
I must go west
this is my destiny
it lies in the west
I can't shake this feeling
west is the future
this is all I know
how far west I don't know
why to the west I don't know
all I know is west
we will meet
fulfill our future
and none will know
none can know
why me
why us
I don't know
all I know
is that this feeling
the one pulling me west
is growing stronger
soon I won't resist
the feeling will be to
west I will go
to my future
with the others
we were chosen at birth
with the knowledge we
are special
some of us are poor
some have money
some have good luck
some do not
I have met one
and he believes
he is immortal
perhaps he is right
maybe this is his power
we all have a power
but I do not know mine
we live our lives
outside looking in
we feel as if we are cursed
and meant to be exiled
we grow close to no one
perhaps this is to prepare us
or maybe we are different
the window is before us
and we cannot break it
some call us crazy
others do not call us
we live in fear
of being discovered
our secret revealed
our destiny laughed at
fear of people
fear of life
we need help
but no one knows
the pain we hide
the life we live
the feeling we dislike
the fear in our heart
we live in secret
til our service
is needed
we will live our lives
til we are called
do not pity us
we are not worthy
we live without
so others may
we know we are
but that doesn't help
we wish to live like others
without the knowledge we have
but that is the lot we drew
and we are out of luck
one day we will be needed
and you may never know
for I am one of the touched
the chosen
wanted for soul
our sacrifice is great
for we know no love
we feel as if
we are outside
looking in
everyone is having fun
and we can't find the door in
please do not help
for I believe it is us
who will help you
our lives aren't easy
as you can plainly
if we succeed
our destiny will
be complete
but others will have started
and others will have gone
if only you knew the truth
for I would love to tell you
but I know hardly none
this is life's mystery
just when it's explained
the rules are changed
just when you think your finished
you see another step to take
life is long for those who believe
but I never could
even if he chose me himself
life has been to hard for me to believe
my gift means nothing
for I may not use it
I may ignore me
calling for it is west I don't go
I like it here and I may go
because the future is not written
and I cannot accept my fate
I fear for my life
my soul as well
for once that is gone
there is nothing else to lose
life is precious
you are sheep
we chosen are the cowboys
we will fight until we die
for this is our fate
and I must go
good-bye my so-called friend
for friends are never true
and family is never around

"The Chosen"

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