America Is,


America is, the home of the brave

Where Eagles soar, and Old Glory waves

Yet in a distant land amidst the jungle trees

 blood and death still floats upon the breeze.


There are Prisoners Of War, and M.I.A's

still existing in a bamboo tigers cage.

They dream of loved ones they may never see

Long for places that they may never be.


To survive the night as tides roll in

they fight for breath, water just under their chin

poked and prodded, spit on and abused

Men slowly dying, slipping from view.


No matter how strong America may seem to be

She will always be humbled and brought to her knees,

Until these Vanishing hero's are returned  home

Black flags taken down, and Old Glory flies alone.


Until that day freedom cannot be embraced

Until that day America  hides in the shadows of disgrace.

Brother to Brother, hands grasping hands

Heads bowed, tears flowing, 



 " United we stand "


Richard D. Preston



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