Night Warriors


In the late night hours
We search the Internet
Reading the accounts
of other Vietnam vets


We read of sorrow, ,we read of pain
from these battle worn warriors
there is much to gain.

Our outlook upon life
reflects our outlook on death
faithful to remember
yet filled with regret.

We seek acceptance, Not glory or fame
We call each other
by a fictitious name.

Anonymity protects
what's left of our hearts
Even in this cyber world
they can be torn apart.

We write of brotherhood, and of agony shared
of dark experiences 
hoping somebody cares.

Separated by glass
and telephone lines
if challenged or hurt
We disappear for a time.

We wonder if truth, does more harm than good
Do others see the reality 
is it understood?

We continue to search
For in seeking We find
Many others such as ourselves
Who have been frozen in time.


Boondocker / 2000



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