

When the world looks like it can't go on, it’s called Tribulation.

When we see only negative in our view, it's called Tribulation.

When life is impossible to understand, it's called Tribulation.

When people don’t see any hope in sight, It's called Tribulation.

But, for the Christian it is not.

It's life to be lived to the fullest.

Knowing that their Lord is on his way.

Don't get discouraged, people who love Jesus, 

Because you’re God is still in control. 

There’s not a moment that goes by 

without him already knowing how it will turn out.

Treasures in heaven await those who trust in him.

Keep your eye's focused on him.

Not on the circumstances in this world.

He will be with every step of the way.

You are very precious to the Lord.

He holds you in the palm of his hand.

Rest assured, He will not drop you.

With each new day trust in him.

You will get through.


Written by, Linda Leonard

 Copyright 2003

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