

Sorry we don't have anymore this year ;_;

But have no fear we will start up again next Spring 2006!!!

Next Anime Showing

Where: Hogarth

When: Sunday, October 30th

Time: 6 P.M. to 10 P.M.

Price: Free

Suggestions: Bring soda

Extra: It's going to be a party...so wear your Halloween outfits/Cosplay outfits and enjoy free pizza!!!!

What we are about

Nihon is the Japanese word for Japan. Ni means Sun and hon means root
Thus Nihon = Origin of the Sun
Anime is a shortened term for Japanese animation and Manga is, in general, a Japanese comic

What is our club about?

Nihon Anime/Manga is designed to bring the culture of Japan to the students of MUW.  To do this we show anime and manga to everyone willing to stop by.  The showings are every Sunday night from 6 P.M. to 10 P.M. at Hogarth (by the big TV).   During the intermission there will be discussions on the Japanese culture.  In this way we hope to enlighten individuals on all the complexities of Japan. 

We are a diverse group and are not just limited to the customs of Japan (though that will be our primary focus). We want our members to enjoy all walks of life so we will introduce movies and stories from China, India, Europe, in other words, anything we can get our hands on ^_^ These movies/tv shows will be shown on Fridays 6 P.M. to 10 P.M.

This club, in essence, is to bring the rest of the world a little bit closer by using free entertainment. 

So I, Alexandra, hope you enjoy watching our shows.


The image is from DIGIK

Sunday Schedules

Upcoming show

Past Shows

Friday Schedules

Upcoming show!
Past Shows

Nihon Anime

Upcoming Show Info
Info on Past Shows
Future Selections

Nihon Manga

Manga Selection

Nihon Culture

Japanese Culture
Indian Customs
Chinese Traditions

Nihon Culture Movies

Upcoming Movie Info
Past Shows
Future Selections
Firefly summary


Sample Downloads

Club Pictures

Fall 2005

Nihon Club Forum

Forum to vote and discuss in

Officers and Members

2005 Officers' List
Member list
Member IDs

Contact Us



notes on webpage

Suggested Links

Naruto #1


::Crystal Illusions::
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