Shaking it Loose  


Walking  a skirmish line

In the shadow of the trees

Quick glance all around

What you feel ain't what you see


Green shades, brown shades

Rustlings in the leaves

Once you see the red flow

You instantly believe


Living life and dying strife

Happening  all around

Uncommon dread, Scarlet  thread

Keeps the common soldier bound


Years pass-sleep fails 

The bomb refuses to diffuse

We won the battles but lost the war

 Chalk it up as a warriors due


We were there when no one cared

As recorded in  black and white

We continued on from dusk til dawn

 Our own freedom out of sight


Without the pain there was no gain

Liberty gave you the right to choose

But the fact remains, to our war we're chained

And we just cant shake it loose

 Just cant shake it loose


yeah,  we just cant shake it loose


Richard Preston 9-1-2001



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