Silence is Golden?


Have you ever heard the term

" As a Lamb to the slaughter "

Only this was no lamb,

Quite the contrary, This was a warrior


No doubt someone  didn't believe

The Term, " Loose lip's sink ships ".

And unknowingly informed America's foe's

Thus sending a warrior  lifeless and adrift


In wartime for safety's sake

" Mum's the word " alright,

But a mom of another  sort

Will receive news, of this sad night 


Battle is not  in any way glorious

and yes in all truthfulness " War is hell "

And while dying he could attest to this fact

As he float's in deadly silence to the ground

There was no one near enough that he could tell

 Somehow, the old adage

" Silence is Golden "

Doesn't ring true any more..


By Richard Preston 3/ 10 / 2001 


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