

Silveyra, Carlos M.  La cuestión nazi en la Argentina.   Buenos Aires. Ed. Patria. 92 p. [Publication date 1939].  

Dickmann, Enrique.  La infiltración nazi-fascista en la Argentina.   Buenos Aires. Ed. sociales argentinas. 136 p. [Publication date 1939]. 

Trinidade, Hélgio Henrique C.  Integralismo: o fascismo brasileiro na década de 30.   São Paulo, Difusão Européia do Livro, 1974. 388 p., bibl.  

MacDonald, N.P.  “The "axis" in South America”.   (Fortnightly, n.s. vol. 145, no. 3, p. 336-43). [Publication date 1939].  

Gertz, René Ernaini.   O fascismo no sul do Brasil: germanismo, nazismo, integralismo.   Porto Alegre, Brazil: Mercado Aberto, 1987. 205 p.:. bibl..

Tiraferri, Emidio.  "12 ottobre festa della razza." 1492-1937. Discorso celebrativo tenuto presso la Falange spagnola di Milano per iniziativo dei fasci argentini in Italia.   Torino. Tip. Petrini e C. 27 p. [Publication date 1939].  

Behrendt, Richard F.  ·”Foreign influences in Latin America”.   (An. amer. acad. [Annals of the American academy of political and social science. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.], vol. 204, july, p. 1-8). [Publication date 1939].  

Mariátegui, José Carlos.  Fascismo sudamericano: los intelectuales y la revolución y otros artículos inéditos, 1923-1924.   Lima, Editorial Pedagógica Asencios, 1975. 61 Annotation: First published in the little-known and short-lived Lima periodicals Claridad, Bohemia Azul and Obrero Textil, in 1923-24, these essays include Mariátegui's observations on popular universities, intellectuals and revolution, Lenin, the "United Front," and South American facsism (in Chile).

Lewis, Paul H.  “Was Perón a fascist? an inquiry into the nature of fascism”.   (SPSA/JP [The Journal of Politics. The Southern Political Science Association in cooperation with the Univ. of Florida. Gainesville.], 42, 1980, p. 242-256).   Annotation: Important contribution on the true nature of peronism. Compares methods for mobilization and control of the masses in both fascism and peronism.

Seitenfus, Ricardo Antônio Silva.   “O Brasil e o III Reich, 1933-1939”.     ( Jahrb. Gesch., 25, 1988, p. 273-289, tables )    Annotation:   Schematic analysis of relations between Brazil and Germany in 1930s emphasizes cultural influences of Germany on Brazil, trade, and fascist and anti-communist influences.

Germani, Gino.  Autoritarismo, fascismo e classi sociali.   Bologna, Italy, Società Editrice Il Mulino, 1975. 306 p., bibl. Annotation: Recopilación de algunos estudios del conocido sociólogo ítalo-argentino, actualmente en Italia. De los seis estudios contenidos en el volumen, dos de ellos — el rol del populismo en la modernización política y tradiciones políticas y mobilización social en los orígenes de un movimiento nacional popular — se refieren específicamente a América Latina. En estos dos estudios el autor presenta sus bien conocidas hipótesis sobre el populismo, en general, y el peronismo, en particular.  

Maeztu, Ramiro de.  La Spagne e il popolo ispanici nel mondo (Defensa de la hispanidad).   Messina. G. Principato. (Instituto nazionale di cultura fascista, Biblioteca di cultura politica, serie 2, no. 7.) 279 p. [Publication date 1939].   Annotation: Translated, with introduction and notes, by Domenico S. Piccoli; preface by Eugenio Vegas Latapie. The Spanish original was published in 1934

Zamora, Juan Clemente.  “El momento político europeo y su trascendencia para América”.   (América, Habana, año 1, no. 5, mayo, p. 1-5). [Publication date 1939].   Annotation: Nazi-Fascist penetration in Latin America is creating a grave problem which can be solved only through spiritual sacrifices on the part of Latin America and material sacrifices on that of the United States.

Borón Atilio A.  “El fascismo como categoría histórica: en torno al problema de las dictaduras en América Latina”.   (UNAM/RMS [Revista Mexicana de Sociología. Univ. Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales. México.], 39:2, abril/junio 1977, p. 481-528).   Annotation: Examines the historical concept of fascism to see if it is being correctly applied to the ideology and intent of Latin American military regimes of the 1970s. The author argues that it can not be so applied.

