For you Kadie...enjoy you big freak:P


death thru pain
torture thru open wounds
light thru dark
dark thru light
ending in pain
hurt from others
this is the deepest
the lowest
the most painful
walk away
turn from it
someone close
someone who can hurt
someone who can cuase pain without trying
someone who can stab the coldest of hearts
someone who makes their mark on your life
and the mark is eternal
you search you wander you hope
and in the end it happens again
the pain returns
the darkness comes back
you walk full circle
the weight more than you can bear
the pain more than you can handle
the hurt more than you can imagine
desire lust
nothing more
your only truth
your only way is alone
your path
your life
your way
the power of one
the power of you
this is all there is
this is all you are
there is nothing else
no one to trust
no one to love
this is all
this is it
this is everything
this is the way
the power of one
the power of me

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