Shadow Box

There is a shadow box upon my wall

containing memories that are often recalled

 of another time, another place

of  a younger man, a younger face

Ribbons of color and Medals of war

Marine Corps'  emblems, and badges are stored

locked away, preserved and safe

" Proof "

These Medals were earned with blood and sweat

under fire and rain, without regrets

With cost of lives, to whom I owe a debt

 I see their shadows and I shall not  forget

This Shadow box means nothing to some

But it's legacy will live on when my life is done

for my children's, children shall understand

That their Granddad fought for a better land

This is the shadow box of a U.S. Marine

filled with glowing medallions, meant to be seen.

The shadows behind each Medal that's shown

Are the shadows of my fallen Brothers

  ' Tis the only reason... " they " glow.

 By Rich "Boondocker" Preston 7/22/2000




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