Old Salt 


He was Marine 

through and through

Tough as nails, 

cocky too.

When the time came 

to put your ass on the line

The Old Salt  delivered it every time.

His voice sounded 

like a rusty wheel,

he had sandpaper skin

and nerves of steel.

He swore like a grunt 

had the manners of a mule

But under fire he maintained his cool.

He fought each battle 

with fire in his eyes

Bulldog stubborn 

it was do or die.

Marine Corps schooled 

the Old Corps way

He was merchant of hurt 

A one man brigade.

Perhaps in the past 

you knew such a man

Who was first to fight 

and the last to stand,

The one Leatherneck  

who was so damned mean,

he had the humor of a Snake 

and breath like kerosene.

Old Salt,  A Marines - Marine!


Boondocker/ 2000



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