Seasoned Beyond Reason

Aged to imperfection
Senses dulled and eyes slightly dimmed
Mirrors of the mind still cast sharp reflections

Time has shelved histories books
The ravages of war bear no more pain
Children talk of Pokemon
The worlds future wrapped up in games

Television has taught our youth to kill
but without pain or consequence
Politicians have the best of both worlds
They are experts at straddling the fence

Do unto others as you would have done unto you
causes one to live in a fools paradise
It's the ME generation steeped in de-generation
Black and White still cannot be spliced

Simple words seldom regain simple truths
Hidden mystery in the begot, begotten and the begats
Hard to make heads or tails of anything Holy
from all those Genesis stats

We can talk of world treaties and short terms of peace,
feeding the hungry and clothing the poor
But money still talks and poverty still walks
upon our own American shores

Peace and love, honor, pride and trust
Five common cards laid upon life's table
Yet no matter how hard we try to deny the lies
We are still the Brothers and Sisters of Cain and Able

As I said, 
We are aged to imperfection!

Richard Preston 2003



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