What you see ain't always what you get:  

Life is like a mirror, and like it or not
The mirror always reflects the truth
and it's true that I have not retained the youth
nor is my skin as muscled and taut
because instead of vanity, another battle must be fought

That being, looking THROUGH the mirror.

Not only MY mirror, but OTHER mirrors also.

The reflection bounces back
the reality attacks
the vision reveals the facts
and my friends herein lays
the inevitable surprise,

What lies behind the mirror.

If one should scratch the mirrors surface
it would serve absolutely no useful purpose


remove the coating from behind the reflection
and the depth could alter another's perception

For what we see in the mirror also reveals
that which is behind us,

And friends, That is often what binds us.

And in most cases once you have gotten past the exterior,

you will find...

That you have only begun,

to scratch the surface...

of life,

And life is,

what lies before us.

By Richard Preston



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