Hennessy, Alistair.  “Fascism and populism in Latin America”.   (in Laqueur, Walter ed. Fascism, a reader's guide: analyses, interpretations, bibliography. Berkeley, Univ. of California Press, 1976, p. 255-294).   Annotation: Why didn't fascism take root in Latin America as it did in some parts of Europe between World Wars I and II? In a provocative treatment of this question, author stresses non-economic variables that prevented the rise of fascism but set the preconditions for the growth of populist parties and leaders in the post-Depression era. Case studies of Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and Peru demonstrate a solid grasp of the literature. Highly recommended to political scientists and historians who have struggled with the terms "fascism" and "populism.

Ducini, “prominenti, antifascisti: Italian fascism and the Italo-Argentine collectivity”.     (Americas/Francisc., 51:1, July 1994, p. 41-66 ) Annotation:   Well-done study relates attempt, directed from Italy, to implant Fascism among the Italian community in Argentina. Examines Fascists' rather limited successes and creation of Italian anti-Fascist organizations in Argentina. Author draws most of his information from Italian archives and the Argentine Italian-language press.

Buchrucker, Cristián.   “La "tentación fascista" en la Argentina”.  ( Criterio/Buenos Aires, 58:1951, 12 sept. 1985, p. 481-487 ) Annotation:   Repasa manifestaciones de intelectuales argentinos adherentes al fascismo, antes y después de 1945 (año que puede considerarse el comienzo de la etapa peronista), con útiles citas. Considera que una de las causas que favorecieron esa adhesión fue la falta de un pluralismo político fuerte. Del mismo autor: Nacionalismo, fascismo y peronismo (tesis doctoral, Berlín, 1982).

 Backal, Alicia Gojman de.   “La acción revolucionaria mexicanista y el fascismo en México: los Dorados”. ( *Jahrb. Gesch., 25, 1988, p. 291-302 ) Annotation:   Examination of an extreme right-wing group, known as the ARM or "Gold Shirts," noted for anti-semitism, anti-communism, and ultra-nationalism. Traces history of ARM from its foundation in 1933 to the death of its principal leader, Nicolás Rodríguez, in 1940. Movement ultimately failed because of the international situation and the popular support enjoyed by Cárdenas [*Jahrbuch für Geschichte von Staat, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Lateinamerikas. Köln, Germany. ]

González Calleja, Eduardo.   “La derecha latinoamericana en busca de un modelo fascista: la limitada influencia del falangismo en el Perú, 1936-1945”.     ( Rev. Complut. Hist. Am., 20, 1994, p. 229-255 ) Annotation:   Discusses distinct reactionary movements in Peru between Sánchez Cerro's Unión Revolucionaria and the regional organizations of the Falange. Concludes that the rhetorical support by Peru's conservative and aristocratic intellectuals for a "mimetic fascism" during the late 1930s was far stronger than the actual government alignment with or mass support for Franco's Spain or fascist Italy.

 Southworth, H. Rutledge.  “The spanish phalanx and Latin America”.   (For. affs. [Foreign affairs. Council on foreign relations inc. New York City, N.Y.], vol. 18, p. 148-152). [Publication date 1939].   Annotation: Revival of Pan Hispanism under the Franco régime through the influence of the Falange Española. "The highly centralized regimented, militaristic state of the Phalanx is not an end in itself, but an instrument for re-establishing its power over Spain's former dominions. The spiritual basis of the program was best described by... Ramiro de Maeztu... in his book Defensa de la hispanidad."

 García, Pío et al.  “La cuestión del fascismo en América Latina”.   (CP, 18, oct./dic. 1978, p. 13-33).   Annotation: The problem of the meaning and significance of fascism is considered through an assessment of dependency theorists such as Marini (fascismo militar) and dos Santos and Cueva (fascismo dependiente). Latin American fascism is understood to mean a form of bourgeois counterrevolution rooted in the contradictions and inequalities found in the capitalist-imperialist system. Socialist-imperialism and fascism do not seem to be analytic categories in the estimation of the author

Trindade, Hélgio Henrique.  Integralismo o fascismo brasileiro na década de 30.   São Paulo: DIFEL (Difusão Européia do Livro); Porto Alegre, Brazil: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 1974. 379 p.; bibl.; facsims.; indexes; plates; tables (Corpo e alma do Brasil; 40).   Annotation: Based on extensive documentation, this is the most thorough (and one of the few) studies of Brazilian fascism. Author explores the relation between Brazilian integralism and Catholicism, the military, and Italian and German fascisms. He then examines the social cultural and intellectual background of Integralist leader Plinio Salgado, the historical conditions in which Integralism emerged in Brazil in the 1930s and finally, the ideological content of Brazilian Integralism. In this latter section, author presents data from interviews with former members of the National Directorate of the Integralist Party. A translation of author's thesis L'action intégraliste brésilienne (Univ. de Paris I, 1971), this is an extremely important book for its insight into ideology of the Estado Novo and subsequent politics of the right in Brazil.



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